OctobeRec Fest Review #2 ~ Torn from You ~ Nashoda Rose
OctobeRec Fest review #2 – woot! Thanks to Naomi from Nomi’s Reading Palace for the recommendation! And the perfect beer pairing? Shipyard Pumpkinhead! Are you seeing a theme? I do love me some pumpkin beer. This one mixes a hazy IPA with the pumpkin and it’s a lighter finish. Again, if you like pumpkin AND beer, give this one a try. Oh, and give Nashoda Rose’s Tear Asunder series a go, too! Torn from You was a gripping and emotional read. And it was a satisfying wrap-up to Emily and Logan’s (aka Sculpt) story. It had been awhile since I’d read With You, the prequel to Torn from You, so I re-read it before diving in. I’m happy I did […]