Publisher: Selfpublished

OctobeRec Fest Review #2 ~ Torn from You ~ Nashoda Rose

OctobeRec Fest Review #2 ~ Torn from You ~ Nashoda Rose

OctobeRec Fest review #2 – woot! Thanks to Naomi from Nomi’s Reading Palace for the recommendation! And the perfect beer pairing? Shipyard Pumpkinhead! Are you seeing a theme? I do love me some pumpkin beer. This one mixes a hazy IPA with the pumpkin and it’s a lighter finish. Again, if you like pumpkin AND beer, give this one a try. Oh, and give Nashoda Rose’s Tear Asunder series a go, too! Torn from You was a gripping and emotional read. And it was a satisfying wrap-up to Emily and Logan’s (aka Sculpt) story. It had been awhile since I’d read With You, the prequel to Torn from You, so I re-read it before diving in. I’m happy I did […]


Review ~ Next in Line ~ Amy Daws #unearthingabookishbounty

Review ~ Next in Line ~ Amy Daws #unearthingabookishbounty

I think I loved Next in Line even more than Wait With Me! There were plenty of laughs, of course, but there was something about Maggie that resonated with me. Witnessing the romance between her and Sam blossom was moving as well as humorous and HOT! Maggie is in Boulder on a mission. She wants to be more adventurous…to find her inner-explorer. This mission was spurred by her boyfriend calling her basic and breaking up with her. On Christmas Day. Anyway, she finds herself at a bait shop because nothing says adventurous like…ice fishing. 😉 Luckily, she happens upon a handsome guy who not only defends her honor but also agrees to serve as her guide. Sam is nothing if […]

Posted 1 September, 2020 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 5 Comments

Review ~ The Time in Between ~ Kristen Ashley

Review ~ The Time in Between ~ Kristen Ashley

I think I’ve established that I’m a sucker for second chance romance and The Time in Between is the ultimate in second chances at romance. It was a beautiful story with beautiful characters set in a beautiful locale. And it was pure Kristen Ashley. I’ve loved all the books in the Magdalene series but this one is my very favorite. Coert and Cady were once very much in love and committed to the long haul. Circumstances tore them apart and kept them apart for almost 20 years. They’re both very stubborn and Cady arriving in Coert’s hometown has him digging his heels in not wanting to listen to Cady. But Cady is determined. And those feelings from so long ago? […]


Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Gabriel Fallen ~ Nina West

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Gabriel Fallen ~ Nina West

Gabriel Fallen had me equally as riveted as its predecessor, especially since the romance between Mercy and Gabriel is really heating up. 😉 The romance is definitely heating up – and so are the feelings they’re both starting to have for each other.    Mercy is having a bit of trouble reconciling the two sides of Gabriel and her intense attraction to him. And then there’s her inability to understand why he’s do determined to have, and maybe keep?, her. I like the fact that Mercy is vulnerable and unsure of herself while also throwing smack back at Gabriel’s arrogant, smirking face. I felt NWest gave us an even deeper view of Mercy and who she is. Did your feelings […]


Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Sweet Mercy ~ Nina West

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Sweet Mercy ~ Nina West

Wowza! There is just something about NWest’s writing that immediately draws me in! Sweet Mercy had me flipping through the pages, completely absorbed in Mercy & Gabriel’s story to the very end. I felt for and admired Mercy. She’d experienced and endured so much but she didn’t let it beat her. She’s spirited and feisty and those qualities are good to have when life seems to continually hand you lemons. And then there’s her loyalty. When her dad went to prison she changed her life plans in order to help him. She’d do anything for her dad…which lands her in her current situation. 😉 What did you think about Mercy? I loved Mercy from the start! There was a certain […]


Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Rock F*ck Club #6 ~ Michelle Mankin

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Rock F*ck Club #6 ~ Michelle Mankin

What a wonderful way to wrap-up this unique series. Rock F*ck Club is all about empowering women with the ability to embrace their sexuality without fear of judgement. Each woman in the series went about their journey in different ways but all managed to find real love despite trials and tribulations along the way. This final story once again follows Josephine and Gale (my favorite couple in the series!) as they navigate past and present obstacles on their way to a future together. Jo and Gale are my favorite couple in the series, too, and I loved to see more of them here. I think this ending truly made sense, and I’m so happy Mankin went there.   I have […]


Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ After the Climb ~ Kristen Ashley

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ After the Climb ~ Kristen Ashley

You know my feelings about second chance romance, wifey, so I’m sure it’s not a surprise that I adored After the Climb. But, then, it’s KA and she had a little help from friends 😉 in writing this one. Oh! And that it released on my birthday? Sweet!! Hmm… are you one of the friends who helped out with this one?  And you know I love second chance romance at least as much as you do! Plus, KA always makes all the feels come out 🙂    Okay, so that beginning was a doozy! I don’t know if I’ve ever disliked, dare I say hated, a character as much as I do Corey. I can’t imagine the myriad emotions that […]


Review ~ Reciprocity ~ K.I. Lynn

Review ~ Reciprocity ~ K.I. Lynn

Yes! In Reciprocity, Nathan and his “beast” were back in this final installment and that made for an intense and entertaining read! But lest you think it was all about Nathan, I have to say how much I adored seeing how Lila changed – blossomed – as she healed. Her self-confidence grew and seeing her stand up for herself, in most cases, was inspiring. Reciprocity, being the finale of Nathan’s and Lila’s story, sees them enduring a few more obstacles. These particular hurdles could have life altering consequences but Nathan and Lila are stronger, especially together, and they’re out to prove they can weather any storm. Ms. Lynn gave us a treat in getting both Lila’s and Nathan’s POV for […]


Buddy Read Chat Review w/ @BerlsS ~ Mine to Hold ~ Cynthia Eden

Buddy Read Chat Review w/ @BerlsS ~ Mine to Hold ~ Cynthia Eden

After meeting Noah in the 2 previous installments, I was more than anxious to get his story in Mine to Hold. CEden had set up Noah’s love interest and I figured Claire was going to be a hard nut to crack. I was keen to watch Noah take a chance, to get to know both he and Claire better, and I was curious about the kind of danger Claire would find herself in. CEden didn’t disappoint. As much as I like Noah, Claire was the one I was excited to get to know better. She was so spunky in the last book and had been hit with so much tragedy! And the sparks between them were undeniable, so I was […]


Review: One Moment Please – Amy Daws

Review: One Moment Please – Amy Daws

One Moment Please is a humorous, hot, sweet romantic comedy, with so many charcuterie boards, and quite a bit of fun, with some darker moments. I absolutely adored One Moment Please! Lynsey was exactly my kind of heroine, she was driven, self-sufficient, resilient, smart, funny, and a charcuterie-board expert! Of course, she wasn’t perfect, but she just spoke to me on a very deep level. Her friends also totally agree with me 🙂 Josh – or Dr. Dick as Lynsey got to calling him – was an enigma at first. He was grumpy, and borderline assholey. But there was still something about him that not only drew the eye (hello good looking!), there was more than that. One Moment Please […]
