Safe & Sexy
I’ve had the idea for a feature about safe sex for a long time, ever since I had my discussion post with the same name a long time ago! And finally, Safe & Sexy was born. It’s where I will share a quote from a story I have read, and where there is a lot of hotness and sexiness, but where they still take the time to be safe! It’s important to me to read books that make me dream, but I also want them to be somewhat realistic. And to me, characters seem realistic when they take care of themselves and their partner(s)! Safe sex is a great way to do so, and when an author includes a couple of lines to share that they are indeed using condoms, I am such a happy reader. And I think it’s sexy when both new and ‘old’ lovers show that they respect each other by getting that condom, and possibly making using it both safe & sexy, hot and fun.
If you want to participate with your very own Safe & Sexy quotes, go right ahead. You can either use my feature header, or make your own, but I’d appreciate a link back to (un)Conventional Bookviews. The more the merrier, and maybe your quote will help me add a new book to my bloated TBR shelf 😉 One can never have enough books, right?
Wondering how a Safe & Sexy post could look? You can find all my posts right here 🙂