Buddy Read Chat Review w/ @BerlsS ~ Mine to Hold ~ Cynthia Eden

Posted 28 April, 2020 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 5 Comments

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Buddy Read Chat Review w/ @BerlsS ~ Mine to Hold ~ Cynthia EdenMine to Hold by Cynthia Eden
Series: Mine #3
Published by Selfpublished on October 21, 2013
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Suspense
Pages: 265
Format: eBook
Source: Kindle Purchase
4.5 Stars

She was one man’s obsession…

Nine years ago, Claire Kramer’s lover brutally killed her family, and he tried to kill her. She escaped, but she’s been haunted ever since that attack. Too afraid to trust another man and too worried that her past will catch up with her, Claire never gets too close to anyone. But then she meets Noah York.

He must have her.

Noah York is a man with secrets. The world sees him as a billionaire hotel tycoon, but Noah has a dark and dangerous side. For years, he worked covert military operations before he built his fortune. When it comes to death, Noah is a master. He knows that he should steer clear of Claire, but the white-hot attraction Noah feels for the delicate beauty is instant—and consuming.

He will never let her go.

Someone else is just as consumed by Claire—someone who will kill to possess her. And if Noah can’t stop the hunter in the darkness, he may just lose the one woman that he can’t live without.

Adult - (un)Conventional Bookviews Contemporary - (un)Conventional Bookviews

After meeting Noah in the 2 previous installments, I was more than anxious to get his story in Mine to Hold. CEden had set up Noah’s love interest and I figured Claire was going to be a hard nut to crack. I was keen to watch Noah take a chance, to get to know both he and Claire better, and I was curious about the kind of danger Claire would find herself in. CEden didn’t disappoint.

As much as I like Noah, Claire was the one I was excited to get to know better. She was so spunky in the last book and had been hit with so much tragedy! And the sparks between them were undeniable, so I was ready to see that too.  


I felt for Claire right from the start in Mine to Hold. Of course, we knew some of her background already. We knew it was next to impossible for her to trust anyone…especially a man. So that she was having to approach Noah for help… yeah, I understood her hesitation. Noah, being the alpha male he is, had everything worked out in his head for how it would be between him and Claire. I had to giggle at his reaction when Claire told him she needed a job. Her need for a job set the stage for the suspense and had me feeling even more for Claire. What did you think about Claire’s approaching Noah and his reaction? How did you feel about Claire’s need for a job and the reasons for that need?

I thought it was interesting that, despite clearly needing help way before this, she waited until she felt like she had no other options before going to Noah. I love that about her – despite everything, she had such determination to work and make it on her own. And then his reaction! I don’t know that I would have had the strength to respond the way she did. I’m a Claire fan, can you tell? 😉

As for why she needed help, that situation was such BS. As if everything that had happened to her wasn’t enough, that it was STILL happening was so awful. And I could see that happening in real life, that’s the sad part. Slut shaming, blaming the women for rape, etc – they all fall into the same category as what happened to her.  


The suspense element was so well played. I know we both were so confused! CEden is brilliant with the hints and clues leading us to false conclusions. I hated the fact that Claire hadn’t ever been able to put her past behind her – that the Harrison family kept making her relive the worst moments of her life over and over. And I admired Noah for wanting her to be free from it. But even he wasn’t certain of who the enemy was. Were you as impressed with the suspense as I was? Did you feel for Claire like I did?

I know we’ve talked about this, but golly gee whiz, CEden is a MASTER of suspense, isn’t she? Every time I think I have it figured out or am at least on the same path, I’m shocked by a new twist that makes me question everything. I felt so sorry for Claire and, like Noah, just wanted her free from it. Wouldn’t have even blamed her for doing something about it (like him). I think this was the first book by CEden where I didn’t care about who was dying (is that bad?) but just what it would mean for Claire. And of course, just the nerves of if they were also coming for her.  


The character development is another element I quite enjoyed. I only thought I knew Noah – his military history and man-whoring ways – but getting to know his backstory put things in perspective for me. He’d survived in the only way he could and he recognized a kindred spirit in Claire. Claire was also a survivor. Yes, she broke once but she put herself back together and kept facing every day. She had an inner strength I don’t think she saw in herself. Noah brought out that strength, that fight in her. I appreciated how well they complemented each other. What are your thoughts?

I couldn’t agree more. Of course, I knew there had to be more to Noah, but this story?! Whoa! I think their tragic pasts made them get each other in a special way. I loved the way Claire’s past made her doubt both herself and Noah – their feelings, their ability to feel genuine love rather than dangerous obsession – and the way that put tension on their relationship.  

I also loved that the character development for the other characters we’ve gotten to know in the series didn’t stop! It was nice to see Trace and Skye again and see them still moving forward. I wish we saw more development in their relationship. But for me, the cherry on top was Drake. I feel like we really started to get a glimpse of him in this book. What do you think of the other characters roles? Oh and I loved the detective couple… can we see more of them please? 

I loved getting to see Trace and Skye and that Skye immediately drew Claire into the club. I hope CEden continues with giving us glimpses of or incorporating the others back into the new stories. These guys are a family so it makes sense to see them working things out together. As for Drake, well I mention him in a later question but YES! He was something else. I still don’t think I really know him that well but we did get little peeks at who he is. And I can’t wait to get to see all of him! 😉 Ooh, and the detective couple too. That was such a nice touch, I thought. Hopefully we’ll see them again.


The romance was HOT. Noah and Claire were like spark to flame. The awareness they had of each other, the trust they instinctively felt for the other… when they, um, connected 😉 they were combustible. Outside the bedroom (or away from windows) I admired Noah for letting Claire bite back. She wasn’t going to let him lord over her and make all the decisions and he. although not used to it, took it in stride. What did you think about their romance?

Oh yes, it was combustible! I loved that Claire had such a strong instinct to protect Noah, instead of just Noah wanting to protect her. I just love the way she didn’t let herself ever seem fragile. Like at the party, when he made that announcement… she was pissed, but strong. I love that about her. And that they had that push back and forth in their relationship. It was not all roses and butterflies, so to speak.   


The ending was the cherry on top! I NEVER saw it coming! It solidified, for me, CEden’s talent with romantic suspense as well as her place as one of my new favorite authors. I’m more than a little eager for Drake’s story. He’s someone I want to explore and I can’t wait to see where CEden goes with him. Next buddy read?

OMG the ending! I remember thinking, oh I’m basically done and then NOPE not hardly! Yes, absolutely cannot wait for Drake’s story. His role in this book made me even more curious about him! 


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Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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5 responses to “Buddy Read Chat Review w/ @BerlsS ~ Mine to Hold ~ Cynthia Eden

  1. Maureen Bakker

    Wow.. this book sounds amazing. I’m glad you guys loved it!
    I’ll be off bying the first book now. 😉

  2. ailynk

    i do like a death- defying man-whore. Though he is very intriguing, he still can’t help being a knight to a damsel in distress XD

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