Category: Reviews

The Time Weaver – Thomas A. Knight

The Time Weaver – Thomas A. Knight

*I received a free ARC of The Time Weaver from DragonWing Publishing via Manic Readers in exchange of an honest review* This review of The Time Weaver was originally posted at Risque Reviews on July 6th 2012. The Time Weaver grabbed me from the first line and hauled me inside a crazy world, on a wild ride! I have rarely felt so connected with the main character after just the first line, and I just had to turn the page, see what would happen next, and continue to be amazed. The words are wielded with the same sure elegance Seth learns his magic. Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of […]


Fifty Shames of Earl Grey (Fifty Shames #1) – Fanny Merkin aka Andrew Shaffer

Fifty Shames of Earl Grey (Fifty Shames #1) – Fanny Merkin aka Andrew Shaffer

*I received a free ARC of Fifty Shames of Earl Grey from DaCapo Press  via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review* I read the first couple of chapters of Fifty Shames of Earl Grey when they were on Shaffer’s blog, and I found the writing to be hilarious! This whole book is fan-fricking-tastic. The snark goes from win to win, and I couldn’t read more than a few sentences at a time without laughing (sometimes, it was every single sentence). And the way it pokes fun at every thing in pop culture from literature to music to strange sexual fixations is way excellent. Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive […]


Her Surprise Sister (Texas Twins #1) – Marta Perry

Her Surprise Sister (Texas Twins #1) – Marta Perry

*I got a free ARC of Her Surprise Sister from Love Inspired via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.*   Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe Join 6,926 other subscribers


Review: Once Burned (Night Prince #1) – Jeaniene Frost

Review: Once Burned (Night Prince #1) – Jeaniene Frost

In Once Burned, Leila started out like just a weird young woman with a strange power, but she quickly grew to become a very strong opponent, even against powerful vampires! The way she found out that she could link to vampires, and that those who could read minds could talk back at her was hilarious, and I loved how she never flinched in the face of danger. Jeanine Frost always manages to make her female protagonists strong, level-headed and real. I think one of the things I loved the most about Leila was that she used to be a gymnast, and that she turned her childhood bullies’ nick-name for her into a new identity she could use to strengthen herself. […]


Sterling (Mageri #1) – Dannika Dark

Sterling (Mageri #1) – Dannika Dark

Sterling was an amazing read! Extremely well written, a completely new world that made sense little by little, and intriguing and very likeable characters! Zoë was a normal 29-year-old until one night she decided to take a short-cut home, where she was attacked and thought she died. She woke up in a body bag – completely panicked, after getting out of the bag and the ambulance, she ran like the devil was after her, until Adam found her. Adam and Zoë formed a tentative friendship, although she woke up looking completely different from what she looked before. There was also a whole lot of great humour, I laughed so hard in many places, I need to go through my status […]


Review: Forever and a Day (Lucky Harbor #6) – Jill Shalvis

Review: Forever and a Day (Lucky Harbor #6) – Jill Shalvis

*I got a free copy of Forever and a Day from the Grand Central via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.*  Forever and a Day is my favorite Lucky Harbor novel, I like it even more than I liked At last! Grace is a little clumsy, but such a cute heroine anyway, and Scott is the forbidding doctor who thinks he doesn’t have time for love. Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe Join 6,926 other subscribers


Review: Before I Wake (Soul Screamers #6) – Rachel Vincent

Review: Before I Wake (Soul Screamers #6) – Rachel Vincent

Before I Wake had absolutely everything I could have wanted to make it a great book! Kaylee finally figuring out what it means to be an extractor as well as a bean sidhe, Tod and Kaylee growing closer, and Kaylee fighting with all she has to save her friends and family. Before I wake is exciting, and at the same time very sweet and romantic. Filled with action and fast paced, I could not click ‘next page’ quick enough. When Kaylee returns to school, it is very difficult for her to deal with all the attention. Nash and Sabine do not want to talk to her, and the only real friend she has in school is Em. The contrast between […]


Chasing Magic (Downside Ghosts #5) – Stacia Kane

Chasing Magic (Downside Ghosts #5) – Stacia Kane

Chasing Magic had me going: Oh my goodness! Chessiebomb – you are so damaged, and I can’t help but loving you anyway. Chess is always fighting her demons, and most of the time, she truly does do the right thing. She tries so hard to be good, but underneath it all is that lack of self-worth that has been instilled in her since she was only a little girl. Even just the hinting of what she has been through is really heavy stuff, and I hope that one day, she will feel worthy of the love she and Terrible shares. Terrible is terribly wonderful (heh, see what I did there?) he is always on Chess’ side, and even comes to […]


Review: Infamous (Chronicles of Nick #3) – Sherrilyn Kenyon

Review: Infamous (Chronicles of Nick #3) – Sherrilyn Kenyon

Infamous was not as satisfying as I had hoped it would be when I started reading. It really felt like a filler book. There was not a lot of progress being made, Nick was younger than in the other instalments, and he was learning little by little what his powers were, or would become. Also, neither Nick or the readers know who he can trust, except for the obvious people, being his mom, Acheron and Kyrian. At the same time, knowing that Nick from the future is coming to give advice to young Nick in the book it is difficult to know exactly how the relationship between Ash and Nick will develop. I usually love it when someone is able […]


The Next Best Thing – Jennifer Weiner

The Next Best Thing – Jennifer Weiner

*I received a free ARC of The Next Best Thing from Atria Books via netgalley in exchange of an honest review.* The Next Best Thing is simply delightful! It’s the only word I can use to describe it accurately. It tickled my funny bones, tugged at my heartstrings and made me root for Ruthie from the first sentence. All of the main characters seem so real to me that I wish they existed in real life. Ruthie needs a girlfriend, and I want to be that for her. Ruthie has gone through a lot more hard times than most people, but she never lets herself give up. When bad things happen, she will cry and mope, and then get herself […]
