Fifty Shames of Earl Grey (Fifty Shames #1) – Fanny Merkin aka Andrew Shaffer

Posted 6 July, 2012 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 0 Comments

Fifty Shames of Earl Grey (Fifty Shames #1) – Fanny Merkin aka Andrew ShafferFifty Shames of Earl Grey by Andrew Schaffer, Fanny Merkin
Series: Fifty Shames #1
Published by DaCapo Press on 10 July 2012
Genres: Adult, Parody
Pages: 224
Source: Netgalley
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5 Stars

Fifty Shames of Earl Grey is a hilarious parody of another book where shades of gray are mentioned. The way everything in pop-culture gets poked at, and the excellent way of twisting preconceived images were expertly done. Anna and Earl are both quite pathetic, but that only makes things funnier. Anna travels by bike - even on the highway, and it doesn't take her long to get from one point to the next, while Earl is flying a helicopter to catch her.

*I received a free ARC of Fifty Shames of Earl Grey from DaCapo Press  via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review*

I read the first couple of chapters of Fifty Shames of Earl Grey when they were on Shaffer’s blog, and I found the writing to be hilarious!

This whole book is fan-fricking-tastic. The snark goes from win to win, and I couldn’t read more than a few sentences at a time without laughing (sometimes, it was every single sentence). And the way it pokes fun at every thing in pop culture from literature to music to strange sexual fixations is way excellent.

I am not sure what was the most funny: that Anna’s last name was Steal, as if she was going to steal something from someone; the fact that Anna never stopped bitching about Kathleen, even if Kathleen was sick when Anna went to interview Earl Grey – cycling on the highway from Portland to Seattle; that Anna’s inner voice was her guidette; that Jin might have the right to fall in love with her son when the son grew up – or not; that a band playing at a charity event was called the Snow Dragons. It just went from laugh to laugh, and just thinking of it now, I keep laughing.

The story certainly had all the hype down to pat, and knew exactly how to twist something to make it even funnier than it should have the right to be, from Earl’s fifty shames (that are enumerated at the end of the book) to Anna finding it ridiculous to feel shame about such things.

This is a must-read! Even if you loved the books being mocked, I’m quite sure you’ll love this – both the voice and the language, the characters and the poking fun in mysterious ways made it such a quick read and at the same time so much fun I have to create a *must-read-again-real-soon* shelf on Goodreads!

One of my very own shames is that I now want to kneel and bow to Fifty Shames of Earl Grey and say “I’m not worthy, I’m not worthy” but I’m not going to do that – first of all, it would greatly give away my age, and secondly, it just sounds really stupid;)

Come on, go get your own copy of Fifty Shames of Earl Grey – I know you want to see if Fanny Merkin / Andrew Schaffer  can make you laugh as well.

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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0 responses to “Fifty Shames of Earl Grey (Fifty Shames #1) – Fanny Merkin aka Andrew Shaffer

  1. I haven't read 50 Shades, but I still loved it. Since 50 Shades is based on Twilight, I think if you've read Twilight it's enough.I had read a little bit about 50 Shades though, like that it started out as fanfiction. I'd just try it if I were you 🙂

  2. I haven't read 50 Shades, but I still loved it. Since 50 Shades is based on Twilight, I think if you've read Twilight it's enough.I had read a little bit about 50 Shades though, like that it started out as fanfiction. I'd just try it if I were you 🙂

  3. I don't really have the time to participate in the liebster thing, but thanks for nominating me :)Have a great weekend yourself!

  4. Yeah, if you need a good laugh, this book should do it! Thanks for stopping by and following my blog.Have a beautiful weekend.

  5. Yeah, if you need a good laugh, this book should do it! Thanks for stopping by and following my blog.Have a beautiful weekend.

  6. Thanks for following, Lexxie. I read on your about section, your are studying English, that is great. I'm thinking about going back to college.Following via GFCJess@ Jessy's Bookends

  7. Fifty Shades is based on Twilight? Huh? Having read all the Twilights and all the Fifty Shades I have no idea where you got that idea

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