Category: Reviews

Let it Bleed (WVMP Radio #3.5) – Jeri Smith-Ready

Let it Bleed (WVMP Radio #3.5) – Jeri Smith-Ready

Let it Bleed is a novella in the WVMP Radio series. And, Yes! I totally loved this little installment of the WVMP radio crowd! I feel like fangirl-squeeing, but I’ll try to keep it to a minimum 😀 We learnt a lot about Ciara’s actual blood family in this story, and all the things she missed out on because her dad took her away from them, and never told her about them.We also learn quite a few new thing about Ciara’s new family, and how awful at least one of them are! Ciara had to go through a lot of pain in her first few weeks as a vampire, though, and it’s amazing that she uhm un-survived? survived? stayed un-dead […]


At Last (Lucky Harbor #5) – Jill Shalvis

At Last (Lucky Harbor #5) – Jill Shalvis

*I got a free ARC of At Last from Forever via netgalley in exchange of an honest review* At Last is sweet, hot, romantic, delightful and touching. Amy is so sweet and insecure, even if she is hiding behind a pretty tough armour not to show what she is feeling at any time. Matt is hot – good thing he only exists in a story, or I might have had to try to find Lucky Harbor on a map and go on a trip *grins* The chocolate quotes at the beginning of each chapter had me each time – so funny, and oh so accurate. Chocolate can solve almost any problem that can ever arise. I love how both Amy […]


Tangle of Need (Psy-Changeling #11) – Nalini Singh

Tangle of Need (Psy-Changeling #11) – Nalini Singh

Tangle of Need left me in a tangle of confusion! I am not completely sure how I feel about this instalment.  It took me several days to read, which is not usual for me, and I felt less connected with the characters as well.  The story was really filler material, nothing really important happened, there was no huge show-down between the changelings and their enemies, and the great love story of Riaz and Adria didn’t hit me in the gut like most of the other couples have. I thought that both Riaz and Adria seemed pretty shallow and juvenile, which is strange when you think about what their position in the pack is.   I think my main criticism is […]


Bitterblue (Graceling Realm #3) – Kristin Cashore

Bitterblue (Graceling Realm #3) – Kristin Cashore

Bitterblue was awesome, but I have to start with saying that I love this amazing world of the Graceling Realm and the seven Kingdoms.  I think I actually preferred this final book in the series, both because characters from prior books showed up again and because Bitterblue was such a great heroine.   Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe Join 6,926 other subscribers


Insurgent (Divergent #2) – Veronica Roth

Insurgent (Divergent #2) – Veronica Roth

Insurgent is a great continuation of Divergent. The characters continue to make sense, and we learn more about the society and why it became the way it is. I loved this book, the way Four and Tris had to deal with the aftermath of the huge simulation war, and wondering what was going to happen next was exciting and kept me firmly attached to my kindle for the whole narrative. Their little stay at Amity was strange to say the least, and Tris had to find out the hard way how things were always seemingly so peaceful there. Again, I love how Tris and Four continue to go to each other to feel reassured, even if they are also both […]


Pure Healing – Aja James

Pure Healing – Aja James

*I received a free copy from the author in exchange of an honest review* Pure Healing started out really well, there are vampires, pure ones, humans, a very young pure Queen, a protector and a healer who uses some kind of magic, and has a very special way of sustaining herself.  The premise is very interesting as it gives a new take on vampires and other mythical creatures we may or may not have heard about before. Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe Join 6,926 other subscribers


Review: Shadowspell (Faeriewalker #2) – Jenna Black

Review: Shadowspell (Faeriewalker #2) – Jenna Black

Oh Dana, how naive you were in your bargain!  I was sure the way it was worded meant exactly what it meant, but I had no idea just how bad things would be, even if she decides later herself to actually go through with it. Shadowspell did show Dana’s growth, though. This had a lot more action, and apart from being to naive in one instance, Dana was great!  She already grew a lot in the first book, and in this, that growth continued.  I love that she has a girlfriend, although Kimber was less present than in Glimmerglass. Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by […]


Shine (Shade #3) – Jeri Smith-Ready

Shine (Shade #3) – Jeri Smith-Ready

Shine is the perfect finale to the Shade series! Oh my sweet goodness!  The first chapter almost killed me!  I was sitting on the edge of my couch, my eyes as big as saucers, my reaction the same as Aura’s : ‘No! No, that just can’t be true! Not Zach! No!!!!’ *sob* I almost did a Joey and put my book in the freezer, but that just wouldn’t do! For two reasons – one- I had to know what was going to happen, even if I was devastated – two – I have a kindle, and I don’t think it would have taken it kindly if I had left it in the freezer. It didn’t take me long at all […]


Finding Magic (Downside Ghosts # 0.5) – Stacia Kane

Finding Magic (Downside Ghosts # 0.5) – Stacia Kane

Before I started reading Finding Magic: I need something to keep me from going into withdrawal while I wait for the next Downside Ghosts novel! A few minutes after I finished reading Finding Magic : YAY this was an awesome novella, and I usually don’t even like shorter stories all that much. The only thing I’m a little confused about is Jillian… I thought she and Chess had never met before in a later book. I think a re-read is what I need right now 🙂 Chess is even more damaged than I thought she was, and I feel so sorry for her! It was great to see how she acted before she became a ‘real’ church-witch, and how her relationship […]


Amazing Grace – Eve Gaddy

Amazing Grace – Eve Gaddy

*I received a free ARC of Amazing Grace from Netgalley* Amazing Grace is a sweet contemporary romance, which takes place in Hell, Texas. Max decides early on that Gracie is not a part of a human trafficking ring, but he still can’t tell her what his real job is. Something is not right at the Sherriff’s office, and he has to find out what it is. Max and Gracie play a little game of seduction, and although Gracie is very inexperienced and Max is a bit of a player, Gracie manages to catch him completely off guard. Some very hot moments ensue, I had to stop reading for a while when I was in public because I got a little […]
