The Sunday Post #35 – Music Week

Posted 14 June, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Memes, Wrap-up Posts / 47 Comments

The Sunday Post - (un)Conventional Bookviews

The Sunday Post #35 – Weekly Wrap-up

Welcome to my Sunday Post. Thank you to Kimba over at The Caffeinated Reviewer, who is hosting this weekly event. It is the perfect opportunity to share what happened here on my own blog, as well as some of the happenings elsewhere in the Blogosphere.

Even without having to work this week, it was still quite busy, with meetings both during the day, and in the evening. That’s what I get for always agreeing to take part in different commissions. At the same time, I do enjoy being in on the decision-making, but I am definitely stepping down from a few for the next academic year. I also finally got the new battery for my electric bike, so I’ve been able to get places by bike again and that definitely feels very good!

It has been an amazing week when it comes to music, too! Muse released their new album Drones, and I absolutely love it. Florence and the Machine released a new album as well, How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful… and it’s really good! So I’ve been listening to both those albums quite a lot this week, hoping either group will perform a concert near Geneva before too long. Also, my youngest son (13) had a really cool music project at school for the past two years – orchestra in class – where all the students borrowed a string instrument, cello, viola or bass and they learned to play so many great songs. My son played the cello for two years, and he had never played a string instrument before they started this project. On Friday, they had their final concert and they were truly fantastic!

I finished grading my papers on Monday, and overall my students did quite well, I hope they all will pass the year without any trouble – the system here is really strict! They can only have a maximum of two subjects with an under average grade, and their overall average grade still has to be B+, and the total beneath average cannot be more than a B-. And since there’s no summer school or extra test they can take before the new school year, those who ‘fail’ have to actually do the whole year over.

This week’s posts:

This week’s reviews:

Elsewhere in the Blogosphere:

I absolutely loved Jeann @ Happy Indulgence’s review of Finding Audrey!

Brandee @ Bookworm Brandee has a discussion about what books To Keep or Not to Keep.

Lola @ Lola’s Reviews wonders Why Do You Want to Read a Book?

Felicia @ The Geeky Blogger talks about how Audiobooks Have Been a Part of My Life Since the 70s.

What have you been up to this past week? Don’t forget to leave me a link so I can come visit your Sunday Post as well.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend, and that next week will be filled with awesome!

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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47 responses to “The Sunday Post #35 – Music Week

  1. Berls

    How much better it would be if our system was like yours! Here kids get passed along so easily, they start to think they’re entitled to success without trying in life – makes for a brutal wakeup call when they get to the real world, especially since the educational system has failed them so often 🙁 But on a happier note, yay for all the music! I always wanted to play a stringed instrument, so I’m a wee bit envious 😉 Hope you get a more relaxing week Lexxie, I think you’ve earned it!

    Berls recently posted: My TBR List | June 2015 Results
    • I agree that school shouldn’t be too easy, Berls, but for a student who is just slightly under average in one subject, I feel like they should have the possibility to study during the summer and take an exam to see if they were able to improve. A whole year over, where they also have to be in class for the subject where they got A’s is pretty tough! But at the same time, it also does make them work really, really hard.
      I was able to try the cello, as my son brought it home with him every day. It’s a beautiful instrument, and he says he’s going to really miss it. We’ll have to see if there’s a chance he’d have the time to continue. Unfortunately, that’s going to be really difficult, as he’s starting junior high this fall, and school is going to be a lot of work!
      Have a great Sunday, Berls 🙂

  2. I wish the same as Berls, our system is really decreasing in quality. Kids pass classes easily and don’t seem to learn what working is, which isn’t helped by how they seem to be acting in class, all rude and careless. Fortunately, my own daughters are doing well, but I can’t help but wonder what will be the lives of all those who are let down by the system, and they are plenty…
    I’ll have to listen to Muse and Florence, I adore Muse (especially the earlier albums) and I enjoy listening to Florence. Her universe/videos makes me think a little about Kate Bush.
    Well, enjoy your bike and the music, have a fantastic week – bises 😉

    • I think the fact that some parents let their kids get away with anything and everything is a big problem in education.
      My kids are doing quite well too, but my two youngest are dyslexic, so it takes them a very, very long time to be able to read or write things down when they have tests.
      Both new albums are amazing, Iza, Muse has a sound that is closer to that of their earlier albums, and I’m loving it!
      Bises 🙂

    • Well, literacy can be a problem when it comes to dyslexia, and kids who suffer from dyslexia have help, in form of more time, the possibility to use a computer to write their answers (so that their spelling / syntax problems won’t impede on their ability to actually know and show that they can answer the question asked).
      I agree that high school learnings are very important. What I’ve done in university isn’t what I use that much in daily life – apart from when I’m teaching my students how to write an essay 😉

  3. I’m glad your students are doing well. Like the others I like the idea of having to work hard to pass and not cruising through.

    I hope your next week is filled with awesome as well!


    Deborah recently posted: Weekly check-in
  4. Your education system does sound tough, Lexxie. I think kids need to accountable, but like you I think if they’ve managed A’s and are just slightly below average in one class they should have the opportunity to work on that over the summer.

    The music program sounds great. Our kids all played instruments in school and it was such a good part of their school years. I hope you have a good reading week along with your meetings. And enjoy your bike!

    Jan @ Notes from a Readerholic recently posted: Sunday Post: Jun 14
    • Yeah, being accountable is definitely important, Jan, and it’s not easy navigating the world as an adult, so they should also learn to work hard.
      The music program is so great! I loved seeing how the kids improved over just two short school-years 🙂

  5. Sounds like you had a busy week with all those comissions. And that’s nice you got a new batery for your electric bike. I only have a normal bike, cycling is pretty normal here in the Netherlands, although I often prefer to walk somewhere if it’s close by.
    That’s good to hear your student did well on their test. Let’s hope they all pass. Here we have a 1-10 grading system instead of A, B etc, so that always confuses me a bit. But beside that it sounds similar to grading here.
    Hope you have a great week 🙂

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #130
    • Yeah, but isn’t the Netherlands pretty flat? A lot of people cycle everywhere here as well, but because we have quite a steep up-hill road to get into town, I need the battery just to boost me a little bit, so I don’t look like I come straight from a workout 😉
      We have a 1-6 grading system, where students need a 4 to pass their class… But Uni has a very handy grade conversion table I used to convert to the American system.

      • Yeah the Netherlands is very flat, especially compared to switzerland. I wouldn’t want to cycle there, especially up-hill I think that electric bike is very handy. I would be exhausted trying to cycle up those mountains there. Here you don’t see as much electric bikes probably because it’s easier to cycle here.

        Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #130
  6. So much wrong with our school system and it would be nice if they had a more strict system. It would pretty push kids to want to learn instead of falling behind and being pushed through because no one wants to teach them. Also most of the school eduction plan is all for the stupid state testing which does nothing for the kids only benefits the amount of money the school will get. It seriously sets the kids up to fail.

    I want an electric bike! It would be so fun to zip around to the store on it! I can’t even take my regular bike anyplace because someone would probably steal it. It’s hard living next to a town with a very high crime rate! (I can’t wait to move, one day)

    Have a great week, Lexxie! Enjoy all your new reads! (I saw the post yesterday) 😉

    Michelle@Because Reading recently posted: GUESS WHAT! ~WIR & TSP
    • Oh, I agree that if they fail several classes it’s only fair that they should re-do that grade, but if they have over average in all classes but one or two, it would be great if they’d be given a second chance before having to do it over again.

      I have two big locks for my bike to make sure it’ll still be there when I get back to cycle back home 😉 But it’s really nice to be able to use it again, maybe I’ll be able to get myself back in shape!

  7. That’s a tough grading system. Our county school system is actually quite good. Not so tough on grades but they have lots of opportunities for struggling kids. They helped my son tremendously and the teachers even called me to talk and make suggestions.They have rules about not singling out and helping a child in the classroom but they find ways around that:) And music is a wonderful thing, isn’t it? I used to play the violin, but so many years have gone by now, I can’t remember much besides the love of holding it.

    • Having a good system for children who have different struggles than just being kids is really good! I’m thankful that we have that as well, Laura.
      Music is awesome! I played the piano and the trumpet when I was younger, but like you, I haven’t really played in a long time 🙁

  8. It’s always nice when great new music comes out. The electric bike sound great, I could use one of those. 🙂

    Your education system does sound strict, I hope your students all do well. There’s a lot of angst about education here in the States, always a work in progress. Our system is pretty good but I know not all districts are. And things can always be better.

    Have a fabulous week!

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #95
    • Yeah the electric bike is awesome! It permits me to be able to arrive somewhere and not look like I’ve worked out and gone straight there 🙂
      My students have done pretty well in English, but I know two who have failing grades in math, so I hope I’ll be able to plead for them to be able to take the year over, but maybe only come to English class when there is a test.

  9. That’s a strict system indeed. It is a shame that a child has to re-do the whole year if they just miss. Our system here in the US needs improvement but maybe not as rigid as yours. The music program sounds wonderful though, what a fantastic idea.

    Good luck weeding out some commissions and taking advantage of the freed up time.

  10. I´m so impressed by how many books you read every week although your days are so busy 🙂 Her blir det også en travel uke med skoleavslutninger og alt som hører til. Jenta mi på snart 13 har også dysleksi, og det er med skrekkblandet fryd hun tenker på at hun skal begynne på ungdomsskolen. Heldigvis har vi hatt gode erfaringer med skolen så langt, og håper det fortsetter sånn. Ønsker deg en herlig leseuke 🙂

    • I’m not sure how I do it, Anette, but usually I read about one book per day… But I don’t watch TV much, not even every week…
      Det kommer sikkert til å gå bra på ungdomskolen også! Hva slags hjelp har hun krav på? Sønnen min kan ha med sin egen bærbare datamaskin, og han har også krav på lenger tid til prøver, at noen leser spørsmålene til ham og forsikrer seg om at han har forstått.
      Ha en herlig leseuke du og 🙂

    • It’s definitely nice when my students do well, Sharon, and even more it’s really great when I explain something (mostly in grammar) and someone raises their hand to say they don’t understand, then I explain it in a different way, and I can see the light come on in their eyes.
      I think it’s really bad when parents and or students have to actually pay tutors on top of everything else 🙁
      Have a great week Sharon.

  11. That really IS a strict system. I can understand parts of it, but doing a whole year over? That’s crazy! I’m glad your students all seem to be doing well. And that’s cool about your son. I wish I could play an instrument. I don’t have any new albums, but I did make a mix c.d. of some female fronted songs I’m really loving like “Nobody Love” – Tori Kelly, “Ex’s and Oh’s” – Elle King, etc.

    ShootingStarsMag recently posted: Favorite Color Swap Reveal!
    • I think doing the whole year over if a student has failed in three or more subjects is a good thing – or if they fail an exam just before classes start again in the fall.
      Sounds like you’ve gotten a pretty nice playlist there, I have to prepare some for myself, too 🙂

  12. We’re going to have to chat so you can tell me what decision-making you’ve recently been a part of. 🙂 I’m glad I’m going out today since I didn’t know Muse was releasing a new album. But I must snatch that up! I’m so happy your son’s concert was so lovely. Isn’t it amazing what our kids can accomplish? I always wanted a cello player but the closest I have is a violinist. Sky is always talking about how much better the grading system in Europe is compared to here. Sometimes (alright, a lot of times) I wish the US could get over their superiority complex and realize that there are better ways of doing things…even if ‘we’ didn’t think of it. :/ I’m glad you had a great week, even if it was so busy, Lexxie. And I hope this week will be wonderful and a bit more relaxing for you. 😉 **BIG HUGS**

    • Oh yes, we can definitely chat about the decision-making I’ll be a part of 🙂 The class councils are taking place next week, and I look forward to learning how they will unfold. Hopefully, I’ll be able to help my students who are in trouble in other subjects than English.
      This week will be much more relaxing, my nephew is coming from Norway on Thursday, staying here for ten days. My two oldest are really happy he’ll be here, because they both lived with him (and his parents and sister) while they went to school in Norway.
      I hope we’ll be able to catch up chatting this week, Brandee! *BIG HUGS*

  13. That is kind of strict but if it was like that over here maybe we would have some smarter peeps out there! Here they get tired of you they just pass you brother even though he was smarter than he let on wouldn’t try and they just kept passing him even though his grades were horrible..just to get rid of was like let someone else deal with it…and they wonder why so many people here are doing so bad.

    Hope your having a great week! 🙂 Hope all your kids pass!

    Stormi recently posted: Audiobook review of Broken
    • Passing someone in order to ‘pass the problem’ sounds really awful, Stormi! And very wrong, too! I think our school system is pretty good, however, there are some students who are just really good in languages for example, and not so good when it comes to science. Both are important, but it just seems like some of those kids could really benefit from summer school rather than having to do a full year over.

  14. I could’ve sworn that I had already stopped by! Anyway, thank you for stopping my blog.

    You have a great music taste, I’m so out of the loop lately with music. I am going to see Brand New three times in September with my boyfriend though. Good luck with all the marking you’re doing and I hope you have a lovely week.

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