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Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Teach Me ~ Nina West #seriesinamonth

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Teach Me ~ Nina West #seriesinamonth

I have to admit that I hated leaving Alaska in this installment but I appreciated what being in Pennsylvania did for Abbi and Henry. I’m so in love with their story! Yeah, me, too! I loved the way they were kind of enclosed in Alaska, but with scrutinizing eyes everywhere. Being in Pennsylvania changed a lot of things, and it showed us just how much Henry cares.   The reason for Abbi’s need to go home – her dad’s accident – and how Henry dealt with it had me vacillating between fear and hope. Fear and hope both for Abbi’s dad and for her relationship with Henry. I fell for Henry a little bit more due to his actions. How […]


Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Break Me ~ Nina West #seriesinamonth

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Break Me ~ Nina West #seriesinamonth

Break Me in some ways, well, broke me. Not to worry though. NWest repaired the damage. LOL Ha! Nice pun, wifey 🙂 Okay, I’m going to start with the shit-storm swirling around Henry. There’s the stress of the hotel opening and having to schmooze people…namely women. Then there’s his dad and asshole brother arriving and said brother trying to stir up trouble. And then there’s the matter of allegations made by Henry’s former assistant. This all causes problems for Abbi and Henry’s fledgling romance. I know that Henry tried to explain things to Abbi, to prepare her for the things she might see and/or hear, but I felt like he should have known better. Yes, he’s used to being with […]


Bookworm Bites ~ Masters & Mercenaries #1-3 ~ Lexi Blake

Bookworm Bites ~ Masters & Mercenaries #1-3 ~ Lexi Blake

The Dom Who Loved Me was a wild ride of an introduction to this series. LBlake deftly set up the cast of characters who inhabit this world while also delivering a fast-paced, suspenseful story and romance. Grace was a likeable character who essentially lived for her job after having lost her husband. Unfortunately, or fortunately 😉 her boss might be into some shady dealings that require McKay-Taggert investigating. Enter Sean Taggert. While Sean may be undercover, his developing feelings for Grace are not. And there’s no better setup for an explosive romance than danger. Then throw in some BDSM and HOT DAMN! 😀 I really enjoyed Grace and Sean as characters. They both experienced emotional growth over the course of […]


Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ After the Climb ~ Kristen Ashley

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ After the Climb ~ Kristen Ashley

You know my feelings about second chance romance, wifey, so I’m sure it’s not a surprise that I adored After the Climb. But, then, it’s KA and she had a little help from friends 😉 in writing this one. Oh! And that it released on my birthday? Sweet!! Hmm… are you one of the friends who helped out with this one?  And you know I love second chance romance at least as much as you do! Plus, KA always makes all the feels come out 🙂    Okay, so that beginning was a doozy! I don’t know if I’ve ever disliked, dare I say hated, a character as much as I do Corey. I can’t imagine the myriad emotions that […]


Review ~ Reciprocity ~ K.I. Lynn

Review ~ Reciprocity ~ K.I. Lynn

Yes! In Reciprocity, Nathan and his “beast” were back in this final installment and that made for an intense and entertaining read! But lest you think it was all about Nathan, I have to say how much I adored seeing how Lila changed – blossomed – as she healed. Her self-confidence grew and seeing her stand up for herself, in most cases, was inspiring. Reciprocity, being the finale of Nathan’s and Lila’s story, sees them enduring a few more obstacles. These particular hurdles could have life altering consequences but Nathan and Lila are stronger, especially together, and they’re out to prove they can weather any storm. Ms. Lynn gave us a treat in getting both Lila’s and Nathan’s POV for […]


Buddy Read Chat Review w/ @BerlsS ~ Mine to Hold ~ Cynthia Eden

Buddy Read Chat Review w/ @BerlsS ~ Mine to Hold ~ Cynthia Eden

After meeting Noah in the 2 previous installments, I was more than anxious to get his story in Mine to Hold. CEden had set up Noah’s love interest and I figured Claire was going to be a hard nut to crack. I was keen to watch Noah take a chance, to get to know both he and Claire better, and I was curious about the kind of danger Claire would find herself in. CEden didn’t disappoint. As much as I like Noah, Claire was the one I was excited to get to know better. She was so spunky in the last book and had been hit with so much tragedy! And the sparks between them were undeniable, so I was […]


Buddy Read Chat Review ~ Picture Perfect Lie ~ Marquita Valentine #COYER @sophiarose1816

Buddy Read Chat Review ~ Picture Perfect Lie ~ Marquita Valentine  #COYER @sophiarose1816

A new element in the latest edition of COYER was buddy reading. I was lucky enough to get Sophia Rose (Delighted Reader) to buddy read with me. We had several books in common on our TBR shelves so we let make the decision for us. Picture Perfect Lie by Marquita Valentine was the winner. And I think it’s safe to say it was a winner of a read for us both. 🙂 Here’s our chat…   Picture Perfect Lie was such a sweet story! I was immediately smitten with Knight when he quickly stepped into help Campbell with her infant daughter, Hazel, while waiting out weather delays and cancellations at an airport. Yes, we later learned this was his […]


Buddy Read Chat Review w/Berls ~ Mine to Keep ~ Cynthia Eden @BerlsS

Buddy Read Chat Review w/Berls ~ Mine to Keep ~ Cynthia Eden @BerlsS

Mine to Keep started off a little more slowly than its predecessor but it didn’t take too long to draw me in. Once I was hooked I was flying through the pages while biting my nails. CEden impressed me with her suspense in the first installment but she amped up the tension in this one. And she kept me in the dark the entire time! I so agree! I think that the tension in Mine to Take was that you were constantly misdirected on the culprit. In Mine to Keep, the tension was that I was clueless! I knew who it COULDN’T be and was pretty confident that they were wrong on a couple of their suspects. But I never […]

Posted 19 February, 2020 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 3 Comments

Buddy Read Chat Review w/Berls ~ Mine to Take ~ Cynthia Eden #COYER

Buddy Read Chat Review w/Berls ~ Mine to Take ~ Cynthia Eden #COYER

We both were hooked at the prologue. It was the last few sentences that did it for me. Having finished, I’m still curious about who the speaker was. What hooked you? And if it was the same thing, are you still curious as well? Ditto! It hooked me and quite literally gave me chills. Even now, rereading it, I get chills because, yeah, I don’t know who it is!!! And I want to know why she clearly didn’t remember that moment (if she had, there would be no mystery… Or a different one) and will she in a future book? Do you think CEden left it deliberately unresolved?  I hadn’t thought about her leaving it unresolved on purpose. That’s totally […]


Review ~ The MacKinnon’s Bride ~ Tanya Anne Crosby #COYER

Review ~ The MacKinnon’s Bride ~ Tanya Anne Crosby #COYER

I read The MacKinnon’s Bride as part of the Honoring Lost Friends RaT. It was on both my list (I owned it) and Tiffany’s list. I enjoyed my introduction to Tanya Anne Crosby and will read more of her. I happen to own a few…go figure. 😉 What Worked: Characters Both Iain and Page were well-drawn, compelling characters. TACrosby did well in giving them both histories that meant they had trouble opening their hearts to others. Their pasts and the subsequent effects on their personalities made me curious about and sympathetic toward them both. They were each strong, resilient, loyal, and compassionate. And I was cheering for the blossoming romance. Mystery/Intrigue From the start I was interested in Iain’s deceased […]
