Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Teach Me ~ Nina West #seriesinamonth

Posted 20 July, 2020 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 2 Comments

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Teach Me ~ Nina West #seriesinamonthTeach Me by Nina West
Series: The Wolf Hotel #3
Published by Amazon Digital Services on September 15, 2016
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
Pages: 286
Format: eBook
Source: Kindle Unlimited
4 Stars

I am not the naïve, innocent girl everyone expects me to be. Not anymore.

Henry has ignited a fire, and I will do anything—defy everyone—to keep him in my life.

But the question now is, does he feel the same way about me?

Adult - (un)Conventional Bookviews Contemporary - (un)Conventional Bookviews Erotica - (un)Conventional Bookviews

I have to admit that I hated leaving Alaska in this installment but I appreciated what being in Pennsylvania did for Abbi and Henry. I’m so in love with their story!

Yeah, me, too! I loved the way they were kind of enclosed in Alaska, but with scrutinizing eyes everywhere. Being in Pennsylvania changed a lot of things, and it showed us just how much Henry cares.


The reason for Abbi’s need to go home – her dad’s accident – and how Henry dealt with it had me vacillating between fear and hope. Fear and hope both for Abbi’s dad and for her relationship with Henry. I fell for Henry a little bit more due to his actions. How did you feel?

Oh, I loved how Henry acted in this difficult situation. And the fear surrounding Abbi’s dad’s health was almost too much for me… The relationship away from their haven could have taken a turn for the worse, that’s for sure.


Although I hated Abbi having to live with her mother’s overbearing and ludicrous behavior, I felt it gave Henry more insight into Abbi. It’s difficult to get words, ideas, and feelings planted by a parent out of your head so being witness to it helped Henry, and me, understand where Abbi’s insecurities came from. And it must be said that Abbi’s mom was awful. Id’ like to be able to say her actions came from a place of love but I felt it was from a place of selfishness. How did you feel about Abbi’s mom and how being home affected her relationship with Henry?

Yeah, all this. I wanted to smack Abbi’s mother more than once – you don’t treat your child like that. And you don’t try to make decisions for your daughter based on your own wants. She was such a hypocrite, too! And yeah, not sure there was much love there at all. I do think it was good for Henry to see just how far Abbi’s mom would push it to get her way, and the way she talked down to Abbi all the time, though.


Abbi needing to be home and Henry having to travel naturally put strain on their relationship. Abbi seeing on social media that Henry was surrounded by women and then having her mother in her ear intensified her insecurities. But what I delighted in seeing was Henry’s vulnerabilities – his worry over losing Abbi to her ex. That made him seem more human…more real. The emotional growth this separation brought about in them both was wonderful. Abbi needed to learn her worth and learn to stand up to her mom while Henry needed to learn how to better express his emotions. I felt they both made strides in these areas. You?

Yeah, again, Abbi’s mom can go to hell! I’m glad Abbi didn’t jump to conclusions this time, it was important that she learned to trust Henry a bit more. At the same time, I can almost understand Henry more in this situation. He is used to being in the limelight, and he knows that we often see pictures that don’t tell the whole story. Therefore, he didn’t necessarily think of how it might look to Abbi. And him not sharing his emotions after some of what he had been through in the past is rather natural IMO.


There is much I adore about this series but I truly admire the character development. And one of the things I’m enjoying most is watching Abbi’s awakening. Both her awakening as an individual – finding herself, her passions, recognizing her talents, etc. – as well as her sexual awakening. Discovering and accepting her passions and desires is enlightening and empowering. Your thoughts?

You know, I didn’t even expect all that much character development, but I’m delighted that we got it! Awakening is such a good word for Abbi – she had just been running through the motions for so long. Listening to her parents, her boyfriend, the pastor, other girls – just kind of following the flow without truly thinking about what she wanted in her life. I was so happy when she started being more assertive and grew a strong back bone!


The ending was shocking and worrying. It was unexpected and will possibly throw more obstacles in Abbi and Henry’s path. But I’m betting on them. And grateful I could dive right into the last book. 😉 How did you feel at the end?

I feel like the end of each of this books has thrown me for a loop! And I was definitely happy I could jump right into the last book. There is so much going on!


Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

  • 2020 COYER all year long
Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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2 responses to “Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Teach Me ~ Nina West #seriesinamonth

  1. Stephanie - Bookfever

    I both love shocking and worrying endings. Doesn that make sense? 😛

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