The Sunday Post #74 – Counting Down to BEA

Posted 13 March, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Memes, Wrap-up Posts / 59 Comments

The Sunday Post - (un)Conventional Bookviews

The Sunday Post #74 – Weekly Wrap-up

Welcome to my Sunday Post. Thank you to Kimba over at The Caffeinated Reviewer, who is hosting this weekly event. It is the perfect opportunity to share what happened here on my own blog, as well as some of the happenings elsewhere in the Blogosphere.


In 59 days, BEA will start in Chicago, and for the first time, I’ll be participating as well! I think I’m just as excited to meet my blogger friends in person as I am about meeting authors, because hanging out in real life and chat about books, and just get to know each other even better is awesome! I am also hosting one of the roundtable discussions at the BloggerCon, I will talk about how to balance a busy personal life with blogging. If you are going to BEA as well, it would be fun to meet in person, so please let me know!

I had a lot of trouble with my e-mail subscription plugin this past week, and ended up having to delete it – so if you normally follow me by e-mail and haven’t received any e-mails since Wednesday, this is why. I have gone back to the WordPress e-mail subscription, so if you’re still interested, you can sign back up 😉


This Week's Posts - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Sunday post wrap-up


This Week's Reviews - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Sunday post wrap-up



Elsewhere Blogosphere - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Sunday post wrap-up

Nick @ Nick and Neyreda’s Infinite Booklist discusses Teenage Nick and Sex in YA.

Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows wonders Do You Get Stuck in Your Genre, or Are You a Fan of Variety?

What have you been up to this past week? Don’t forget to leave me a link so I can come visit your Sunday Post as well.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend, and that next week will be filled with awesome!

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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59 responses to “The Sunday Post #74 – Counting Down to BEA

  1. I am so excited for BEA and so nervous to meet you all. I can’t believe we only have 59 days left. I still need to get the car service to pick me up at the airport and take me to the hotel. Thank goodness there is a starbucks a short walk from out hotel because I am going to need a lot of caffeine on Wednesday lol

    Have a great week, Lexxie! Happy Reading xo

    Michelle@Because Reading recently posted: My To-Be Read List ~ And the Winner is….
  2. BEA sounds awesome, congrats on hosting a roundtable. I’ll be curious to hear how Chicago does hosting it with the venue change this year.

    Hope you’re having a good weekend. 🙂

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #133
  3. I’m so jealous that you are going to BEA, it is a dream of mine to attend one day! And it will happen!

    Your discussion sounds really interesting too, I hope you’ll share it with us after the event as I always need tips in that area. I can never seem to juggle it all and one ball is always hitting the ground.

    • I hope you’ll be able to make it one day, Trish! I had so much fun last year at the RT convention, it was so much fun to hang out with my favorite bloggers and just chat about books and fangirl together over all the authors 🙂

  4. Oh Lexxie – how exciting that you’re going to Chicago – I’m not sure if I’m most envious that you’re going to a book event or meeting other bloggers.

    I’d be counting down the days too and I hope you share lots of pics!

    Deborah recently posted: Weekly check-in
    • I think meeting the other bloggers is more exciting than anything else, Deborah! It’s just so special to meet my online friends in person, and just hanging out chatting and laughing about books all day long. I’ll definitely share lots of pics, promise.

  5. I’m so jealous of you going to BEA! I will go one year that’s my aim! I’m refusing to read any reviews of Rock though! My book buying embargo for lent means I can’t buy it and making myself read how awesome it is will make that harder! Have a great week Lexxie and happy reading!

    • Uh oh, Laura, another book buying ban? Are you allowed to read books that your friends lend to you? I think Rock is lendable 😉
      I hope you’ll be able to go to BEA or another convention in the US one day, it’s so much fun!!

      • Yes, apparently I wasn’t allowed to give up Wine for Lent because I don’t drink enough of it, so my mean friend made me give up buying books! (So other than the two books I already had on pre-order I haven’t spent a penny on books since Lent began!) Oh I’ll be buying Rock on Easter Sunday! And probably reading it then too! I have attempted to make up for it by binge reading the remaining Rook and Ronin books this week though!

        Yes I hope so too! Its just not feasable at the moment!

        Laura @trips down imagination road recently posted: Bomb by JA Huss
  6. I can’t wait to see you guys at BEA, too! Congratulations on hosting a table! That will be fun!! What am I going to do while you guys are all in BloggerCon??? Oh, right, troll the convention floor I guess 🙂 I wonder if Geeky decided to host a table… hmmm…

    Email subscriptions and Feedburner have always been a thorn in my side. I loathe both. Grrrrrr…..

    • I think Felicia has decided to host a table, too, we’re both waiting to hear back on some details, though 🙂
      I don’t understand why e-mail subscriptions are so complicated to get to work right! I tried to use MailChimp, but I wasn’t even able to understand how to set it up :O

  7. BEA is such a great time. I’m so sad I’m not going this year, but I am excited for my friends who haven’t been able to go when it was in NYC to have a chance this year. Of course, I also hope it’s back in NYC in 2017. Haha. Hope you have a fantastic week!

    Kim @ kimberlyfaye reads recently posted: Weekly Round Up [32]
  8. I can’t believe BEA is only 59 days away! I just bought my tickets last week for it. This will be my first time attending so I’m pretty excited about it. I was hemming and hawing about it a little because tickets are kind of pricey but I can’t pass it up since it’s in Chicago. I’ll keep an eye out for you while there.

    Samantha recently posted: Stacking the Shelves: Week of March 6
  9. I really hope to be able to go to a few conventions at some point in the future. It sounds like such an amazing time. I am only a few hours outside of Chicago but there is so much going on at home this year that we aren’t able to take any vacations. My daughter is doing some travel with band but my husband and I are staying home.

    • It is definitely great to be able to meet other bloggers in real life, Carole. And I don’t know any other bloggers here in Geneva, so I’m ready to cross the Atlantic to spend some time with my faves in May 🙂 I hope you’ll manage a convention or more in the future, it’s so much fun!

  10. I have to say, after my third year at BEA last year, I was relieved to get a break this year, because going three years in a row was expensive and well, ALL THE BOOKS! But now that it’s getting closer, I’m feeling sad to be missing out on meeting more bloggers (like you!) and authors and all the chaos, craziness and excitement that comes with the event. I hope you have a blast my friend and I can’t wait to hear all about it 😀

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews recently posted: Review: Sentinel
    • I’m so sad you’re not going this year, Micheline, I would love to hang out with you!! And yes, of course it’s not cheap, and I hope I’ll come home with books 😀 I’m pretty sure I’ll have a blast, and I’ll make sure to have some posts about it – especially because it’s my first time.

    • That’s how I felt last year when I went to the RT convention, Laura. It was so much fun to meet so many bloggers in real life! And the authors were staying in the same hotel as us, so it was possible to hang out in the bar and share a drink and chat with them as well. I know BEA doesn’t work like that, but several bloggers will stay at the same hotel as me, and I’m really excited.

    • BEA is Book Expo America, Samantha, and it’s one of the biggest book expositions / conventions in the world. There will be publishers, authors, bloggers, librarians, professional reviewers etc, and it appears to be amazing 🙂 I’ve never been before, so I’ve been living the event vicariously through other bloggers up until now 🙂

  11. I am getting nervous, as I don’t travel a lot on my own. I am always afraid I will get lost, I have no real sense of direction…so it’s like don’t say north or south say right or left…lol. I am glad the hotel is close to Union Station as I am taking a train for the first time…aaah. 🙂

    Stormi recently posted: The Week In Review #80
    • If you let me know when you arrive, I’ll come to Union Station and guide you to the hotel, Stormi! I’m arriving on the Monday, just to do my best to get over jet-lag before it really starts 🙂 And I’m sure you’ll be OK on the train, it’s a very comfortable way of travel.

  12. My daughter and I are hoping to get to BEA. She has to work out her work schedule first! We are fortunate to have my niece living right there so we can stay with her!

    • At least you have some in the UK, Anissa! I live in Switzerland, and I have figured out that the best thing to do is to save up and cross the Atlantic. Most of my blogger friends live in the US, too, so that’s definitely an added bonus 🙂

  13. Very interesting topic to discuss. I think a lot of people end up feeling too pressured when it comes to blogging – especially book blogging – and find that it takes over too much of their lives. I’ve known a few peeps who have just ended up reading for the numbers and blogging rather than for enjoyment. Very important to find the right balance.

  14. I had wanted to attend BEA this year. And then our state moved the standardized tests to some of the same days, so it is totally out of the question. I hope you have all of your planning squared away! I read so many posts last year about having too many books for travel. This week is spring break, so I have had a very unusual schedule sleeping in very late and consequently staying up very late. The man and I are not really on the same schedule (since he works nights) and so we’re together for a few hours of the day and the rest one of us is sleeping. I can’t wait for shift change!

  15. Well, you know I’ll be seeing you at BEA! 😉 And I’m getting so excited to see you again, AND see/meet our other blogging friends! It’s going to be so much fun – we’ll take over Chicago! Woohoo! I’m also very excited you’re hosting a round-table discussion on balancing life and blogging. I’ll be sure to bring a journal for notes! 😉
    **BIG HUGS**

  16. I hope you have a great time at BEA! That would be so much fun. I would like to attend the Left Coast Crime Conference one day, but we’ll see. I hope you enjoyed your week. I’m late getting to Sunday posts. It was such a busy week at work.Enjoy your weekend!

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