The Sunday Post / Wrap-up #75 – Birthday Week Ahead

Posted 20 March, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Memes, Wrap-up Posts / 59 Comments

The Sunday Post - (un)Conventional Bookviews

The Sunday Post #75 – Weekly Wrap-up

Welcome to my Sunday Post. Thank you to Kimba over at The Caffeinated Reviewer, who is hosting this weekly event. It is the perfect opportunity to share what happened here on my own blog, as well as some of the happenings elsewhere in the Blogosphere. I love having a weekly wrap-up post and also visiting all of yours 🙂


This was a pretty tiring week, even if it wasn’t all that busy, really. I got my licence to drive a scooter on Monday, which makes my commute to work – and parking there! – much easier. Also, I found out that in order to start my pedagogy studies, I need to have completely finished my Master’s. I only have one class left, but I also have to write my Master’s thesis. I don’t really think I’ll be able to do all my research plus write it and do an oral defense of it before the end of May… So this means I’ll probably have to wait for another year before I can finalize my teacher education, and I’m starting to feel like it takes forever.

Tomorrow is my birthday, and on Thursday, I’m going to Norway to pick up puppy Freddy. And from Wednesday on, we have 10 days off for Easter, so I’m really excited.

This Week's Posts - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Sunday post wrap-up


This Week's Reviews - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Sunday post wrap-up



Elsewhere Blogosphere - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Sunday post wrap-up

Anna @ Herding Cats and Burning Soup explains Why She’s Not Visiting Your Blog.

A couple of weeks ago, Jeann @ Happy Indulgence Books wrote about Feminism in Books, and while I had missed it when she first posted it, it’s definitely worth stopping by to see what she has to say.

Daniela @ Daniela Ark’s Blog For Readers, Writers and Bloggers featured an Interview with Me this week 😉 you should definitely check it out!

Kirsten @ Metaphors & Moonlight talks about Ten Things that Turns her off in Book Blurbs.

What have you been up to this past week? Don’t forget to leave me a link so I can come visit your Sunday Post as well.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend, and that next week will be filled with awesome!

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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59 responses to “The Sunday Post / Wrap-up #75 – Birthday Week Ahead

  1. How frustrating on the study front – having to wait! Oh well… more time for reading until then?

    The scooter sounds like fun. I don’t think we need licences for scooters here in Australia, but only for motorbikes over a certain motor size!

    Happy birthday for tomorrow Lexxie and I hope Freddy’s pickup and welcome home goes well!

    Deborah recently posted: Weekly check-in
    • It is definitely frustrating! They keep changing the rules all the time… and I’m not getting any younger 😉 However, I am also working now, so I’m doing quite well. I just want to be able to put all the studying behind me now.
      The scooter I drive is big and fast enough to go on the highway (which would probably scare me to death!) and that’s why I needed a licence.
      Thanks for stopping by, Deb 🙂

  2. Oh, Lexxie, that really sucks! I had a similar issue with my undergrad that delayed my degree plan by two and a half years. It definitely feels like forever, but once it’s done you’re like “Where did the time go? It’s over already?” Is there any way they will let you do the final class and pedagogy concurrently?

    I can’t wait to see photos of the fam and Freddy!

    • Ha! I’m just finishing my 6th year, Charlie, but I hope you’re right and that in the future I’ll feel like it went really quickly 🙂 I am going to send in my application, because I have a lot of credits, plus I’m not a spring-chicken anymore. I’ve also worked as a sub for two years, with some long-term contracts, so maybe that will help 🙂
      I can’t wait to pick up Freddy! Puppy love <3

  3. I hope you have a great birthday! I’m sure the Easter break is much appreciated, too! Driving a scooter to work sounds like so much fun. Of course, I’d never do it in DC. I’d probably not survive one day with the way people drive around here! Hope you have a great week!

    Kim @ kimberlyfaye reads recently posted: Weekly Round Up [33]
  4. Happy birthday!!! I can’t wait to see the puppy pictures. I love puppies!! Sorry to hear you will have to wait longer to finish your education. They sure don’t make it easy to be a teacher! I was teaching full time and going to university full time for a year and it was probably the most difficult thing I have ever done. I’m so glad I won’t have to do that again!

    Samantha recently posted: Sunday Post Week 11
    • Thank you, Samantha! I can’t wait to bring him home, it’s going to be amazing 🙂
      I don’t teach full time, and I only have one class left at uni plus my MA thesis, but I don’t see how I’d be able to finish reading all my research, plus write 90 pages before the end of May 🙁 But one day, I’ll have my teacher’s diploma, and all will be good 🙂

  5. Thesis are hard work! Bummer you probably have to wait for another year to finalize your teacher education 🙁


    oh oh.. Anna @ Herding Cats and Burning Soup posted one of THOSE POSTS?? ok now I have to masochistically go read it, miss BI’er! IF you read my Sunday Post you’ll know what I mean about “one of THOSE POSTS” LOL

  6. Have a great B-day, you guys get a lot of time off for Easter! We only get Good Friday off which gives most a three day weekend as not everyone gets Friday off.

    Have a great week and happy reading,

  7. Ugh!It would have been nice to know that about your pedagogy studies before now! I’m sorry it’s going to end up taking you longer than you’d anticipated. But it’ll all be worth it in the end, right?? I hope your birthday week is fantabulous!! And I can’t wait to hear all about how Freddy starts fitting in. 😀
    **BIG HUGS** <3

    • It’ll definitely be worth it in the end! It’s just frustrating that they’ve been changing the necessary credits we need before being able to start so many times these past years, and last year, I could have started with only a few credits on my MA, but they closed the first year completely.
      I can’t wait to meet Freddy! He looks so cute, and apparently he’s very cuddly, and I love cuddling!
      *BIG HUGS*

  8. Sorry to hear about your delay in finalizing your teacher education. I hope this year goes fast so you can reach your goal. Happy birthday and congrats on the new puppy! How exciting it is to finally meet him. I can’t wait to see the pictures and I hope you have a great week!

    Kathy recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #92
  9. Congrats for getting your scooter license, sounds handy that it makes the commute easier. That’s too bad it will take probably another year to finish your studies. I guess it sort of makes sense they want you to finish your other study first, but it would be handy if you could do them both at the same time.

    Have a great birthday! And that’s exciting you’re finally going to pick up your puppy! I hope you’ll share some pictures :). I enjoyed reading the interview Daniela did with you. I hope you’ll have a great week!

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #170
  10. Sorry it is feeling like it is taking so long. I know you want to get it done and move one but it will be over soon enough and YAY!!!! 🙂

    I hope you have a great birthday! I am so excited you are picking up your puppy! I can’t wait to see pictures of the little guy. We are in the process of looking into getting Hamsters but can’t seem to find a cage we like that will be enough room for them. I did almost buy a kitten but had to stop myself because our current cat would hate us if we brought anything else home.

    I saw your interview! I loved it 🙂 I also saw your mention of me lol If she was willing to have me I would totally do it 🙂

    Have a great week, Lexxie! Happy Reading! ox

    Michelle@Because Reading recently posted: Slump, Shitty Breakfast & Bloggiesta ~ WIR & TSP
    • I know I’ll be able to get it done, but it has been a long time already. Thanks for the pick-me-up, Michelle 🙂
      I’m really excited about picking up Freddy, too. I can’t wait to meet him and snuggle with him 😀
      What about getting a rabbit cage for the hamsters? I don’t think they’d be able to get out, and the cages are quite a bit bigger 🙂

      • Rabbit cage bars have to much space between them so a hamster will get out. They can squeeze through amazing spaces 🙂 Of course I found one that would be perfect and it’s sold out. That is my luck. I am still looking I just know I might have to settle for something right now because I feel bad making them wait when they want one so badly. 🙂

  11. Happy Birthday! And yay for your license AND the new puppy! So much excitement! 😀 I can’t wait until this Friday. We have the day off -finally- and I need a break after the last two weeks.

    I hope your birthday, and your entire week is fantastic! Give the puppy a hug from me!

    Kat Morrisey recently posted: The Sunday Post No. 10
  12. It does feel like forever when you are working toward a goal, especially if you are doing other things, too. I had a similar experience: working all day, taking graduate courses by night.

    Happy upcoming birthday! And how exciting that you finally get Freddy. Enjoy.


    Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted: AUTHOR’S HOME PAGE
    • I am luckier than you, Laurel-Rain, because I don’t work full time. But I’ve been working on my degree for almost six years already… Since I had to start from scratch with a BA and MA in English before I can do anything else.

  13. Happy Sunday Lexxie! Happy Early Birthday!!!! Can’t wait to see pictures of Freddy!! Looks like you had a great week. Sounds like you’ve got some great week plans ahead. I hope you have an amazing week!!!!!!

  14. Happy Birthday.. I hope you have a great day tomorrow. And how exciting that you will finally pick up puppy Freddy. I can’t wait for the pictures.
    Sorry to hear about your teaching degree taking longer than you wanted. That sucks.
    Enjoy your free days and Happy Reading!!

  15. Happy Birthday! And congratulations on getting your license for your scooter. It sounds like it will make things much easier for you all around. I bet you are excited to get Freddy home! Enjoy your birthday and have a great week! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  16. Happy birthday! And awww, a puppy <3 Sorry the schooling thing is going to take so long though :-/ But hey, at least you're getting close to the finish line! Wouldn't want to give up now when all the hard work is finally about to pay off!

    Thanks for sharing my post, and have a fantastic birthday 🙂

    Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted: The Weekly Update: 3/20/16
    • Yes, that’s exactly it, Anna. I’m over the growling part now, though, and when they open for application, I’ll send mine in and see what they say. I think ‘mature’ students should not be held back for a whole year – I have a lot less years left to work 😀

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