Icon Tag: Shifters

★★★★★ Review: Magic Tides – Ilona Andrews

★★★★★ Review: Magic Tides – Ilona Andrews

Magic Tides has a big change in scenery from other Kate Daniels novels, and it’s fun to see Kate trying to fit in… Magic Tides starts with Kate having a meeting with someone from Conlan’s school. And Kate is not necessarily a happy camper. It’s clear from the beginning that fitting in might not be in the cards for our little family. Then again, did anyone actually believe that was going to happen? I loved how the action started straight away in Magic Tides. And this time, Conlan was kind of the instigator, and Curran needed to have a stern conversation with him about that. The novel was filled with action, new and old characters, the strong bonds between Kate […]

Posted 12 October, 2023 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 3 Comments

Bookworm Bites ~ The Blood King & The Warrior King ~ Abigail Owen

Bookworm Bites ~ The Blood King & The Warrior King ~ Abigail Owen

Wowza! The Blood King was fantastic! Ladon and Skylar’s story was action-packed! There were lots of dragon battles as well as battles of will and battles of the heart. These two were absolutely fated for each other but both were too stubborn to recognize the signs. Once they did, they were too stubborn to want to give in. LOL The banter between these two was fun and built the sexual tension. There was more to the story than the romance though. We got to know more about dragon culture and the ways in which phoenixes and dragons ruled together. And we got even more insight into Pytheios’s sick determination to be the immortal ruler of all dragon clans. I read […]


#OctobeRec Fest Review #2 ~ Hounded ~ Kevin Hearne

#OctobeRec Fest Review #2 ~ Hounded ~ Kevin Hearne

Welcome to OctobeRec Fest. I started this as a nod to Oktoberfest (books & beer…heaven, am I right?!?) so I’ll spending the month of October reading a few of the many, many books I’ve procured thanks to you, my blogging friends. Title: Hounded Author: Kevin Hearne Recommended by: Kimba @Caffeinated Reviewer, Melanie @Hot Listens Okay, so Hounded could be considered a little outside my usual MO. I mean, there’s no romance. 😉 But Kimba raved about it. So did Melanie. And, there was my blogger wife as well. 😉 So I gave it a go and it was everything they made it out to be. Highlights Characters Oh my do I love Atticus. As a multi-millennia old druid, he’s seen a […]


Blogger Wife Chat Release Day Review ~ Hidden Powers ~ Tara Lain @TaraLain @ViviannaIzzo

Blogger Wife Chat Release Day Review ~ Hidden Powers ~ Tara Lain @TaraLain @ViviannaIzzo

Hidden Powers wasn’t exactly was I was expecting since I didn’t realize it was YA/NA, but TLain exceeded any other expectations I had by taking on another facet of PNR – younger characters. The result was exciting, entertaining, and suspenseful! I didn’t realize that either, but I really loved that it was! Plus, it was nice to see some familiar characters from the Harker pack! First things first, wifey… This is the start of a new series yet it’s a spinoff of TLain’s Harker series. I haven’t read that series and while I did realize these characters had already been introduced but I never felt lost. And it certainly didn’t take away from my enjoyment of Hidden Powers. I believe […]


Audioreview: Hell’s Revenge – Eve Langlais

Audioreview: Hell’s Revenge – Eve Langlais

Hell’s Revenge is filled with a solid plot, mystery, suspense, some extreme hotness and lots of humor. Story: Hell’s Revenge is a risqué story, in which Muriel lives with her two consorts, David and Auric. And because of her sex-based powers, she has to make sure she gets enough sex. Which definitely brought out both a lot of steam, and some much needed   to help with all the break-neck speed action. Muriel finds out that she’s pregnant. Her up-until-now unknown mother shows up unexpectedly to share the news with her, Lucifer, and the two dads. Not only does she inform them all about the pregnancy, she also explains to them that she needs the baby once it’s born. Hell’s Revenge […]

Posted 24 January, 2018 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 17 Comments

Audio Review: Becoming Dragon – Eve Langlais

Audio Review: Becoming Dragon – Eve Langlais

Becoming Dragon was a delightful tale, filled with humor, action, steam and more. The narration was well done, and I was so happy to have this to listen to on my commute to and from work. Story: Becoming Dragon is about… you guessed it – dragons! And it’s by Eve Langlais, so I knew I was in for some good laughs. Plus steamy romance, and I also got a rather down to earth and doubting hero. Brandon had been experimented on, and with his DNA sliced, he was in a weird hybrid form that made him think of himself as a monster. Aimi, however, did not find him to be monstrous at all. Quite the opposite, which made for some […]

Posted 20 December, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 17 Comments

Review: Wicked Bite – Rebecca Zanetti

Review: Wicked Bite – Rebecca Zanetti

Wicked Bite packed an even bigger punch than the four prior books in the Realm Enforcers series! Action, fights and betrayal that made my head spin. Story: I was happy to get a book where Nessa and Bear were the main characters, but I hadn’t really counted on Nessa actually going undercover. She seemed young and a bit inexperienced in the prior book, but she was very far from it. Bear was still suffering from changing too many times in the prior story, and it appeared as if his life might be in danger. There chemistry between Nessa and Bear was very strong. But neither of them really trusted the other. Wicked Bite involved a lot of the plot that […]

Posted 12 September, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments

Review: Wicked Kiss – Rebecca Zanetti

Review: Wicked Kiss – Rebecca Zanetti

Wicked Kiss was yet another fast-paced, action-packed romance in the Realm Enforcers series. I loved Tori, and the way she brought Adam to his knees. Story: I loved the strength Tori showed throughout Wicked Kiss, even if she put herself in danger at times because of her stubbornness. Adam pushed all her buttons, though, so it really wasn’t difficult to forgive her for some lapses in judgement. The overall Realm Enforcers plot continued with the search for the mastermind behind Appollo, and the suspense was sharp-edged. There was danger everywhere, and Tori needed to learn to use her power, rather than let it use her. There were more than one show-down, and the last one made me completely breathless. Adam’s […]


Review: Silver Silence – Nalini Singh

Review: Silver Silence – Nalini Singh

Silver Silence has all the things I love about the Psy-Changeling series – a strong female lead, mystery and suspense, all the feels and hotness Silver fucking Merchant totally got to me in Silver Silence! And she sure got to a certain bear as well. Every single feel there is was invested in Valentin’s and Silver’s story, and I  loved how the overall story-arch and plot moved forward. If you’ve visited me before, you know I’m a huge Nalini Singh fan, and that was definitely cemented with Silver Silence. All the awesomeness. Silver was a character I had met several times in the prior Psy-Changeling books, as she was Kaleb’s assistant. She always seemed to be so distant and cold […]


Audioreview: Winter Moon – Dannika Dark

Audioreview: Winter Moon – Dannika Dark

Winter Moon was like an epilogue to the whole Seven series, and I felt like I was visiting with friends I hadn’t seen in a long time. As always, Poole narrated some of my favorite shifters to perfection, and Winter Moon included all of the characters that are part of the Weston pack. Poole’s voices managed to easily distinguish them all, and made my experience of a holiday without electricity a really good one. Some chapters gave a quick view into one of the main couple’s lives, while others involved the pack as a whole. There were a lot of funny quips, especially between the guys, and I loved seeing them with children being a bit older. Also, how the […]

Posted 30 January, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 5 Comments