Review ~ The Purest Hook ~ Scarlett Cole

Posted 3 June, 2019 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 3 Comments

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review ~ The Purest Hook ~ Scarlett ColeThe Purest Hook by Scarlett Cole
Series: Second Circle Tattoos #3
Published by Swerve on May 3, 2016
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Pages: 273
Format: eBook
Source: Gift
4.5 Stars

Can a love built on secrets survive?

Rugged, hot, and rock hard, Dred Zander is exactly the type of man that normally sends Pixie running. Not dreaming about running her hands down his washboard abs...and lower. The lead singer and guitarist for the band Preload embodies trouble behind his quick smile and guarded eyes, and Pixie left trouble behind her years ago along with the name Sarah Jane Travers and the pathetic trailer her mom called home. With her abusive past in her past, she has a new life, a new family at Second Circle, and a dream of opening her own business. She needs capital and time. What she doesn't need is a tempting long-haired rocker or the paparazzi that follow him around.

But Dred has other ideas. Pixie's sweet hazel eyes, purple hair and kaleidoscopic tattoo of exotic flowers that swirl up her arm haunt his dreams, and he knows she wants him too. He just has to convince her. But as a juicy exposé threatens to expose their pasts, and a blackmailer terrorizes their present, Pixie and Dred have to decide what really matters and fight like hell to keep it.

Adult - (un)Conventional Bookviews Contemporary - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Wow! The Purest Hook kept me up past my bedtime – not necessarily a good thing since I was in Europe 😉 but I couldn’t put it down. I’d been excited to get Pixie and Dred’s story and SCole did NOT disappoint!

Pixie is this tiny waif of a girl – thus her nickname – who works at Second Circle Tattoos. Trent and Cujo literally found her on their doorstep and took her in. She’s become the little sister neither had and they’d do anything for her. Even warn away potential suitors. However, Pixie is stronger than she looks. She’s been through some tough stuff and came out of the other side. She’s not unscathed but she has pluck. And what’s not to like about a tiny, Broadway show-tune singing, party dress sewing young woman?

Dred’s been eyeing her for awhile and likes what he sees. As the lead singer of Preload, Trent and Cujo naturally assume he has dubious intentions towards Pixie. But there’s so much more to Dred than music and groupies. He’s loyal to the bone, compassionate, and takes care of his own. He’s out to win Pixie’s heart.

Both Pixie and Dred have secrets about their difficult childhoods. My heart broke for them both as I learned about all they’d experienced. They are understandably guarded but there seems to be a pull between them. SCole took on drug addition and unplanned pregnancy among a few other topics in Pixie and Dred’s story and did so with aplomb. The way she wove in these elements gave their story depth and complexity and a genuineness I appreciated. There was also a suspense element that I felt was well-done. I had kinda guessed what was going on but SCole threw in some twists that left me gasping.

When I finished The Purest Hook, I felt Pixie and Dred were my favorites in the series so far. And SCole left me eager to move on to the spin-off series involving Dred’s bandmates, whom I became acquainted with in this book. However, I must first read #4 in the series, so off I go!

Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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