Review: The Operator – Kim Harrison

Posted 9 November, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 24 Comments

*I received a free copy of The Operator from Pocket Books via Edelweiss. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Review: The Operator – Kim HarrisonThe Operator by Kim Harrison
Series: The Peri Reed Chronicles #2
Published by Pocket Books on 22 November 2016
Pages: 387
Format: eARC
Source: Edelweiss
5 Stars

On-the-run ex-agent Peri Reed returns bigger and bolder than ever in this second highly-anticipated installment in #1 New York Times bestselling author Kim Harrison's new suspense trilogy, The Peri Reed Chronicles.
Peri Reed’s job eats her mind, but for a special task agent in hiding, forgetting the past can be a blessing.
Betrayed by the man she thought she loved and the agency who turned her into the very thing she fought against, Peri abandoned the wealth and privilege of Opti for anonymity riddled with memory gaps and self-doubt. But when a highly addictive drug promises to end her dependency on those who’d use her as a tool for their own success, she must choose to remain broken and vulnerable, or return to the above-the-law power and prestige she once left: strong but without will—for whoever holds her next fix, will hold her loyalty.
Yet even now as then, a love based on lies of omission might still save her life.

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The Operator is a very twisty tale, where Peri continues to try her best to do what’s right, but with no idea who is telling her the truth, and who wants the same things she wants.

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews

If you haven’t read Sideswiped, The Drafter and Waylaid yet, you should stop reading this review right now! There are things that happens in The Operator that might spoil the prior books for you, and believe me, you don’t want that to happen! This story is quite tense, because Peri has managed to live on her own for almost a year, managing her own coffee shop, and staying low so that Bill won’t find her. Which works pretty well, until Silas approaches her at a car show, only for Peri to feel like things are unravelling, and fast. Especially when she learns that Bill had freed Jack, her old anchor.

I found the intrigue in The Operator to be even better than that in The Drafter, possibly because I know much more about the world and what exactly Peri can do now. I enjoyed the characters from the past – some who were there to help Peri, and other who wanted to use her for their own gain. There were also some new characters I loved, both LB and Harmony. Especially how Harmony didn’t like or trust Peri at all in the beginning, but as they got to know each other, they both slowly started to trust each other. Having two strong women trying to go for a better world together was amazing.

There is a lot of second-guessing and betrayals going on in The Operator, both because Bill seems to be doing several different cons, and because Michael will stop at nothing to get the drug Peri has gotten her hands on. To be able to remember their own drafts without the help of an anchor who might end up lying to them is a lure no drafter can resist. There are several complications, and poor Peri really doesn’t know who she can count on for being on her side. At all. And she was already paranoid to start with, so things really aren’t easy for her.

Written in third person point of view, past tense, and mostly from Peri’s perspective, the action unfolds in episodes that almost overlap. There is a lot going on, and with a race to make the most reliable and safe drug for Peri and other drafters, the tensions are high as well.

Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

“I’m not your girl, Bill,” she whispered breathily. Her pace to the van was slow to hide the effects of the sedative. The six men bracketing her followed at a respectful distance. She was free to kill and maim, and they had to hold without damaging her. Such was the rarity of her skill. Such was the pearl of his Peri.

“You’re welcome,” Bill said as he buttoned his jacket closed, but what he meant was, I own you.

Peri’s faint smile grew as the unusual feeling of kinship drifted through her. Stretching the stiff hours from her, Peri got out as well, carefully shutting the door so the sound wouldn’t carry. The cold woke her up fast. Two inches of new snow crunched underfoot, but it would likely be gone by noon.

LB sighed. “All five days,” he admitted, and Silas groaned. “Enough to take care of Bill. She’ll be back.” Silas lowered his head, his fingertips pressing into his forehead hard. “If she remembers me,” he whispered. Breath held, she carefully turned and headed for the surface. She’d be back, she vowed. If I remember him.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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24 responses to “Review: The Operator – Kim Harrison

    • Oh my gosh, Anna! I am actually a little jealous that you have all of her books in front of you!! I love both her The Hollows series and this one. Great female leads – even if they’re far from perfect, and a storyline that really makes sense – in The Hollows there are some things that happen in the first book, and only come full circle in the very last one…

  1. Berls

    Haven’t read Wayland yet, for some reason I seem to have forgotten about it! I have no idea how… But must ammend that soon so I can get to this one. I loved The Drafter and Peri!

    Hope you’re having a great Wednesday! I feel so defeated this morning. Like I had the wind knocked out of me. And I kind of feel on the verge of crying. Yikes! Need to figure out how to shake it off!

    • I think you’ll love Waylaid, Berls! It was fun to see Rachel and Peri together 😉
      I’m feeling defeated, too. And I have cried… plus I also feel like my eyes are full now – not crying, but it could happen very easily. We’ll all be OK, I hope! <3

  2. LOL Well I had to quit reading the review because I haven’t read the others yet, though I adored Kim’s The Hollows Series. I am really looking forward to starting this one. I know it’s a completely different world, but I enjoy her writing style and am hoping to enjoy this one as well. It’s great to know that you rated it so well! It definitely gives me high hopes!

    • Jaclyn, I think you’ll love Peri! Did you know that it was your Sidecick Saturday about Newt that got me to start reading Kim Harrison? And I just delved in and never looked back, so thank you for that!
      Peri is awesome, and the whole universe Harrison has created here is just so well done.

      • I miss those Sidekick posts! I just quit having time to put them together. I remember you reading those around that time but I don’t think I knew I put you onto it. Don’t you just love being able to share our passions about books with others?!? That’s great and I’m so glad you enjoyed them. I’m a little sad that series is done but I’m looking forward to starting with this new world.

        Jaclyn Canada recently posted: Harry Potter Moment of the Week [116]
        • I miss the sidekick posts, too! It was so much fun to highlight the secondary characters that made an impact on us. And yeah, Newt was my first introduction to The Hollows, so my Harrison obsession is all your fault, Jaclyn 😀
          I do love sharing my passion for books with others, and I’m always happy to discover new-to-me authors!

    • Yes! This book was so good, Olivia! The series really needs to be read in order, though, or you’ll be completely lost! There’s a prequel, then book #1, then this one. And there’s a kind of time travel that isn’t really time travel, plus a universe that’s really well built.
      I really hope you’ll pick it up, and that you’ll enjoy it as much as I did.

    • Ha! Yeah it’s better, because I think there are some things you just shouldn’t know in advance, because it would make your enjoyment lesser. Harrison is definitely incredible, and I’m eternally grateful to you and Jaclyn for introducing me to her 🙂
      {{{BIG HUGS}}} Love and miss you!

  3. I didn’t read your review because of your disclaimer. I haven’t read Waylaid yet. Is this something I should tackle before Operator? I plan on relistening to The Drafter before tackling this one. I don’t remember a lot of what happened. I just requested this one for review from the publisher on audio. I’m excited to get back to it. 🙂

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