Review: All He Ever Needed (The Kowalskis #4) – Shannon Stacey

Posted 1 May, 2013 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review: All He Ever Needed (The Kowalskis #4) – Shannon StaceyAll He Ever Needed by Shannon Stacey
Series: Kowalski Family #4
Published by Carina Press on 10 September 2012
Genres: Adult, Chick-lit, Contemporary, Romance
Pages: 384
Source: Kindle Purchase
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4 Stars

Mitch has always known what he wants - and how to get it. He's Whitford's charmer, the kind who can pick up a girl, give her his 'no-strings-attached' spiel and actually leave her without any hard feeling on either side.

Paige has arrived in town during one of Mitch's longer absences, and she's very different from the women he usually hangs out with. Most of all, it seems as if she's actually abel to resist his blue eyes and boyish charm.

All He Ever Needed is book four in the Kowalski Family series, but we’re with the cousins of the characters from the first three books. Mitch is the town’s golden boy, and boy, do I understand why! Mitch is back in town to help out at the lodge while his younger brother, Josh, heals his broken leg. On his way to the lodge, Mitch stops at the diner, surprised to see it up and running – with a new name to boot. When he lays his eyes on Paige, he appreciates the sight of a beautiful woman, and he quickly decides that she will be his next fling – six weeks is more than enough for him to work with – at least it usually is.

Paige is a lot more resistant to Mitch’s pretty blue eyes and sexy smile than he’s used to, though, so he takes to having breakfast at the diner quite often, even though Rose is still around at the lodge taking care of both the housekeeping and the food preparations. Mitch is a great male character, just the sexy banter and those smiles plus the twinkle in his blue eyes would have made me swoon if he was real! Paige is also amazing, but because her whole life has been spent with her mother’s different male friends, she had decided that men are a luxury, not a necessity. Therefore, she has not been on a single date since she arrived in Whitford two years ago.

Even if I’ve never lived in a small town before, where everybody knows everybody and their business, I could easily see Whitford in my mind. The kind of town where it is completely plausible that someone like Paige would want to settle down and take root. At the same time, it’s not difficult at all to see why Mitch feels a little claustrophobic when he arrives in his home-town. Stories about his sexual prowess precedes him everywhere in town, and even the women he never slept with have some sexy stories to share, and the whispers drive him crazy!

The writing is very good, the story is what moves the plot forward, and both the romance and the sexual tension are expertly done. The readers get to peek into both Mitch’s and Paige’s thoughts, and it was satisfying to see how they were both battling against their feelings, trying to be as casual as possible, while still really appreciating their friendship and all the things they have in common.

If you are hungry for a contemporary romance, with some very steamy smexy times, you should pick up a copy of All He Ever Needed at your earliest convenience. On top of the romance and friendship, I fell for Paige because she’s a reader! Several times during the story, she’d go to the library to get more books. Mitch and Paige even discuss favorite authors and books, and who can resist a man who loves reading as much as us readers do? You might want to make sure your man is home while you’re reading – and that you’re fully stocked on whipped cream 😉

Mitch Kowalski was doing sixty when he blew past the Welcome to Whitford, Maine sign, and he would have grinned if grinning on a Harley at dusk in a shorty helmet wasn’t an invitation to eat his weight in bugs.

She gave him a look over her shoulder while setting the carafe back on the warmer. “I’ve been here every day for almost two years, but I’ve never seen you before. New’s relative, I guess.”

If a seventeen-year-old Mitch could make a young woman dig her fingernails into the leather seat of her dad’s new car, just imagine what an experienced, thritysomething Mitch could do. Not that he’d be doing anything to her, since she was abstaining, but imagining was an –ing word that couldn’t really hurt.

If she was going to surrender to something bad for her, better junk food than a man.

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Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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0 responses to “Review: All He Ever Needed (The Kowalskis #4) – Shannon Stacey

    • Oh Laurie, if you have the time, you should definitely get back to this series! The first three books are about one part of the Kowalski’s, the next three about the cousins… And I have actually read book 5 and 6 this week! I just couldn’t get enough 🙂

  1. This was my favorite read among the newest bunch of Kowalski. Mitch was swoon-worthy and I loved that he was a biker!! Who could resist that? And Paige was pretty good, I loved that she didn’t caved under Mitch’s charm and made him work for it. Ah, I loved them!
    Great review 🙂

    Aman recently posted: Review: Crush by Nicole Williams
    • It’s one of those light and feel-good contemporary romances I love to read every now and then.
      Thanks for stopping by Jennifer 🙂

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