Category: Challenges

#COYER Update 1

#COYER Update 1

  COYER Update 1 Welcome to my COYER Update  for the half-way point of the March 2014 COYER challenge. I have done pretty well so far, even if I haven’t posted that many reviews yet. When I started the challenge, I already had a lot of posts scheduled for the first two weeks of March, as I had been able to read a lot before Uni started again in the middle of February. As you probably already know, the COYER challenge is hosted by Berls at Fantasy is More Fun and Michelle of Because Reading is better than Real Life, don’t forget to go check out how they’re doing – there are lots of contests going on during the challenge. […]


COYER March 2014 – My Challenge Goals

COYER March 2014 – My Challenge Goals

COYER March 2014 – My Challenge Goals I’m so happy there is going to be another COYER challenge this spring, as I keep adding more and more books to my e-reader, ARCs, freebies and cheap books are the ones I have the most trouble resisting. And now, here is a brand new challenge to help me read some of those books that keep my kindle full with many, many books. I haven’t decided just which books I’ll be reading for the March COYER challenge  yet, but there will be some ARCs for sure, I am almost at the advised 80% on Netgalley, but I also have 35 ARCs that I should really read! So I am going to go for […]


2014 TBR Pile Reading Challenge

2014 TBR Pile Reading Challenge

I decided I really needed to do something about my humongous TBR pile. And then I stumbled upon the 2014 TBR Pile Reading Challenge hosted by Bookish. I currently have 457 book on my kindle – books I haven’t read yet. Some of them are kindle freebies, some are cheap books, others are books I was looking forward to, and then kind of forgot about when I finally got them delivered to my kindle. So I really need to do something about all those books I already own. There are several levels in the 2014 TBR Pile Reading Challenge, and for starters, I am going to go with Sweet Summer Fling – my goal is to read 31-40 books that […]
