COYER March 2014 – My Challenge Goals

Posted 21 February, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Challenges / 15 Comments

March 2014 COYER Signups

COYER March 2014 – My Challenge Goals

I’m so happy there is going to be another COYER challenge this spring, as I keep adding more and more books to my e-reader, ARCs, freebies and cheap books are the ones I have the most trouble resisting. And now, here is a brand new challenge to help me read some of those books that keep my kindle full with many, many books.

I haven’t decided just which books I’ll be reading for the March COYER challenge  yet, but there will be some ARCs for sure, I am almost at the advised 80% on Netgalley, but I also have 35 ARCs that I should really read! So I am going to go for a Xtreme clean – which means more than 15 e-books for the month of March.

The fall COYER challenge was a lot of fun, and I found some new blogs to follow during the month of November as well. There are, as you probably already know, so many blogs out there it is virtually impossible to know about them all, however this challenge is a great way to find some true gems, if last time is any indication at all. So don’t be shy! If you click on the button above, you’ll be taken directly to the sign-up post where you can leave a link to your blog, as well as chat with some of the other bloggers who have already signed up as well.

I will probably update this post as I go along, so that all my reads will be easy to find in one place – with links directly to my reviews.

Lexxie signature (un)Conventional Bookviews



Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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15 responses to “COYER March 2014 – My Challenge Goals

    • Thank you Michelle! Edelweiss hardly ever approves me for books, even if I’m pretty quick at reviewing those they do approve me for. Netgalley sometimes sends me invites – and those are just impossible to resist 😀
      Thanks for stopping by, Michelle! {{{HUGS}}}

      • They hardly ever approved me either and one day Harper Collins approved me and I now have access to all the books they put on. I was shocked and thought it was an error, So before they realize the error I downloaded a few lol 🙂

        Yes the Invites are very hard to resist!!!

        Michelle recently posted: Was it Good For You?
    • Yeah, I know, that’s also what I should be doing… but I can’t help myself most of the time 🙂
      Thanks for stopping by, Carmel 🙂

  1. LOL Too funny that we both should post our goals today. Of course, you are much more ambitious than I am. I’m only shooting for 8. But I figure if I get more in, I’ll just adjust my goals. 🙂

    I only have 8 ARCs from Netgalley for review right now. I may never achieve 80% simply because when I first logged onto NG, I went crazy! And I’ve still not reviewed all those books. Someday, I MIGHT get there but I won’t hold my breath. *haha*

    I’m glad you’re doing this challenge too, Lex! It should be fun! Have a fab Friday, my dear!! **BIG HUGS**

    Bookworm Brandee recently posted: **#COYER ~ My Goals ~ March 2014**
    • Yes, but I posted mine because I saw yours 🙂 you inspired me to get ready for March.

      Hey, send in feedback to let them know you haven’t finished the books for whatever reason!

      I’m looking forward to the challenge, it’s going to be good to have a goal to work towards 🙂

      Have a fantastic Friday *BIG HUGS*

    • YAY! I hope you’ll love both Twist and Panic as much as I did, Robyn 🙂 I look forward to doing this challenge with you. Have a wonderful weekend, too, Robyn 🙂

  2. I wish I was that high on Netgalley, I don’t read as fast as you and tend to click to much on Netgalley and don’t get to them in time..but I am trying really hard to clean up my Netgalley. I also need to clean up my Edelweiss..but it’s so hard to not just want to click. (My problem with both Netgalely and Edelweiss is when the publishers put me on auto approval..ugh it’s so hard not to just want to snatch them all

    I need to try for Deep Clean too! 🙂

    • Yes, the auto-approval can be the devil in disguise, for sure! So far, I don’t have that many publishers that have approved of me… but I do get invites from Harlequin every now and then. And those are impossible to not click on.

      Edelweiss hardly ever lets me get any ARCs – which is so strange, it has happened that I have requested the same book from Netgalley and Edelweiss, and Edelweiss said no, then afterwards, Netgalley said yes.

      I look forward to doing this challenge with you, Stormi 🙂

    • I can’t resist clicking – especially when Harlequin sends me an invitation!

      Thanks for stopping by, Berls 🙂

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