Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ High Tide ~ Michelle Mankin

Posted 2 July, 2019 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 1 Comment

*I received a free copy of High Tide from Selfpublished via Author. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ High Tide ~ Michelle MankinHigh Tide by Michelle Mankin
Series: Rock Stars Surf and Second Chances #4
Published by Selfpublished on July 2, 2019
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Format: eARC
Source: Author

Hollie Lesowski is a beautiful young actress locked in a legal battle with one of the most powerful and feared directors in Hollywood, a man who betrayed and hurt her, a man she mistakenly believed was her father.
Maximillian Cash is her bodyguard, a blond, blue-eyed giant sworn to protect her. Gentle despite his imposing presence, he seems to be just right for her. But can she trust him with her deepest secrets?
Diesel Le is a rock star in her sister’s band. Devastatingly sexy and annoyingly arrogant, the former pro surfer from Hawaii delights in driving her and everyone else crazy. So, why does she have to continually remind herself to stay away from him?
Two uniquely handsome men tempt her. Both want to make her their own. But one is her employee, and the other is a confirmed player.
Will she be swept away by temptation?
High Tide and Island Side is a heart-twisting, gut-churning, page-turning, coming-of-age duet. It is a triangular second-chance love story with two compelling alpha males but no cheating. Romantic and suspenseful, it sparkles with the glitz of Hollywood, sizzles with the tropical heat of Hawaii, and steals your breath at times, but it will also make your spirit soar.

Adult - (un)Conventional Bookviews Contemporary - (un)Conventional Bookviews New Adult - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Oh my! High Tide was akin to a roller coaster ride. It started kinda slowly, making its way around those warm-up curves and dips. Things changed once we hit that big hill, building tension and anxiety. Once we went over? Well all I can say is you better hang on! There is so much I want to say about High Tide but can’t because it would spoil the story. And this is one to be experienced, I think.

It definitely is a story to be experienced, and it’s going to be hard to chat about this one and still keep everyone reading our review from being spoiled… but we’ll manage, I’m sure 😉 

As I said, things started off a little slowly and I was a little nervous. Yes, we’d met Hollie before but things are different now she’s standing on her own two feet. She’s naive yet jaded. Independent yet…I want to say needy but that’s not quite right. How did you feel about Hollie initially?

Yeah, I wasn’t sure how I felt about Hollie in the beginning. She seemed rather naive, and also very insecure. I felt like she had more agency in Oceanside in a way. And I also didn’t feel connected to Hollie in High Tide in any way in the beginning. Thank goodness, that changed as I was reading, though.

Without spoiling things, there are 2 main events going on in Hollie’s life. A legal battle and a new relationship. They very much influence her life, her actions and decisions, and each other. I admired Hollie in some ways. She stuck to her guns and wanted to take care of everyone else in the only ways she knew how. But my heart ached for her as well because she didn’t know who to trust and didn’t always make sound decisions. Your thoughts?

It’s kind of normal that those things influence her life, and I understood why she did the things she did. I just kind of hoped she would have gone about some things differently. 

Hollie’s love interests and how things developed between them were telling. It would have been easy to dismiss her as just an immature starlet. In the end though, I understood Hollie more and her actions, even if I didn’t agree with them, made sense. How did you feel about her love interests and her interactions with them?

I agree about her love interests. She had been very sheltered when she lived at home, and so being on her own was new. And also, trying to select people for ‘her team’ can’t have been easy at all. I loved both her love interests, and some of their interactions made me weak in the knees…

One thing I think we both scratched our heads over was Fanny’s behavior. As Hollie’s older sister, they’d been so close and Fanny had been a caregiver for Hollie. So it was odd that Fanny didn’t intervene. Do you think it was maybe Ash’s protectiveness?

It could have been Ash’s protectiveness… but I still felt like it was a little out of character for Fanny. Especially because Fanny left everything to help Hollie out in Oceanside. And Fanny had been able to get away from home a few years before – but she still realized how bad things could be. Even if Hollie also didn’t share everything with her.

Ultimately, I think all I can really say is that I think Hollie is about to experience some great emotional growth and I’m eager to witness it. She’s been through so much in her young life and I know there are more revelations coming…more answers to be had. Bring on Island Side!

I totally agree, wifey, High Tide set things up for the next novel, and I can’t wait to get my hands on Island Side, that’s for sure.


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Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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One response to “Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ High Tide ~ Michelle Mankin

  1. Ailyn Koay

    Initially I thought it’s just another love triangle! But judging by your chat, it’s sounds kinda complicated! I might wait for the next book and binge

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