Series: Rock Stars Surf and Second Chances

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Island Side ~ Michelle Mankin

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Island Side ~ Michelle Mankin

Wow! I couldn’t have asked for a better ending for Hollie & Diesel or for this series. Mankin has a way of developing these complex, genuine, and flawed characters that you can’t help but root for. And watching them grow as they struggle to overcome or dig deep to find their inner strength…it’s beautiful. Mankin is also gifted at sharing her love of the ocean, surfing, rock music and the musicians who make it through her lovely prose. Her words paint vivid images of the landscape as well as visceral emotions. I’m sad to see this series end because I’m going to miss these characters! I’m sad it’s over, too – and I think I’ll do a re-read before BookBonanza, […]


Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ High Tide ~ Michelle Mankin

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ High Tide ~ Michelle Mankin

Oh my! High Tide was akin to a roller coaster ride. It started kinda slowly, making its way around those warm-up curves and dips. Things changed once we hit that big hill, building tension and anxiety. Once we went over? Well all I can say is you better hang on! There is so much I want to say about High Tide but can’t because it would spoil the story. And this is one to be experienced, I think. It definitely is a story to be experienced, and it’s going to be hard to chat about this one and still keep everyone reading our review from being spoiled… but we’ll manage, I’m sure 😉  As I said, things started off a […]


Review: Oceanside – Michelle Mankin

Review: Oceanside – Michelle Mankin

Oceanside brings real problems, real heartache, and real relationships to the surface. Because of the way these subjects were treated, I was totally immersed in the story, as it made the characters very real to me. Story: Oceanside starts with a flashback, which brings Ash and Fanny’s first meeting to the reader’s attention. It was a great first meeting – who else has met someone at the Oscar’s just before they both were to perform? This happened in 2012, but the main action happens in 2015, after Fanny’s life has completely changed. No longer in the spotlight, she wants a more quiet life. A life where she can make her own decisions. Where she can do what she loves. Up […]
