The Sunday Post #73 – Very Productive

Posted 6 March, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Memes, Wrap-up Posts / 47 Comments

The Sunday Post - (un)Conventional Bookviews

The Sunday Post #73 – Weekly Wrap-up

Welcome to my Sunday Post. Thank you to Kimba over at The Caffeinated Reviewer, who is hosting this weekly event. It is the perfect opportunity to share what happened here on my own blog, as well as some of the happenings elsewhere in the Blogosphere.


I had a very productive week! I wrote several reviews so I have a few weeks of buffer once more. I created a new test for my students, as they’re supposed to have a big English test on the 14th, and I prefer to know I have everything ready in advance. I read some very interesting articles for my class and also organized some things here at home – including purging my closet.

The weather has been incredibly unpredictable this week! We had a lot of rain, fog, and even snow! When we woke up on Thursday morning, it was all white out, then it melted, and in the evening it snowed again. I’m really ready for some warmer weather by now.

This Week's Posts - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Sunday post wrap-up


This Week's Reviews - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Sunday post wrap-up



Elsewhere Blogosphere - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Sunday post wrap-up

Lola @ Lola’s Reviews rambles about What is the Right Length for Reviews and Blogposts?

Rashika @ The Social Potato has a Guide to Historical Romances.

Parajunkee is dishing junk about Facebook Creepers.

What have you been up to this past week? Don’t forget to leave me a link so I can come visit your Sunday Post as well.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend, and that next week will be filled with awesome!

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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47 responses to “The Sunday Post #73 – Very Productive

  1. You got a lot done! I am working on getting ahead and so far have about a week buffer. Plan to do a lot of organizing and stuff tomorrow (Sunday). I am actually excited about it since I have the entire day to do it.

    The weather here was weird also. Warm then Cold and on Friday it snowed. It was squishy snow but still….snow?!?! I am also looking forward to spring. It will be nice to get the kids out of the house and I want to start walking again with Ryan since we both have a little bit of winter weight to get rid of.

    Have a fantastic week, Lexxie! Happy Reading! ox (66 days until BEA) 🙂

    Michelle@Because Reading recently posted: My To-Be Read List ~ Lets Vote ~ March
    • It’s hard sometimes to keep the buffer actually there, Michelle. I had a month when I did the blog ahead in November, which was nice in January when I had my exams and less time to read and write reviews 🙂
      I hope it will get drier for when we get Freddy, with his short legs he’ll get wet and dirty all over if it’s raining and snowing all the time 😀
      I can’t wait for BEA! I’m so excited about hanging out with you and the other bloggers in real life 😀

  2. Yay for a productive week! I really need to get some blog posts scheduled. I was going to do that today – get a bit ahead on things, but I was out of the house most of the day…so tomorrow hopefully! The weather has been weird where I live. It’s like a joke though; we’re known for random weather. It snowed Thursday too but not a whole ton and it’s pretty much gone now.


    ShootingStarsMag recently posted: Set the Pace by Kim Karr Blog Tour
    • I didn’t use to have things scheduled in advance at all, Lauren, I just wrote stuff when I felt like it, and then more ore less posted it straight away… I have to say I enjoy having some posts and reviews already scheduled, though, it’s nice to look at my calendar and see that things are ready to go 🙂
      I hope you’ll have time for some scheduling today!

  3. rain, fog, and snow… you sure you don’t live here in New England Lexxie? We had 50s and something temp and snow in a three day period 🙂
    Glad to hear you had a productive week despite the crazy weather though 🙂

  4. I’m with you on the snow- so over it! We got hit hard with snow last week again, but a lot of it melted… ready for spring!! That buffer is always nice to have- I have alittle one built up and it makes all the difference. Now if I feel like blowing a day off it’s not a disaster! LOL.

    Have a great week!

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #132
    • Our snow has melted again, too, but the weather is still not at all spring like! However, a lot of our plants and trees already have early blooms, and I hope that this cold spell won’t kill all my future cherries and strawberries.

  5. I envy you your buffer of reviews. I need to try and build one up myself. It would help if I wrote the two reviews I’m behind on . . . I hope you have a great week!

    • I know the feeling, because I used to not have any kind of buffer at all. Now, I can play around with my calendar a little, and it’s nice to not stress about blank days – even if I may have some of those coming up as well.

  6. Great post! It sounds like you’ve had a very productive week. I’ve been in a reading slump for weeks but I’m slowly getting back on track, I have a couple of reviews ready for posting this week but I need to have a better buffer for the busier weeks. Well done on getting to the point where you have a buffer, it must take the stress off. Have a great bookish week!
    Here’s my Weekly Wrap-Up post:

  7. Wow! Great week! I like getting ahead with my students stuff too-knowing I have everything ready is a huge relief. You reviewed some great books last weeks!! The Jill Shalvis book is on my TBR and her books have been hit or miss for me. Have a great week! Hope the weather gets nicer for you!

    Samantha recently posted: Sunday Post Week 9!
    • Yes, it’s definitely nice to not have to work on preparing classes or tests this weekend, Samantha 🙂
      I love Jill Shalvis, her earlier work not so much, but lately, I’ve really enjoyed her novels. I hope you’ll enjoy Nobody But You as well.

  8. RO

    Kudos to getting reviews done! Mad love to you for working on that closet and getting it done. Closet organizing is never fun! (lol) Have a super week!

  9. It must feel really good to have things done ahead of time. I always seem to procrastinate. Pretty much every blog post that I publish was written the night before. I really need to take some notes from you. I did feel a little proud of myself yesterday for spending a couple of hours working on the house while I listened to my audiobook. I didn’t touch any closets though 🙂 Have a great week!

    • I used to write my posts the day before, or on the same day, too, Carole, but now, I’m happy to have a few weeks done in advance.
      I’m glad you were able to get some stuff done around the house, too. And maybe one day the closets will get done, too? It’s very nice to actually see what’s inside now 😉

  10. Oh that’s great. I’m so pleased for you and it’s always great trying to get ahead with reviews and blogging. Wish I was more like that. Have a great week.

  11. I have a bit of a review buffer, but then had a beta read and now my buffer is only one week again. Sigh that’s what always happens, I am almost a few weeks ahead with reviews and then suddenly I read less and am back again. At least I usually do well with my buffer for other types of posts.
    That sounds fun creating a test for your students and it must feel nice to have done that early in advance already.
    We had some sunny days and some cold and rainy days as well, I could do with some warmer weather as well. And thanks for linking to my post! I hope you’ll have a great week!

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #168
  12. You had a great week! I like getting organized ahead of time, too.

    After all of my purges this past year, and one closet clearing out, I realize that I need to do more there. I have a few outfits that I wear over and over…and others that are never touched. What does that tell you? Off they go!

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for sharing. Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  13. I’d say you had a very productive week. I try to have some blogging done ahead so I can relax and enjoy other thing, like binging on Netflix. LOL And, of course, more reading:) Wish you were here to enjoy the weather. Sunny and 70s this weekend and the pool is good to go. Not sure I’m brave enough to jump in yet though. I am working on my outdoor office now that it’s warmed up. Just need to wait for the birds to pass through heading north. They can make a mess of thing. LOL Have a lovely week, Lexxie:)

  14. You have such a busy life! And a very productive week as well. I never seem to have much of a buffer when it comes to reviews-except for awhile in December after a week off got me really caught up for awhile. Weather here is weird as well, we had snow a few days ago and it’s going to be in the 70’s on Tuesday and Wednesday here, before dropping back down again. Hope you have a great week!

  15. I should send some Texas weather your way! It was 79 degrees Thursday night! I had to turn on the AC. Although I didn’t write any reviews, I spent some time catching up this weekend, too. I prepped a bunch of upcoming review posts, inserted some commentary where I could, created a few new challenges posts, and got a lot of visiting and commenting done for once! I feel a lot more comfortable knowing I have this buffer. Have a great week!

  16. It is always nice to get ahead. I hope that last week’s snow storm is our last. We are expecting warmer temps this week, but rain. Wishing you a great week.

  17. Your weather sounds as crazy as ours. It snowed last week, then rained all weekend. Today it’s like a Spring day. I can’t keep up.

  18. Well done on getting ahead with your reviewing. I need to build a bit of a buffer as I relied on that last week and will be the same most weeks now.

    And I’m really looking forward to some cooler weather so I’ll try to encourage our warmth to head north! 🙂

    Deborah recently posted: Weekly check-in
  19. oh don’t you love it when mother nature has PMS??!! I swear sometimes you never know what kind of weather we will have. For us its been on and off rain and sunny weather through the week. It feels like I am in England instead of dry desert of Utah. hehe

  20. Goodness, you did have a productive week! 🙂 Purging your closet, eh? You must have spring fever. *hehe* Our weather has been wacky too – had snow today. I hope you’re having a great week so far, Lex. I’ve been sick – a days-long migraine. But I’m feeling better this evening, so I’m trying to catch up a bit. Miss you! *BIG HUGS*

  21. We are about to get a WHOLE lotta warm weather here (we practically did not have a winter). I’ll send it your way and we can trade!

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