The Sunday Post #16 – Busy Bee

Posted 25 January, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Wrap-up Posts / 31 Comments

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The Sunday Post #1 – Weekly Wrap-up

Welcome to my weekly wrap-up post, and a big thank you to Kimba @ The Caffeinated Reviewer, who is hosting this weekly event. I haven’t done much besides reading and studying and teaching this week. I had quite a lot of hours of substitute teaching in junior high again, and I know why that’s not what I wanted to do. Luckily, for next week, I have several different gigs in senior high lined up. I hope that will be good, and that they will call me back soon, as it’s also a school that’s really close to my house.

This week’s posts:

This week’s reviews:

New on the blog for next week:

I have had so many different ideas for things to do on the blog lately, and I’ve been good enough to write them down, so I could do something about it. First of all, I’m starting a new weekly meme on Thursday, so please look out for Thirsty Thursdays and Hungry Hearts. I think it’s going to be fun, as it will be about finding things the characters in our books eat or drink, and whether it’s something we’d like to try, or if we go ew! when we see it.

The second thing is that I am hosting a year-long challenge for reading and reviewing books that are released in 2015. Hopefully, the 2015 New Release Challenge will  continue in the future, too, and I have an amazing co-host in Stormi @ Books, Movies, Reviews Oh My! There will be monthly wrap-up posts, some giveaways, read-a-thons and more fun we can come up with.

Elsewhere in the Blogosphere:

Stephanie @ Chasm of Books has a great post about Why You Should Use Bloglovin.

Jeann @ Happy Indulgence Spreads Love not War. Instead of fuelling the fire of the drama, share the love!

Brandee @ Bookworm Brandee has a great post, too Travel By The Book. She shares a place she traveled to after reading a book that really made her visit for real 🙂

What have you been up to this past week? Don’t forget to leave me a link so I can come visit your Sunday Post as well.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend, and that next week will be filled with awesome!

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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31 responses to “The Sunday Post #16 – Busy Bee

  1. I would think sr high would be better, for some reason. 🙂 And your Thursday feature sound great- I always enjoy food and drink in books, it’s fun to read that stuff. I bet that will be a lot of fun.

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #79
    • Oh yes, senior high will be better, here in Switzerland, they have so much more choice once they start sr high, and so they are a little more motivated to learn 🙂
      I’m glad I’m not the only one who enjoys reading about food and drinks in books 🙂 I hope I’ll see you Thursday, Greg!

  2. Senior high looks better and close to home is a great plus ! The thirsday meme is interesting, even if my vegan self is more interested in the drinks than the possible dishes (well, except blood). I use Bloglovin a lot, but when you’re following several blogs and can’t look at it for a day or two, the missed posts quickly amount to more than a hundred, hard to look them all up ! It’s a very useful tool, though. Have a great week, Lexxie 😉

    Red Iza recently posted: The sunday post #6 : lazy week
    • Oh my goodness, yes, I can’t take any more of the young teens anymore, Iza.

      I hope the Thursday meme will be fun, and hey, there are often drinks mentioned, too, right?

      I agree, if I can’t visit Bloglovin every day, there are so many posts to look at. Have a fantastic Sunday, and a great week, iza 🙂

  3. Oh, yes, junior high kids are often moody and difficult…but then again, high school kids are full of melodrama…so good luck with that! LOL

    When I was doing social work, I relished the teenage kids and their drama….but I wouldn’t want 35 of them in a classroom.

    I like the sound of Thirsty Thursday. I might stop by and check it out.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and enjoy your week.

    • True, that’s just part of that age-group 🙂 I have teenagers at home, so I really don’t want classrooms full of the same hormone-angst at work as I have at home 🙂

      I’d be very happy to see you for my Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts meme, Laurel-Rain. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  4. Yay, so excited to hear you’ll be hosting a 2015 New Release Challenge challenge! Let me know once it’s live, so I can join :). And your new feature/meme sounds interesting. I really enjoyed Brandee her travel by the book post as well!
    Hope you have a great week!

    Lola recently posted: Sunday Post #110
  5. Oh I love the the sound of the Thirsty Thursday Hungry Hearts meme! I read a lot of British books and they frequently eat things that don’t sound yummy but on the other side I assume people feel the same about some of things people eat in American books! Good luck with your senior high substituting. I can see how junior high wouldn’t be what you would want to do. They’re barely human at the age! Have a great week!

    Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted: This Week in Reading - January 25
    • LOL that’s funny, Katherine! I actually love trying food from different countries, and more often than not, I really like it 🙂
      Have a great week yourself 🙂

  6. Wow you have so many great ideas for your blog!
    I cannot wait to see what you have in store =)
    Your knew meme’s sound really fun!
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today, and I am so happy that the video helped you =)
    I agree it is really hard sometimes to stay motivated to want to be a teacher with all the negative stuff going on right now.
    I hope you have had a great weekend and a great week to come!
    Happy reading!

    Ashley recently posted: The Sunday Post
    • Thank you Ashley 🙂 I hope you’ll stop by for the Thirsty Thursdays and Hungry Hearts meme 🙂

      I think it’s different to teach in Europe than it is in the US, but it’s still true that many people don’t realize that trying to teach a bunch of kid the same thing, but in different ways, and keep them all engaged is not an easy task, and that it’s impossible to just make a lesson plan and follow it without any detours.

      Thanks for stopping by, Ashley 🙂

    • Thank you, Kim! I will let you know as soon as the 2015 New Release Challenge goes live, thanks for wanting to share it on your Sunday Post 🙂
      Have a fantastic day!

  7. The new Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts feature sounds like fun! And I don’t blame you for not wanting to teach in junior high school. I enjoyed my junior high students, but I was teaching in a private school with really small class sizes, so the dynamic was very different than in a public school with big classes. And I had younger and older classes as well, so I had variety through the day. But you can get into much more interesting books with the older students!

    Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard recently posted: Sunday Post – 1/25/15
    • Thanks Lark, I hope you’ll stop by and join in the fun 🙂

      I think that teaching Junior High is OK if it’s my class… however, one or two hours and that’s it is not easy. And since I am going to teach English as foreign language, the older the students, the more interesting the classes will be.

      Thanks for stopping by, Lark.

    • I hope you’ll stop by for the Thirsty Thursday post, Laura, and I totally agree, some of the things the characters eat really make me go Ew!
      LOL yes, you’re right about knowing it all, but the seniors are actually in a separate school from the juniors here, so there really is a difference 🙂
      Have a fantastic week!

  8. Berls

    I’m actually hoping to teach the Jr high kids Lexxie – the Sr. High are a bit too much for me I think lol. I hope you get more time at the level you like best though 🙂 have yall posted about your challenge already? I missed it if you did and I need details! You know I’m the challenge junkie 😉 and I’m excited for your food posts, should be fun! Have a great week!

    Berls recently posted: Sunday Post | 72nd Edition
    • Yeah, but I’m teaching English as foreign language, and in junior high, they have very little knowledge, whereas in in senior high, we can actually read books and do critical essays on them 🙂
      We haven’t posted about the challenge yet, I’m waiting on a couple of things, and making sure the rules are as clear as possible before I post it. I’ll let you know, Berls 🙂

    • I’ve met with one of the teacher’s I’m subbing for this week, and her class is pretty advanced, they’re reading The Other Side of Truth (which I’m reading right now too…) so it should be interesting.

      I hope you’ll come by on Thursday for my feature, Brandee! And I’m very glad Stormi is hosting the challenge with me, too 🙂

      Have a great week, my dear. *BIG HUGS*

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