Feature and Follow Friday #95 – Reviews in other Places

Posted 23 January, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Feature and Follow, Memes / 35 Comments

Feature and Follow - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Feature and Follow Friday #95 – Reviews in other Places

YAY it’s Friday! Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature and Follow! If this is your first time here, welcome! You are about to make some new friends and gain new followers — but you have to know — the point of this hop is to follow other bloggers also. I follow you, you follow me.The Feature and Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Rachel of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to meet more new bloggers! If you are a new follower, please let me know, so I can come and follow your blog, too. There are many different ways to follow me, they are all mentioned in the right-hand side-bar, apart from my Tsu account which I haven’t had a chance to add there yet.

 Do you post your reviews anywhere besides your blog? Where else do you post reviews? – Suggested by A Great Read

I usually post my reviews first on my blog – I want to have the copyright to them, so they always go here first. Then, I will post a full review (with a link back here) on Booklikes and on Leafmarks. Amazon will get a review, too, but I usually catch up on my reviews there once a week. Before I started blogging, and for quite a while after I got my blog, too, it was Goodreads that was the place I posted all my reviews. With their policy changes and deletions of both user-shelves and reviews, I don’t post full reviews there anymore, only my star-rating, a catch-phrase and a link to my review here.

What about you? Do you post reviews in many other places?

Thanks for stopping by today, have a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend.

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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35 responses to “Feature and Follow Friday #95 – Reviews in other Places

    • Yeah, on Amazon, it always makes me a little sad when I see that people downvote my review 🙁 But I still write my reviews there as well, I think it’s good for the authors to be seen there.
      Have a fantastic Friday, Jackie 🙂

    • This happened way back in 2013, Jessica, after a lot of author/blogger drama, and some people had lots of different shelf names, suddenly, shelves and reviews disappeared – before there was an announcement that was only in the feedback group and not site-wide.
      Have a great weekend 🙂

  1. Yeah, I like both of them, Nikki, Booklikes has both shelves and books, and you can blog and post about other things than books, too 🙂 Leafmarks has a great database, the possibility to add re-reads and other things that I really enjoy.

  2. I’ve been posting my reviews to goodreads, Amazon, Booklikes, LibraryThing, and Netgalley(if applicable). I’m having a hard time managing all that though, so I think I’m going to cut down to just Amazon and Goodreads. Like you, I post first to my blog. Old bloglovin follower. Happy Friday! Here’s my F&F.

    Kim Griffin recently posted: Feature & Follow #10
    • I always forget that I have a LibraryThing account… and I also forgot about Netgalley and Edelweiss…
      Have a great weekend, Kim 🙂

  3. My gut reaction is always “it’s mine!” so it goes on my own blog first then other places. NetGalley if the review is a book I got there. Goodreads I’ve been so bad at keeping updated (fixing that is a project to come) but am doing recommendations. I have a BookLikes account, but got frustrated at trying to create a blog – I may go back and work on that. Leafmarks is new to me and now I have to go check them out.

    Old follower on bloglovin’

    Marsha recently posted: Feature & Follow Friday #2
    • LOL, I’m glad I’m not the only one, Marsha. On Booklikes, you automatically have a blog, and you can post many different things there, links, videos, posts that have nothing to do with books, and reviews 🙂
      Thanks for stopping by, Marsha.

  4. I still post to Goodreads, but I’m actually thinking about checking out Leafmarks because it looks interesting and I was looking for an alternative to Goodreads. I make sure that I do post to Amazon, because I always like to bump up the promo for author’s that I truly adore and books that I think are worth sharing with other’s. And of course, there’s my eGalley’s that I receive for review and I need to post my reviews to Edelweiss and Netgalley. 🙂

    Happy Reading and Hopping Through! 🙂
    Suz @ A Soul Unsung

    • Leafmarks is really good, but I would enjoy it even more if it was easier to chat with other users there…
      Have a great weekend, Suz 🙂

  5. I post my reviews to the blog first, too! I never thought of it from a copyright angle though – it makes perfect sense when you mention it! But, ooh boy do I remember Goodreads changing their policies 🙁 I’ve been thinking about posting shorter reviews to GR for a while now, but usually I’m in a rush and will just copy the entire post (oops!), instead of writing a summary. It’s a habit I think I’ll have to get into, in honesty. I need to get back into both Leafmarks and Booklikes, I have accounts set up in both, but I haven’t updated them in months and months! I love that both sites have half-star ratings, it’s such a pain without it on GR in comparison.

    Have a great weekend, Lexxie, and happy reading! (Old follower)

    Alma @ Journey Through Fiction recently posted: Where do you post your reviews? - F&F Friday
    • Yeah, I just couldn’t continue to post full reviews on GR anymore… but I have lots of friends over there, and I keep going there every day 🙂
      I don’t use half-star ratings much, but I do enjoy the possibility they givve me.
      Have a great weekend, Alma.

    • I post my reviews on Amazon, but only once per week, or maybe less often, I’ll copy-paste my reviews from here to there. I think it’s a good way for authors to show how many people have read their books so far, and that might be an important part of their marketing plan.
      Have a great weekend, Lily!

  6. I usually post my reviews to my blog first too and then to Goodreads. I have most of my reviews from my old blog archived on that site.

    Happy Friday!

    New follower on bloglovin.

  7. I post on the usual places. I used to do it in Library Thing too but then they want money if I want to add more books to my shelves which is ridiculous. Why would I pay when GR is free? Then there’s Shelfari which I haven’t touched in a long time. So many places it’s hard to maintain everything!

    • I started using Library Thing, but it’s really difficult to navigate, I find, so I haven’t used it in a long time. Shelfari is another place I haven’t been to in ages either 🙂 And you’re right, Braine, too many places to maintain just won’t do it 🙂

  8. I wasn’t aware that of Goodreads policy to change and deletions user-shelves and reviews; wow! I can see why though, in light of the recent bickerings between book bloggers and authors. Still, good to know! I usually post reviews on my blog first, then Goodreads and Amazon.

    Claudia {Sparrowhawk} recently posted: Quick Update
    • This happened about a year and a half ago, Claudia. And I think that if Goodreads wanted to have shelf names a certain way, they should have just told the users who had undesirable shelf names so they could change them… The way it was done was not good, and some reviewers lost a lot of their reviews.
      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  9. I usually post my review on goodreads and my blog and if I think of it on amazon as well. I tend to forget cross-posting on amazon if it isn’t a review book. I know how much amazon reviews help authors, so I try to think about it, but it just isn’t routine yet.

    Lola recently posted: Lola’s Kitchen: Risotto Recipe
    • Yeah, I try to always post on amazon, but it doesn’t always happen on the same day as my review goes live on my blog.
      Thanks for stopping by Lola 🙂

    • I like both Booklikes and Leafmarks, Kirsty, but they’re very different one from the other. Booklikes is great for the community, and also for the possibility to post other things than reviews. Leafmarks is great because you can do re-reads there, and log them correctly. Both sites offer half-stars 😉
      Have a great weekend 🙂

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