Safe and Sexy #23
Thinking of my romances and safe sex at the same time started when I wrote my discussion post with the same name a long time ago! Not too long after, the idea of sharing quotes about that ensured that the feature Safe and Sexy was born. It’s where I will share a quote from a story I have read, and where there is a lot of hotness and sexiness, but where they still take the time to be safe! It’s important to me to read books that make me dream, but I also want them to be somewhat realistic. And to me, characters seem realistic when they take care of themselves and their partner(s)! Safe sex is a great way to do so, and when an author includes a couple of lines to share that they are indeed using condoms, I am such a happy reader. And I think it’s sexy when both new and ‘old’ lovers show that they respect each other by getting that condom, and possibly making using it both safe & sexy, hot and fun.
If you want to participate with your very own Safe and Sexy quotes, go right ahead. The more the merrier, and maybe your quote will help me add a new book to my bloated TBR shelf 😉 One can never have enough books, right? Without further ado, here’s my Safe and Sexy quote for this week, it’s from Atheists Who Kneel and Pray by Tarryn Fisher – which I absolutely loved, by the way!
My Safe and Sexy quote:
Ethan thinks I’m having an orgasm. He speeds up, pushing into me harder while he bites at my neck and shoulder. I convulse against him, my grief so profound I shudder. Thousands of miles away, and David has crawled into bed with me, crawled right in the middle of Ethan and me and punched me in the gut. I feel him release into me and I wonder dumbly if he put a condom on. Drunk was bad. Drunk was irresponsible. Drunk was potential pregnancy or STD from a stranger. Stupid, stupid, Yara, I think. And then David is on his second verse, accusing me of ugly things.
[…] Ethan is looking into my watery shocked eyes and I notice that his are weatherworn blue. Like and old pair of denim. Had we made love? Had we fucked? Was I pregnant and riddled with STDs? He rolls of me and I breathe a sigh of relief when I spot the condom. I want to cry from relief.
Thanks for stopping by today. Don’t forget to include your Safe & Sexy post in the linky. Have a fantastic Friday and happy reading.
Well, this one sounds different and I have a feeling it could get me on an emotional level . . . Am I right? If so, I think I’m going to add it to my list!
It will punch you in the gut, Silvia, that’s what it’ll do! And yes, you do need to add it to your list.
Twitter: ailynk
ahhh.. just give me the book Please!! or shut up and take my money hahah
LOL I’m sure the author would happily take your money, Ailyn 😉 just sayin’
I have a feeling there’s going to be a lot of crying and emotional turmoil… Maybe it’s because I am not 100% happy with certain aspects of my personal life, but I’ve been kinda digging those reads lately…
Will have to check this out for sure!
Twitter: BerlsS
Wow this is a not so much a fun one as a punch you in the gut one, huh? For such small scene that got to me, so I’m thinking this is a definite must read…
I knew you would like this book. The writing style was a winner for me. Ohh this scene was one of my faves too. Glad that there was no accidental pregnancy. I thought there would be. ?