Source: Gift

Review: Sting – Sandra Brown

Review: Sting – Sandra Brown

What a twisty turny mystery Sting was – there was no way for me to guess the who, the why or the how, and so the pages turned fast! It really is difficult to talk about Sting and not give anything away, because the mystery is so multi-layered and the characters kept their cards so very close to the chest. Jordie was in the worst predicament, going to meet with someone – hoping it might be her brother, only to witness a murder and then end up kidnapped. Because the narrator shared little bits of the characters’ story, kind of like the breadcrumbs Hansel and Gretel left behind. Finding the right crumbs and following them in the right direction proved […]

Posted 6 February, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 8 Comments

Review: Lady Luck – Kristen Ashley

Review: Lady Luck – Kristen Ashley

Lady Luck was more tender than the other stories in this series, both Ty and Lexie had been through hell, and it wasn’t over by a long shot. The beginning of Lady Luck showed me straight away that this was going to be a quite unconventional romance! Lexie and Ty were strangers, but somehow, Lexie had been persuaded to pick up Ty when he left prison after several year on the inside where he served time for murder. And she was to drive him wherever he wanted to go. Little did she know that Ty had planned to marry the woman whom he had arranged for to pick him up. And his first stop after prison was Las Vegas. Not […]

Posted 1 February, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 16 Comments

Review: Sweet Dreams – Kristen Ashley

Review: Sweet Dreams – Kristen Ashley

Delicious, dangerous, romantic, hot, emotional… I’m pretty sure I could find many more adjectives to describe Sweet Dreams. I don’t even know where to start without squeeing about Sweet Dreams! Lauren was so lost until she arrived in Carnal, and even then, it took her a while to start finding herself again. And Tate… *shakes head*… *sighs*… Tate was definitely something. Book boyfriend deluxe comes to mind as a way to describe him. I loved that both Lauren and Tate were over 40. That they had lived their lives a bit before meeting each other. And that they really didn’t get along when they first met. And there was so much going on in this story, too. Lauren had been […]

Posted 25 January, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 15 Comments

Review: The Gamble – Kristen Ashley

Review: The Gamble – Kristen Ashley

Sweet, hot, mysterious… The Gamble brought out all the feels! Great characters, a solid plot, and so much romance. Not sure my The Gamble review will be all that coherent, because I’m still a bundle of feels over Nina and Max! I loved both of them from the very start. The little nicknames, how Max took care of Nina even if he wanted her out of his house at first, and the incredible chemistry between them. I have always enjoyed KA’s stories, but I have to say that this one really had everything going for it. There is a mystery, an annoying father, new friends to meet… Plus, there are some past issues in both Max and Nina’s lives that need […]

Posted 4 January, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 8 Comments

Review: Strange Magic – Michelle Mankin

Review: Strange Magic – Michelle Mankin

Strange Magic started out not very magical at all, however, as the story unfolded, magic became strong and ever-present. Mankin really has a way with words, reading her stories always brings me to a magical realm, and that was even more true with Strange Magic. There is mythology, ghosts, greek gods, mystery, music, and a very strong love. Billy was a lost soul, but in the beginning, I thought he was ‘just another rock-star’ – and know that I love stories with musicians! – but there was much more to him than met the eyes. Thyme was a young girl who felt slightly out of place, but still confident in what she was doing and the people she loved and […]


Review: First Grave on the Right – Darynda Jones

Review: First Grave on the Right – Darynda Jones

First Grave on the Right is filled with amazing snark! I loved Charley’s sarcastic humor, and of course, her skills when it came to seeing and talking to ghosts were great, too. The overall story and plot were well done, and I think I’ve found a new heroine I’ll love. My First Grave on the Right review: I have been wanting to start the Charley Davidson for a long time, and I was lucky enough to receive First Grave on the Right, and the second book in the series as well from my secret Santa, Sharon @ Sharon’s Booknook. As I said in my little tag-line, I loved the snark, and I also really enjoyed the universe in this story. […]
