Publisher: Amazon Digital Services

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Surrender to Me ~ Nina West #seriesinamonth

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Surrender to Me ~ Nina West #seriesinamonth

Holy wow, wifey! Surrender to Me was quite the conclusion for Henry and Abbi. I’ve loved every moment despite some heartache but the finale was perfect. Yeah, this was definitely an ending that was made for Abbi and Henry! And even with that, I wouldn’t have minded more books about them 😉   I can’t even verbalize how proud I was of Abbi for finally sticking up for herself with her mother. That woman was so manipulative! She did eventually do some growing of her own but I applauded Abbi for respectfully putting her mom in her place. What were your feelings? Ugh! I actually hated Abbi’s mom in this one. I can’t believe the lengths she went to in […]


Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Teach Me ~ Nina West #seriesinamonth

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Teach Me ~ Nina West #seriesinamonth

I have to admit that I hated leaving Alaska in this installment but I appreciated what being in Pennsylvania did for Abbi and Henry. I’m so in love with their story! Yeah, me, too! I loved the way they were kind of enclosed in Alaska, but with scrutinizing eyes everywhere. Being in Pennsylvania changed a lot of things, and it showed us just how much Henry cares.   The reason for Abbi’s need to go home – her dad’s accident – and how Henry dealt with it had me vacillating between fear and hope. Fear and hope both for Abbi’s dad and for her relationship with Henry. I fell for Henry a little bit more due to his actions. How […]


Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Break Me ~ Nina West #seriesinamonth

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Break Me ~ Nina West #seriesinamonth

Break Me in some ways, well, broke me. Not to worry though. NWest repaired the damage. LOL Ha! Nice pun, wifey 🙂 Okay, I’m going to start with the shit-storm swirling around Henry. There’s the stress of the hotel opening and having to schmooze people…namely women. Then there’s his dad and asshole brother arriving and said brother trying to stir up trouble. And then there’s the matter of allegations made by Henry’s former assistant. This all causes problems for Abbi and Henry’s fledgling romance. I know that Henry tried to explain things to Abbi, to prepare her for the things she might see and/or hear, but I felt like he should have known better. Yes, he’s used to being with […]


Review: The Player Next Door – K.A. Tucker

Review: The Player Next Door – K.A. Tucker

Second chance at love is one of my favorite romance tropes, and The Player Next Door depicted a beautiful story between two people who had been apart for 13 years, and who still had obstacles in their path. The Player Next Door was a fun, cute, hot and flirty story, and I loved Scarlet and Shane from the beginning. I also loved Scarlet’s friends, Justine and Becca, they brought both comic relief and friendship to the table, and they were definitely there for Scarlet. At first, Scarlet was angry at seeing Shane again, and she was sure there was no way she could ever trust him again. However, he was very good at flirting, and being a good guy, now […]


Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Tempt Me ~ Nina West

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Tempt Me ~ Nina West

I don’t know what exactly it was about Tempt Me that tempted me, wifey, but I was riveted. Maybe it was the way NWest brought these characters to life. I laughed, gasped, swooned…and I might have panted. 😉 LOL LOL there was definitely some panting going on. And I was so very curious about this whole series, as people either loved it or completely hated it! I know there was a point early on where we were both a little worried we weren’t going to like Abbi. She couldn’t seem to make up her mind and that made her appear weak. The more I got to know her though, the more I identified with her. She was young and really […]
