Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Tempt Me ~ Nina West

Posted 19 May, 2020 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 8 Comments

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Tempt Me ~ Nina WestTempt Me by Nina West
Series: The Wolf Hotel #1
Published by Amazon Digital Services on 16 November 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
Format: Kindle
Source: Kindle Unlimited
4 Stars

I ran to Alaska to escape heartbreak, only to deliver myself into the jaws of a wolf.

Henry Wolf, that is. Owner of the luxury hotel chain, and an undeniably beautiful but cold, hard man who is quick with demands, slow with apologies.
And is my new boss.
Worse? I think he’s toying with me. He enjoys watching me squirm beneath his penetrating gaze. He relishes in messing with my mind. He seems to know that my body betrays me when he’s near.
And I’m beginning to think it’s only a matter of time before my job description expands to include tasks I can never talk about.

Tempt Me is the first book in The Wolf Hotel series. Henry and Abbi's story continues with Break Me, Teach Me, and Surrender To Me.

Adult - (un)Conventional Bookviews Contemporary - (un)Conventional Bookviews Erotica - (un)Conventional Bookviews Hot, hot, hot - (un)Conventional Bookviews

I don’t know what exactly it was about Tempt Me that tempted me, wifey, but I was riveted. Maybe it was the way NWest brought these characters to life. I laughed, gasped, swooned…and I might have panted. 😉 LOL

LOL there was definitely some panting going on. And I was so very curious about this whole series, as people either loved it or completely hated it!

I know there was a point early on where we were both a little worried we weren’t going to like Abbi. She couldn’t seem to make up her mind and that made her appear weak. The more I got to know her though, the more I identified with her. She was young and really spreading her wings for the first time. Her strict religious upbringing and overbearing mother made trying out those wings difficult. I’m not sure at what point she won me over but she did. Was there a specific event that made you change your mind about Abbi?

Yeah, I was worried about that. Plus, you know how I feel about virgins, too. However, Abbi grew quite a bit, and I think that when she started taking charge of her own life in all ways is when I started changing my mind about her. Tempt Me had some compelling characters for sure, and Abbi not only grew as a character, she grew on me as well 😉 

Henry was….sigh. He was very intriguing. On the one hand he was a ruthless, demanding, and driven businessman. He had to be because his family – the people, businesses, and name – were very important to him. But he has a softer side that he showed Abbi on occasion. The side where he made me laugh and swoon. I think I loved him in the first quarter of the book! LOL Were you as quickly taken by Henry?

Oh yeah, Henry got to me rather quickly. Not sure why, because I don’t think I’d like him all that much in real life, but in Tempt Me, he was awesome! And I loved that he was very clear about some things with Abbi, that outside – when they were seen by other people in the business – he would treat her differently from what he would when there was just the two of them.

NWest did a phenomenal job at creating substantive secondary characters as well. They were important to Abbi’s growth since she’d been so sheltered. These characters also gave the story more depth. Belinda was so catty that I had a hard time liking her. Katie & Rachel and Ronan & Connor became good friends to Abbi and helped ignite some of Abbi’s self-exploration. And then there was the animosity between Henry and his brother, Scott. Scott was a scumbag and definitely dialed up the tension in the story. What did you think of the secondary cast? Anyone you particularly loved or loved to hate?

Yeah, I agree with you here! The secondary characters were very important to Abbi’s growth. And they brought both more depth and more hotness 😉 Scott was a d****e! I hated him! I loved Ronan! And I loved to hate what’s her name… the hotel director.

The setting – an opening of a luxury hotel in remote Alaska – was brilliant. Not only was it the perfect place for Abbi to be when she spread her wings but it was a unique place for her fledgling growth. The hotel employees, of which Abbi was one, were essentially on top of one another at all times. They lived, ate, worked, and slept together. No better way to learn about the diversity in humans. AND NWest deftly conveyed the beauty of Alaska. She’s put Homer on my travel list. 😉 Did you think the setting perfect?

I loved the setting! I have Alaska on my bucket list, and a luxury hotel would definitely be very nice 🙂 I would be scared of the bears, I think, but I would probably love to go fishing there. I don’t think I could live the way Abbi and the other hotel workers lived. I need my own space every now and then, and a little more privacy than they had.

The romance was HOT! Holy wow! I’m not typically a fan of virgin romances but NWeset sold this one. I adored how Henry and Abbi could be so real together. They showed their vulnerabilities and weaknesses as easily as their strengths, even if Henry continually stated that a specific vulnerability of Abbi’s bothered him. Henry was the perfect man to accommodate Abbi’s sexual awakening. And the smexy scenes were smoking! Yeah, I haven’t had a book keep me up into the wee hours in a long time. Kudos to NWest. LOL What are your thoughts on the romance and its development?

LOL, I’m not a fan of virgin romances usually, either. But Abbi wasn’t really repressed in any way, she had just been holding back. So I loved how she was so open to exploring her sexuality, without any kind of shame.

The ending was rather a shock. I’ll just say I was thrilled I could flip the page and start book #2. You?

Oh my gosh! I was SO happy I could start book 2 straight after Tempt Me. It would have totally killed me to have to wait!

Tempt Me was well written, compelling, and kept me engaged to the point I didn’t want to do anything else. I’d say that’s the mark of a great read. 😉


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Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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8 responses to “Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Tempt Me ~ Nina West

  1. ailynk

    it doesn’t say fantasy so I am guessing it’s a metaphorical wolf? auuuu

  2. Love the Alaska setting. And isn’t it funny that you can like characters in books, but know that you wouldn’t like them at all in real life. Probably because you can close the book at any time!

  3. Sophia Rose

    I do hesitate about the virgin romance, but you both have me convinced that the whole deal was handled well and such good characterization and hot romancing. 🙂

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