Genre: Romance

Review: What it Takes – Shannon Stacey

Review: What it Takes – Shannon Stacey

What it Takes is a very back throw-back to the whole Kowalski series, and it was nice to see how all the cousins are holding up after all this time, while also meeting a brand-new couple on the camping ground. Laney really needed a change after living in a love-less marriage for ten years during which she had lost herself. What it Takes was mostly about her finding herself again, understanding her own wants and needs. Laney thought she needed to be on her own to figure out what to do with the rest of her life, and when she first met Ben, she was doing her very best to ignore the strong chemistry between them. As always, Stacey brings people […]


Audioreview: Wasted Lust – JA Huss

Audioreview: Wasted Lust – JA Huss

Wasted Lust was one of my favorite Company / Rook & Ronin stories, both because I had been so curious about Sasha, and because anything that happens in this universe is bound to be amazing… Listening to a favorite book enhances the experience in many ways, and Wasted Lust is proof of that! The narrators did an amazing job, and they managed to bring my distaste for Jax forward in the beginning of the story. There is one male and one female narrator, so that Sasha’s chapters are narrated by the woman and Jax’ chapters by the man. This worked very well, and I was so completely immersed in the story I sometimes didn’t want to leave my car and […]


Blogtour Review: Cowboys Don’t Ride Unicorns – Tara Lain

Blogtour Review: Cowboys Don’t Ride Unicorns – Tara Lain

Cowboys Don’t Ride Unicorns tackles quite a few pre-conceptions, and it did so with amazing characters! I think Danny and Laurie are my favorites by Lain *sighs* I’m still swooning, they’re so cute! I was such a happy reader with Cowboys Don’t Ride Unicorns. It started with Danny not only winning a bull-rider rodeo, but also saving another bull-rider’s life. I was very happy to see Rand and Kai as well as the kids again, too. I met those characters in Cowboys Don’t Come Out, the first story in this amazing series. Danny was my kind of hero, because while he is tough on the outside, he is all lovely and sensitive on the inside. He wasn’t afraid to show […]


Review: The Upside of Unrequited – Becky Albertalli

Review: The Upside of Unrequited – Becky Albertalli

The Upside of Unrequited is pretty much a perfect book. I have not a single complaint, I loved everything from the writing to the characters to the story to the beautiful and extremely strong feels! I was practically enchanted by The Upside of Unrequited – and I think one of the reasons was because I just understood Molly so very well. How she was a serial crusher, but never dared to completely put herself out there and try to see if the guy liked her back. From the safety of distance, she could crush and feel the butterflies, but make sure she’d never get hurt. And while I didn’t think of it that way when I was her age, now, […]


Review: Finding Our Forever – Brenda Novak

Review: Finding Our Forever – Brenda Novak

Finding Our Forever has some complex relationships, a lot of longing, a lot of love, and a little intrigue. It’s all set at a beautiful ranch away from the lights of the big city. The setting in Finding Our Forever is really nice, it’s a school for wayward young men, and because it’s kind of enclosed, it’s really more like a small town than anything else. Some teachers live on campus, as do all the students. The newest teacher, Cora, has more than one reason to want to be there, though. She has finally, after years of searching, found out who her biological mother is. And because her bio mom is the director of this school, she decided to apply for […]


Review : Anarchy Missing – J. A. Huss

Review : Anarchy Missing – J. A. Huss

Anarchy Missing is incredibly intense! Like wow – so much is happening in such a short time it’s like I’m out of breath, and at the same time, I just want more! It’s not all that easy to pick an exact genre for Anarchy Missing, as there are some sci-fi or paranormal elements, and it’s definitely urban, and its very hot. What else do you need to know, right? The overall plot didn’t advance too much in this instalment, but the pace was fast, and the character interactions were intense and filled with danger. I loved Lulu, she’s the kind of heroine I can get behind. She is strong, she is able to take a step back and try to […]


Review: The Night Mark – Tiffany Reisz

Review: The Night Mark – Tiffany Reisz

The Night Mark deals with hope – how we need hope to move forward. To get out of bed in the morning. To care for ourselves and others. To care for our planet. The Night Mark has a magical feel to it, and a lot of that comes from Reisz’s excellent writing. It’s like a novel in a poem with a fantastical story in which realistic characters live their lives to the best of their abilities. Hope and love are strong themes, and I had to wipe away a few tears at the ending, because it was so sweet and tender, and I wanted to stay with the characters a little longer. I think what I love the most every […]


Review: For You – Kristen Ashley

Review: For You – Kristen Ashley

For You is simply excellent – romance, suspense, 2nd chances, friendships, small town – it’s ALL good I have always been a huge fan of second chance romances, and For You delivered a very delicious one! February and Alexander could have had it all. They seemed destined to be together and started dating in high school. Then, something happened, and February broke up with Alexander. She went on a wild streak, and ultimately married another man. After that marriage ended in disaster, February kind of ran away from home and went around the US working in bars. Never getting too close to anyone, until she gets called home to help her brother run the family bar. Once she is home, […]

Posted 28 February, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments

Review: Breathe – Kristen Ashley

Review: Breathe – Kristen Ashley

Breathe was amazing! I think it’s the Colorado Mountain story that played with my feels the most! I cried. I laughed. And it was righteous! Not only did I stay up until after 3 am to finish Breathe, I had to message Brandee while I was reading because there was so much going on, and I knew she’d know straight away what I was talking about! Good thing we live in different time zones – at least this once it made me happy. For someone who usually rolls her eyes at ‘older’ virgins in her romance novels, I fell hard and quick for Faye! And she may have seemed very shy and reserved on the outside, but on the inside, […]

Posted 27 February, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 5 Comments

Review: Roman – Sawyer Bennett

Review: Roman – Sawyer Bennett

Roman showed a different aspect of the hockey club as well as the difficulty to live in that world, especially when the characters wanted to keep some private moments… private. I feel like I always say something about my big love for hockey players when I review a Cold Fury book, but it’s true! Roman made my toes curl in many ways. Of course the fact that he’s a bad boy didn’t make me blink even once. I’m not usually one for enforcers when it comes to hockey. They break up the game, and I think here in Europe, hockey is different from the way it’s played in the US. One thing I really enjoyed with Roman was that we got […]

Posted 20 February, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 14 Comments