Blogtour Review: Cowboys Don’t Ride Unicorns – Tara Lain

Posted 22 March, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Blog Tour, Reviews / 27 Comments

Blogtour Review: Cowboys Don't Ride Unicorns - Tara Lain

*I received a free copy of Cowboys Don't Ride Unicorns from via Enchantress Design and Promo. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Blogtour Review: Cowboys Don’t Ride Unicorns – Tara LainCowboys Don't Ride Unicorns Series: Cowboys Don't #2
Pages: 226
5 Stars

Cowboy Danny Boone—a name he made up one drunken night and has regretted ever since—harbors a big past and yearns for a small future. A short, bright career as a champion bull rider almost ended in his death when his homophobic father discovered Danny was gay. Now Danny longs for a plot of land he can build a ranch house on and enough money to make up for some of the education he missed.

Danny also hides a preference for beautiful femmes who like to top—a combo rarer than a unicorn. Then onto the guest ranch where Danny works drives San Francisco decorator Laurie Belmont, a young man so gorgeous he makes horses gasp, and so ballsy he almost kills Danny’s attacker.
Laurie’s trying to find his way out from under the thumb of a domineering mother, helpless father, and rich, privileged boyfriend.
But no matter the attraction, their lives are worlds apart, and cowboys don’t ride unicorns.

Cowboys Don’t Ride Unicorns tackles quite a few pre-conceptions, and it did so with amazing characters! I think Danny and Laurie are my favorites by Lain *sighs* I’m still swooning, they’re so cute!

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews

I was such a happy reader with Cowboys Don’t Ride Unicorns. It started with Danny not only winning a bull-rider rodeo, but also saving another bull-rider’s life. I was very happy to see Rand and Kai as well as the kids again, too. I met those characters in Cowboys Don’t Come Out, the first story in this amazing series. Danny was my kind of hero, because while he is tough on the outside, he is all lovely and sensitive on the inside. He wasn’t afraid to show his affections, either, even if that would have been totally understandable due to something that had happened in his past.

Laurie was the sweetest guy ever, between his extravagant persona, pink hair and flimsy tops, and his dominant personality, he was more than a match for Danny! And Cowboys Don’t Ride Unicorns showed me once again that we shouldn’t assume. It also showed that sometimes, help can come from the least expected place or person, just as sometimes, an attack can come from a place or person that seemed or should have been safe…

I loved Danny and Laurie so much, and I wouldn’t mind another story about them, a bit further down the road to see if they are able to build a life together. Written in third person point of view, mostly from Danny’s perspective, and in past tense, the story flowed so very nicely. The pace was perfect, and I really felt like I was friends with this amazing cast of characters, with whom I’d go for a ride any day. There are some very humorous dialogues as well, and overall, the story was very well done.

Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

The sight of the clowns gave him a little shiver. No worries. This rodeo was too small potatoes for him.

He barked a laugh. Shit, I just described my dream come true and a combo as rare as a unicorn.

Time slowed, his eyes focused between the bull’s shoulders, and his mind burrowed into his body – nothing existed but instinct, muscle memory, training, and guts.

Giveaway - (un)Conventional Bookviews
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You can get your copy of Cowboys Don’t Ride Unicorns in all these places :
Dreamspinner Press:


My Cowboys Don’t Ride Unicorns excerpt:

Excerpt 3: Cowboys Don’t Ride Unicorns by Tara Lain

“I want to see what’s ahead.” He coaxed Tramp into a trot and then a canter, and before Danny could even register it, he was in a full-on gallop.

“Shit!” Danny glanced at Grove, who looked worried. Danny frowned. “Should I go after him? He’s pretty sure in the saddle, but he doesn’t know the area.”

“Yes, please. He’s pissed, and he’s got a wicked temper. Plus he’s fond of biting off more than he can chew.”

Danny scrubbed the accompanying image of Laurie’s biting and chewing from his brain and took off after him at speed. Danny rode Star Gazer, a beautiful black Arabian who had lots of speed on Tramp, but Laurie had a head start.

Danny galloped down the path, looking for signs of Tramp ahead. Finally he saw the flick of her tail rounding a corner, and he turned Star Gazer into the rough and ran catty-corner to intercept Laurie. When Danny came up beside Tramp, Laurie rode easily, grinning and obviously having way too much fun. Danny waved him down. “Stop, damn it.”

Laurie gave him a pouty look but slowed Tramp to a trot. “What’s wrong?”

“Just stop.”

Laurie frowned and pulled up Tramp.

Danny waved a hand to the right. “There’s a little stream over there. Let her get a drink.” He walked Star Gazer through the trees to the trickle of water, so precious in drought-ridden California.

Laurie dismounted and dropped his reins, letting Tramp get her own water.

Danny did the same, and as Star Gazer walked to the stream, Danny turned on Laurie. “First, you don’t know this area. Going that fast, you could have hit barbed wire, or for that matter, the highway that comes up fast in a half mile. Second, Tramp isn’t an Arabian. Yes, she’s got some speed, but she’s older and not bred to gallop for that long.”

“I asked to ride the Palomino.” He crossed his arms.

“And you may get to if it’s okay with Rand, but you’ve got to respect the horses, and making them pay for your temper isn’t the way to do it.”

Laurie’s eyes widened a bit; then he stared at his boots. “Tramp seems more than willing to run.”

Danny stepped closer. “A quality of horses you should be aware of is that they don’t always act in their own best interests. The same can be said for some humans.” Breathe. “You shouldn’t be riding alone. Period.”

Laurie stepped closer and thrust his pretty face toward Danny. “Okay, simple. You can ride with me.”

“I’ve got work to do.”

“News flash.” Laurie took another step. “I am your work.”

One more step and they’d be nose-to-nose—or lips-to-lips. Danny stared at that mouth like it held the secrets of the universe. What would those lips taste like? Big cowboy in the sky, help me.

Tara Lain - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Tara Lain writes the Beautiful Boys of Romance in LGBT erotic romance novels that star her unique, charismatic heroes. Her first novel was published in January of 2011 and she’s now somewhere around book 32. Her best-selling novels have garnered awards for Best Series, Best Contemporary Romance, Best Paranormal Romance, Best Ménage, Best LGBT Romance, Best Gay Characters, and Tara has been named Best Writer of the Year in the LRC Awards. In her other job, Tara owns an advertising and public relations firm. She often does workshops on both author promotion and writing craft. She lives with her soul-mate husband and her soul-mate dog near the sea in California where she sets a lot of her books. Passionate about diversity, justice, and new experiences, Tara says on her tombstone it will say “Yes”!

Author Links:
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Thanks for stopping by today! Good luck in the giveaway 🙂

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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27 responses to “Blogtour Review: Cowboys Don’t Ride Unicorns – Tara Lain

  1. Shirley Ann Speakman

    Congratulations on your new release Tara the book sounds fab and I wish you many sales.

  2. Missy C.

    When I first saw the title, I thought it was a fantasy book. I am so glad I read the blurb on this! Western books normally aren’t my thing but after reading what this book is about, it changed my mind. I have been looking for a book with the type of characters that are described here!

    • Ha! The unicorn almost got you, eh, Missy? Since I have read other books by Ms. Lain, I didn’t have too much trouble guessing what was up with the unicorn 🙂
      It’s a great story, Missy, and I hope you’ll pick it up, and enjoy it as much as I did.

  3. Two of my weaknesses are alpha males and 5 star rated books. But, as much as I love bad guys and alpha males, I have a hot spot for sexy cowboys. Awesome review, Lexxie, as always.
    This book is made for me! 😀

  4. Missy C.

    I wasn’t sure about reading it because it’s a western, but I am glad I read the blurb. That alone has changed me to wanting to read this…all because I have been looking for books to read with characters just like what was described!

  5. Just waving and thanking everyone for your great comments! I always love eavesdropping on Lexxie because she’s so great! If you all decide to read Cowboys Don’t Ride Unicorns, i hope you enjoy it so much! Yeehaw! : )

  6. Hi Tara! *waves*
    I see I’m missing out not picking up this series, Lexxie. :/ Danny and Laurie do sound like a match made in cowboy heaven and you have me concerned for them with your comment about attacks coming from places thought to be safe. I like that characters from the previous book make appearances here. It’s always fun to keep up to date with all the guys we meet in Tara’s stories. Great review, wifey!

    Miss you! Sending LOVE & {{{BIG HUGS}}}

    Bookworm Brandee recently posted: Brandee's Bookish Babble #31 ~ Goodreads & Comments
    • Heyyyyy Brandee. Come grab yourself a Unicorn! Just let me know if you need review copies of either book. Hugs and love to you, dear. : )

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