Genre: Mystery

Review: Right Where We Belong – Brenda Novak

Review: Right Where We Belong – Brenda Novak

Right Where We Belong brought me right back to Silver Springs, where I followed the complicated romance between Savanna and Gavin. There was quite a bit of suspense surrounding them, and that wasn’t the only thing working against them. Story: Savanna has been through a lot since her husband was arrested for several rapes. When people in the community turned against her, she figured she had to move so she and her children wouldn’t encounter any more people screaming at her for standing by him at the beginning. Right Where We Belong then continues away from Utah, and unfolds mostly in Silver Springs. Characters: Savanna is a strong woman, who will do what she thinks is right, even when the […]

Posted 25 October, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 17 Comments

Review: Hello Again – Brenda Novak

Review: Hello Again – Brenda Novak

Hello Again was so eery, I felt the suspense during the whole story, and it just seems impossible to me that Evelyn will make it through the end. There is more than one enemy now, and my goodness, the ending left me speechless and breathless. Story: The suspense and the psychological thriller aspects were even stronger in Hello Again. Evelyn has more than one person she needs to be wary of, and her newest inmate is so smart and vengeful. He’s at least as scary as Justin. Several things happen to bring more heat to Justin’s revenge, and on top of that, there are murders that seem different from his MO, but could still be by him. Amarok and Evelyn’s […]

Posted 27 September, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 6 Comments

Review: Five – J.A. Huss

Review: Five – J.A. Huss

Five blew my mind. It’s a story I’ve been waiting for since forever, and Huss definitely didn’t disappoint. Story: Princess Shrike was all ready to move on with her life. With no news from five in the past six years, she figured she should just do her thing. Date. Make new friends. Vacation in the Hamptons. Until her brother Ollie sends her a message saying she has to come home. Because Five is home. There was a lot of intrigue in Five. And a lot of heartache. And quite a bit of sadness. Of course, I also got Huss’ spectacular snark. And her hotness. Plus love – Five was also filled with beautiful love. Of course, there are also secret […]

Posted 18 September, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments

Review: Two Footsteps – Belle Brooks

Review: Two Footsteps – Belle Brooks

Two Footsteps was an excellent psychological thriller / suspense / mystery novella! I was completely captivated (pun intended) from start to finish. Story: A little dark, a lot tense, Two Footsteps definitely kept me at the edge of my seat. Who is the wolf? Why has he kidnapped Morgan? There are many clues around her when she wakes up, but none of them make sense to her. There is quite a bit of confusion, and suddenly, she wakes up outside. She’s hunted. And she has no idea how she’ll be able to get out of the wilderness alive. Characters: Morgan is married to Reid, they have two children. As she wakes up in unfamiliar surroundings, she knows her life is […]

Posted 5 September, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 19 Comments

Review: Until You Loved Me – Brenda Novak

Review: Until You Loved Me – Brenda Novak

Until You Loved Me was a beautiful story, this series just keeps getting better and better! Novak has created two very different characters who had a lot of confidence when it came to their professional lives, and even more insecurities when it came to their personal lives. I kind of fell in love with Ellie when I first met her in Until You Loved Me, because while her professional life was extremely successful, her personal life was kind of in shambles. Thanks to he best friend, though, she wasn’t allowed to stay home to wallow in her misery. Out and about in a new club, she met a very hot stranger, one who was hiding from the world because ‘everybody’ […]


Review: Lethal Lies – Rebecca Zanetti

Review: Lethal Lies – Rebecca Zanetti

Lethal Lies is fast paced, filled with danger and delicious romance, even with a serial killer on the loose who will stop at nothing. Lethal Lies is filled with action, romance, secrets, and lies. It’s a fast-paced adventure with ties to both the past and the future. I somehow read this before the first book in the series, but I still loved the story, the characters and the plot – that’s testament to how good it was. Zanetti’s world is a dangerous place, where the mysteries of the past try to catch up with the blood brothers in the present. I love this whole universe, because Zanetti always manages to keep the world building on point, and the characters that […]


Review: Deadly Silence – Rebecca Zanetti

Review: Deadly Silence – Rebecca Zanetti

Deadly Silence was packed with action, danger and romance, and I couldn’t set the book down until I had finished reading! This series is even more fast paced than the Sin Brothers series, and that’s saying something. Deadly Silence is the first in a spin-off of the Sin Brothers series, and I do think it’s important to read that series first to get some of the things that happen this one. Especially when it comes to some of the mystery surrounding the blood brothers. And there is so much action in this story it was at such a break-neck speed it was hard to catch my breath more than once! I enjoyed both the backstory and the present story, both were important […]


Review: Murphy’s Law – Lori Foster

Review: Murphy’s Law – Lori Foster

Murphy’s Law was fun! And sweet. And romantic. And filled with suspense and danger, too. Foster never fails to delight me, and I have to say that Murphy’s Law hit the right spot. Ashley and Quinton were both characters I could relate to, even if they are very different from me. Ashley really touched me, because she was such an independent woman, but still managed to ask for help when she needed it. And she definitely knew when she should stop being stubborn, and make sure she and the people she cared about would stay safe… at least as safe as possible. The friendships in Murphy’s Law spoke to me as well, and I enjoyed wedding planning, hanging out, being […]


Review: Silver Silence – Nalini Singh

Review: Silver Silence – Nalini Singh

Silver Silence has all the things I love about the Psy-Changeling series – a strong female lead, mystery and suspense, all the feels and hotness Silver fucking Merchant totally got to me in Silver Silence! And she sure got to a certain bear as well. Every single feel there is was invested in Valentin’s and Silver’s story, and I  loved how the overall story-arch and plot moved forward. If you’ve visited me before, you know I’m a huge Nalini Singh fan, and that was definitely cemented with Silver Silence. All the awesomeness. Silver was a character I had met several times in the prior Psy-Changeling books, as she was Kaleb’s assistant. She always seemed to be so distant and cold […]


Review: Provocative – Lisa Renee Jones

Review: Provocative – Lisa Renee Jones

Provocative definitely brought its share of provocation, but it also delved deeper than that, to a level where truths were uncovered, and where the suspicions made trust harder than it needed to be… Provocative wasn’t just addictive, it was consuming, and utterly impossible to put down. From start to finish, I was so engrossed in Faith and Nick, and the intricate way their lives were intertwined – even before they met for the first time. Intriguing. Dark. Hopeful. Enticing. The complex characters definitely moved the story of Provocative forward, Nick and Faith each having their chapters where they shared their hopes, their doubts, their guilt and their trust issues. The dual points of view moved the story forward at a […]
