Genre: Mystery

Blogtour, Giveaway and Review: Wolf in Gucci Loafers (Tales of the Harker Pack #2) – Tara Lain

Blogtour, Giveaway and Review: Wolf in Gucci Loafers (Tales of the Harker Pack #2) – Tara Lain

*I received a free ARC of Wolf in Gucci Loafers from Enchantress of Books Blogtours in exchange of an honest review* Wolf in Gucci Loafers is exciting, filled with tension, and the characters involved are very easy to like – at least the good guys are. I already enjoyed Lindsey a lot in The Pack or the Panther, and here, in his own story, he truly shines! I love his personality, and his quirkiness. He’s a rich heir, but that’s not what is important about him, he spends quite a bit of money on himself, clothes and cars mostly, but he also uses his riches to help those who are less fortunate than him. The way Lindsey deals with his […]


Review: The Blue Blazes (Mookie Pearl #1) – Chuck Wendig

Review: The Blue Blazes (Mookie Pearl #1) – Chuck Wendig

*I received a free ARC of The Blue Blazes from Angry Robot via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review* The Blue Blazes takes place in a weird-ass version of New York! The underworld is close, and Mookie is a huge hulk of a thug who is somehow trying to keep the world more or less safe from the monsters. A part of the organization, Mookie realizes that his biggest opponent in the war for power is his daughter, who now answers to the name Persephone. But all Mookie thought was truth slips away from him as he moves forward through the labyrinth he used to know as well as the back of his hand. The pacing is simply amazing! […]

Posted 30 January, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 23 Comments

Review: The Republic of Thieves (Gentleman Bastard #3) – Scott Lynch

Review: The Republic of Thieves (Gentleman Bastard #3) – Scott Lynch

*I received a free ARC of The Republic of Thieves from Del Rey via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review* The Republic of Thieves is the third book in the Gentleman Bastard series, but the first one I read. If I missed anything because I started with the third book, I truly didn’t notice it! The characters are so well done, and I will certainly check out the prior books in this series just to be able to learn more about this world that is set in another time, and possibly in another world as well. There are alchemists and magi, as well as normal people. Then, we also have the amazing Gentlemen Bastards, who have been raised to […]

Posted 11 December, 2013 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 12 Comments

Review: Backward Glass – David Lomax

Review: Backward Glass – David Lomax

*I received a free ARC of Backward Glass from Flux via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review* Backward Glass is a brilliant YA time travel novel, and it really made my day! The main character, Kenny, is pretty careful, but his travels to the past (and sometimes to the future) take him on such a wild adventure I was almost out of breath at times. I love reading about time travel, and I thought it was very well done in Backward Glass. Like, you can’t change what has happened, but you can still be the captain of your own life – that is very important to me on both counts. The characters in Backward Glass are all very well […]

Posted 26 November, 2013 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 22 Comments

Review: A Missing Peace – Beth Fred

Review: A Missing Peace – Beth Fred

*I received a free ARC of A Missing Peace from Harlequin via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review* A Missing Peace is a brilliant YA novel, about an Iraqi girl and an American boy, they have both been scarred by the war in Iraq, Mirriam’s dad was killed there when he tried to save a man. Caleb’s dad was killed there as well, and Caleb had always thought it happened in an attack and that enemy fire killed him. The way Caleb and Mirriam really can’t stand each other in the beginning, each thinking the other represents everything they hate is so well done! As Mirriam and Caleb get to know each other better, they also learn to appreciate […]

Posted 11 November, 2013 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review: The Cutting Room Floor – Dawn Klehr

Review: The Cutting Room Floor – Dawn Klehr

*I received a free eARC of The Cutting Room Floor from Flux via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review* The Cutting Room Floor is a fast-paced mystery that’s frankly quite creepy in places. At the same time, the way it’s written, with comparisons to movies, and actual scenes, director’s notes and fade-outs really appeals to me. The characters are well done too, and it’s Dez who is narrating the whole story, even if it seems as if Riley is the actual main character. Tricky that, right? And I actually really love it when there’s a narrator who I just know will be unreliable. It makes the story that more interesting in my opinion. So, The Cutting Room starts with […]

Posted 3 October, 2013 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 0 Comments