*I received a free copy of Five from via Author. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *
Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
on September 19, 2017
Five Aston has known Rory Shrike for as long as he can remember. He played with her in the sandbox. He went to every damn horse show just to be supportive. He helped her with her French, walked her home from school, and faked his test scores just to stay with her a little longer and not be sent off to college early.
But eventually he had to move on.
And so did she.
Never has a second chance meant so much to a boy who loves a girl.A standalone book that is also a spin-off of the Rook & Ronin Series and prequel to the Mister Series. You can read it first, you can read it last. It doesn't really matter because it's f*cking Five.
Five blew my mind. It’s a story I’ve been waiting for since forever, and Huss definitely didn’t disappoint.
Princess Shrike was all ready to move on with her life. With no news from five in the past six years, she figured she should just do her thing. Date. Make new friends. Vacation in the Hamptons. Until her brother Ollie sends her a message saying she has to come home. Because Five is home.
There was a lot of intrigue in Five. And a lot of heartache. And quite a bit of sadness. Of course, I also got Huss’ spectacular snark. And her hotness. Plus love – Five was also filled with beautiful love. Of course, there are also secret societies, violence, fights and some very self-involved people.
The suspense killed me. And that is all I’m going to say. At the end, I didn’t know up from down. Or right from left. I felt lost and found at the same time. And I was utterly shocked.
Rory is sweetness. But she also packs a huge punch, knows how to shoot, and has a lot of love to give.
Five is his usual quirky self. Extremely smart. But the guys he’s up against might be even smarter.
Oliver is young here, but still a schemer.
Writing style :
Five has dual points of views from Five and Rory’s perspective. Written in first person, present tense, I was right in the middle of the action with Rory and Five until the end.
Feels :
My feels died of shock, I think. But before that happened, there was excitement, love, anticipation…
Snowflake was young then. Rory’s first pony. She’d just started learning to rid.e And on that Halloween night we trick-or-treated riding around Fort Collins on a perfectly-groomed white pony dressed up in every detail as a princess and her knight.
Her tongue is sweet. Like she’s been sampling her outfit while she was waiting for me. She tastes like the past, the present, and the future all at once.
Fucking Five. Why can’t he just see things my way? We’re grown-ups now. That stupid kid stuff is over. And I’m ready to start something new. I don’t want to be his princess. I want to be his queen.
Reading this book contributed to these challenges:
Secret societies? Now I’m intrigued… 😀
This whole series is awesome, Stephanie! But I think it’s important to read this one in the correct order…
I thik this sounds so good and I’m happy you enjoyed it! It’s on my list to read.
It really is, Laura! However, I think it’s even more enjoyable if you have read the series Five originated from.
Hm… I am a bit worried about that ending. Might have to think on this one. You do have me curious.
You should read it! I was as vague as possible…
Twitter: Mlsimmons
Five is an interesting name for a person. I’m going to try this author’s Turn series (I think that is what it was called), if I can get caught up with my review audiobooks.
It’s not his real name, his real name is Rutherford Aston the fifth… so his nickname has always been Five 🙂
Yay, this will be my next read!!!! Sounds YUMMY.. ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for recommending this book. Fantastic review. ???
Have you read the other books in this series, Geybie? It’s part of the whole Rook & Ronin universe, and I really think it’s more enjoyable if you’ve read about them first 😉