Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Dumb F*ck ~ T. Torrest

Good golly but Dumb F*ck was all kinds of fun! With 90’s references, Scooby-Doo vibes, and equal parts silly and HOT, Dumb F*ck delivered everything I expect from T. Torrest. Well, everything except the serious. T. Torrest dubbed this an eroticomedy and I like that description. Dumb F*ck is the perfect way to kick off your summer reading! I laughed my head off so many times! It did take me a while to read, but that’s mostly because I was not motivated to read at all for a while. So busy with work, exams, year-end reports and everything else. Eroticomedy is the perfect word for Dumb F*ck, though. Sage was an interesting bird. She was super smart (valedictorian) and something […]