Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.

Published by Selfpublished on 24 June 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Suspense
Format: eARC
Source: Author

A girl with regrets…
Sasha Cherlin died the night she let Nick Tate walk out on her for a life of crime. Her very essence was destroyed when they broke their promise to one another.A man with remorse…
Nick Tate made his choice with her future in mind. He loved Sasha enough to know that leaving her behind was the only way to keep her safe.A path to revenge…
Special Agent Jax Barlow understands the bond of love and he plans to use it to get justice. Nick and Sasha will do anything to rewrite their past. He’s counting on that to bring them down.
*I received a free ARC of Wasted Lust from the author in exchange of an honest and unbiased review*
Wasted Lust is such a complex story about redemption, finding oneself, the meaning of life, love, loyalty, friendship and closure. My feels were all over the place!
My Wasted Lust review:
What can I say, apart from Huss definitely did it again! She got me engrossed in Sasha’s story from the first sentence, and I was practically on the edge of my seat for the duration of Wasted Lust. Complex characters, most of whom I already knew both from the Rook & Ronin series and its spinoffs and from 321, I was so happy to meet Sasha as a woman, and also to see what Jax was up to, even if I never could have guessed at the deep secrets that surrounded him. Well written, with chapters from both Sasha’s and Jax’ perspectives, I was able to delve deeply into their thoughts, however, every time I thought I had something figured out, I was proved wrong. As usual. Huss is so good at throwing curve balls, creating unseen twists and turns, and making characters just different enough from what I’d expect that the only thing to do is to be prepared for the unexpected.
In Wasted Lust, we learn a lot more about the company, but in very indirect ways. And Sasha, who seemed to have it all so well together didn’t know what she really wanted with her own life, how to move forward, or even what kind of career she wanted. At the beginning of the story, Sasha got of a plane after participating in an archeological dig in Peru, and special agent Jax Barlow comes straight up to her to ask her some questions. From that first meeting, even while being confident that she will be safe, Sasha is definitely on edge, and Jax is happy to let her feel a little unsettled.
As always, I was mesmerized with the prose, the turns of phrases, and the way the characters were never completely uncovered. Huss is amazing in the way she spins her tales to make every single word potentially have a deeper meaning, and knowing that going in, I was ready to question everything! I loved how Sasha was capable of relying on herself, but I did find it a little sad that she didn’t contact Ford for help. Of course, she had been keeping secrets from him as well, so there were some present difficulties she couldn’t share with him without also telling him about the past… Sasha also always trusted her gut feeling, which helped her stay strong and slightly ahead of the game.
To make sure I don’t give anything away, I’m just gong to stop here… I have pages upon pages of highlights for my favorite quotes, so I chose a few from the very beginning. Don’t wait – go get your own copy of Wasted Lust right now, and just enjoy the wild ride, the amazing characters and the goose-bumps.
Some of my favorite Wasted Lust quotes:
I. Am. A success. “I moved on,” I tell Agent Jax. But I know it’s a lie. And he knows it’s a lie. Because even though I’m the toughest girl you will ever meet – I am the killer of killers, for fuck’s sake – just on picture of just one man can take me back to the moment I realized… I lost. I lost everything.
My father is dead. Mother dead. Grandparents, dead. Home gone. And Nick – the one thing I held onto after the Company took my childhood away and turned me into a murderer – left me behind. Left me all alone.Because only a Company kid can understand what I am. We don’t walk the edge, we live on the other side of it.
Granted, her partners – all other Company-trained assassins – helped. But without this one girl they wouldn’t have gotten very far. No. The demise and fall of the Company was a product of Sasha Cherlin’s loss, anger, and heartbreak. Note to self. Do not cross this girl.
Sasha is a living, walking ghost.
This book counts towards the COYER scavenger hunt item 58 – read a book by an author with three names.
Reading this book contributed to these challenges:
Yes! I agree 100%! I loved this book, seeing Sasha as a woman, but my heart broke because she was lost and alone… I wanted to be there and hug her. I cried my eyes out (Nick) and cried some more! Great review girl!
OMG, Naomi, me too! It was so well done! I loved seeing Sasha as a woman, and my heart broke for her for the same reasons you said 🙂
Okay, this is crazy! You are making me add a million books to my TBR!!! I love stories with complex characters, secrets, and unseen twists! The mesmerizing prose, ton of highlighted quotes, and enthusiastic 5 star review have convinced me that Wasted Lust is a must read! Excellent Review Lexx 🙂
Ha! I’m happy I’m helping you add books to your TBR, just as you have added some to mine this week, Lindy.
Have a wonderful Wednesday.
I’m mitigated about J.A. Huss : some parts of her books I adore, others make me… wary. But I’ll definitely give her a second chance 🙂 And those twists, turns and curve balls you’re mentioning awoke my interest ! Great review, Lexxie 😉
This one won’t make you wary, Iza… It’s really, really good!
Twitter: talksupeblog
I have no excuse why I haven’t tried Huss yet. At this point, the story is secondary, I just want good writing to sink my teeth into.
Oh my goodness, Braine! I don’t know if I’d tell you to read some other books by her before reading this one, or tell you to just dive in and enjoy! There are characters in this book that first showed up in two other series, so I had a lot of background on them… Things are still well explained in Wasted Lust, though.
I love when we can get a mixture of so many great things. Hot read, good writing, and it sounds like a nice dose of suspense. I find more books that I want to read each time I stop by and I always love the quotes that you pick. Is this a series then? It sounds like it from your review, but it doesn’t say at GR.
Yeah, this is a spinoff of 321 by the same author, and several characters from her other series Rook & Ronin, Rook & Ronin spinoff, Dirty Dark and Deadly as well as Meet Me In the Dark show up here as well, so I had met most of the characters before, which made it even better for me. I do believe it can be read as a stand-alone, however, it may be more enjoyable to read the other books first… I don’t really know, since I have read all the other books 😉
Thanks, Lexxie. I think that I will start with Rook & Ronin since that sounds like where the story starts.
Yes, and those books will suck you in like there’s no tomorrow!
Twitter: BerlsS
Can I just gush over that cover for a minute? *sigh* So I just need a lot more time – how am I ever supposed to catch up on all these great books? I have all of them, I just haven’t been able to get to them all.
I know, right? You need to lock yourself in your room and go on a Huss binge, Berls 😉
Sasha is the kid who we first meet in that Ford book right? I didn’t realize she would be getting her own book, fun to hear how those series tie together and can be read as standalones as well. And that’s good to hear there is a lot of unexpected twists in this book as well. Great review!
Twitter: limabean74
Oh NO! Are you going to make me get this one now TOO!!!! 🙂
Awesome Review! *rushing off to add to my wish list*
I’ll be starting WL this weekend, Lexxie. Then we’re gonna chat! 😉 Your review has my quite eager to begin it, so thanks for that. 😛 I’m glad it was a satisfying read. **BIG HUGS**
This NEEDS to be added to my TBR list! In fact, as a fan of JA Huss’ I don’t know why I haven’t already had it on my list. Thanks for sharing such a great review!
Oh my goodness, Jessica! Yes, you definitely need to read Wasted Lust… Sasha is all grown up 😉