Published by Harper Teen on 9 December 2014
Genres: Contemporary, Young Adult
Pages: 304
Format: eBook
Source: RT15
Top Five Things That Are Ruining Chloe’s Day
5) Working the 6:30 a.m. shift at GoodFoods Market
4) Crashing a cart into a customer’s car right in front of her snarky coworker Sammi
3) Trying to rock the “drowned rat” look after being caught in a snowstorm
2) Making zero progress with her crush, Tyson (see #3)
1) Being accused—along with her fellow teenage employees—of stealing upwards of $10,000
Chloe would rather be anywhere than locked in work jail (aka the break room) with five of her coworkers . . . even if one of them is Tyson. But if they can band together to clear their names, what looks like a total disaster might just make Chloe’s list of Top Ten Best Moments.
Top Ten Clues You’re Clueless is a sweet, whimsical tale of six teenagers who worked in the same GoodFoods market on Christmas Eve.
Top Ten Clues You’re Clueless is a fast read, which is a good thing, because we only follow the main character, Chloe, and her fellow young employees for a few hours. It’s impossible to really get to know the characters very well in such a short time, and the story itself was very light, just slightly touching on some important topics before moving on to the next one. Chloe had diabetes, but didn’t want her co-workers to know. She also had a crush on one of them, and that was an important part of her inner dialogues and her numerous lists.
Because it was Christmas Eve, the GoodFoods market was going to count how much money had been collected for charity, and the main plot of Top Ten Clues You’re Clueless was that it was obviously quite a bit of money missing from the box. And who else would be blamed but the six teens working in the store? The unfairness of that particular way of seeing things was something that really touched me, though, and I’m sure it would have been even worse if I had been the protagonist’s age.
Sweet and whimsical, but without much substance, I enjoyed the writing quite a bit, and the lists Chloe kept making were quirky as well. Written in first person present tense from Chloe’s perspective, her inner thoughts were just as important as the rest of the story that unfolded around her and the other characters.
I know – it’s so nerdy, right? I keep hearing that being a geek is cool now, but I’m not sure the rest of the world has gotten the memo, because I still feel like a pretty big dork compared to a lot of people at my new school. And being insecure makes me want to write more lists, which makes me feel nerdier, which makes me write more lists… You can see my problem.
So that’s what I’m doing while I key in the code for my customer’s giant bag of limes. It’s hard to imagine what a small blond woman could do with that many limes.
I’m really working my way through my mom’s paperback mystery collection, so I guess that’s something. Something antisocial and vaguely depressing, maybe, but it’s something.
Reading this book contributed to these challenges:
Whimsical is definitely a perfect word to describe this one. I’m glad you enjoyed it! I did as well. I actually read it around the holidays so I loved that it takes place on Christmas Eve. Great review! 🙂
It was a fun read, and very sweet, too. Thanks for stopping by, Lisa 🙂
This one sounded nice, so cute cover!
It’s a cute story, Melliane 🙂
This really was a cute read. Liz Czukas/Ellie Cahill does cute very well. I agree though it didn’t have much substance. I really liked Chloe though! 🙂
Lovely review, Lexxie!
Chloe was a funny character, and I think I’d have enjoyed her more if I’d spent more time with her 🙂
This sounds like a quick interesting read. I think I’d like more substance to the characters though!
It’ is a quick read, Naomi, and quite nice for a vacation story 🙂
I hear great things about this author’s other work but so far reviews for this one have been mediocre. I’m not sure if I’ll get to it anytime soon, but I hope I enjoy it once I do!
I thought it was cute, Bee, perfect to read while on vacation when you want to spend a few hours just being entertained 🙂
Whimsical is right, even the blurb is lol!
Yes, and whimsical can be exactly what we need every now and then 🙂
I really quite liked this book. It is super light, but I do love lighter fluffy books.
Fluffy and light can definitely hit the right spot, Quinn!
I’ve wanted to read this for awhile. It sounds like a great fluff read for summer.
Yes, I think it’s perfect for a few hours of entertainment, Christy 😀
Twitter: kbaby81
I have this one on my shelf from a giveaway when back when it released. I haven’t really thought about it until now, and since I’m trying to clear up some of my wins, I may give it a go soon. Though, I won’t go in with high expectations.
Twitter: kbaby81
sorry, “win”
I hope you’ll enjoy it, Lekeisha 🙂
Cute cover and title on this one!
I agree 🙂
I, of course, have this one on my shelf as well…and I think it might be on my HW list?!? Anyway, I’m glad it was a quick, cute read even if it didn’t have much substance to it. That’s too bad because it seems like some of the topics touched on would make good lessons for young adults. Oh well!
It was a quick, cute read. Not amazing, but not bad, either 🙂 *BIG HUGS*
Sounds cute, I’m a fan of both lists and novels that take place in a short period of time so I’ll have to give this one a try. Thanks for the recommendation.
It is very cute 🙂 I hope you’ll enjoy it, Ann.
Glad you were able to find this one fairly fun to read. The title really caught my eye immediately and it seems like a fun, cute, quick read.
It is cute, and quite fun, Olivia. If you pick it up, I hope you’ll enjoy it!
Oh! I didn’t know that this book was set around Christmastime! I will have to keep it in mind come Christmas this year. I always love reading cute books with a Christmas theme – it always helps with feeling that it IS Christmas 😀
This none sounds really cute, too. I need more cute book in my life – so many of the ones I read are really emotional and heavy going. So to lighten up with a fluffier book would be good!
Lovely review, Lexxie!
You’re right Chiara, we do need some fluffy light stuff to read about every now and then 🙂 I hope you’ll enjoy this one in December 😉
Twitter: limabean74
Glad you enjoyed this I did also. The only issue I really had that bothered the heck out of me was, why was no parent worried about their kids? It drove me nuts. It was Christmas Eve.
It was rather cute and I did love her inner voice and lists.
Great review, Lexxie!