Publisher: Harper Teen

Review ~ The Poet X ~ Elizabeth Acevedo

Review ~ The Poet X ~ Elizabeth Acevedo

This. Was. Amazing. I have no words. At least no words as eloquent or as powerful as EAcevedo or The Poet X. But here’s my attempt at a worthy review… The Poet X is the first novel I’ve read written entirely in verse. I wasn’t certain how I’d feel about it but I needn’t have been nervous. EAcevedo delivered Xiomara’s story with passion and eloquence. And I love every moment. Xiomara is 15. She’s the daughter of Dominican immigrants. She and her twin brother, Xavier or “Twin”, share a bedroom in the apartment where they live with their parents. Things they share besides a bedroom: difficult parents – their dad isn’t present and their mom dotes on “Twin” while being […]


Review: A Walk in the Sun – Michelle Zink

Review: A Walk in the Sun – Michelle Zink

A Walk in the Sun made me feel the feels! Rose was a strong, young woman, one who didn’t realize her strength until the end of the story One of the main themes of A Walk in the Sun is how grief can change us! Our outlook on life, our plans, our wants even, up to a point, our needs. After Rose’s mother passed away, her father became a shell of his former self, and the only person left to take care of the ranch, the animals and the house – on top of finishing high school – was Rose. She worked herself hard, and while she was tired more often than not, she also felt some kind of satisfaction […]


Review: The Distance Between Us – Kasie West

Review: The Distance Between Us – Kasie West

The Distance Between Us was a nice surprise, with Xander and Caymen from different sides of the track, and Caymen having heard her whole life that she should stay far, far away from rich boys, the relationship and the uncovering of secrets kept me invested in the story from start to finish. My The Distance Between Us review: When I picked up The Distance Between Us, I thought I would get a fluffy romance with young characters, and in a way, I did get that, but I got much more as well! Caymen had been working her whole life to get good grades, and helping her mom in the doll-shop after school. Brilliant in science, Caymen definitely wanted more in […]


Review: The Last Time We Say Goodbye – Cynthia Hand

Review: The Last Time We Say Goodbye – Cynthia Hand

Tissues! The Last Time We Say Goodbye is one of those books… and I just can’t stop crying right now. My The Last Time We Say Goodbye review: This is a pretty tough read, dealing with a difficult and heartbreaking subject. And it definitely should come with a trigger warning! At the very beginning of The Last Time We Say Goodbye, we learn that Lex’s brother Ty committed suicide, and Lex is seeing a therapist who first suggests that she be medicated, then when she vetoes that, he tells her she should write. The first and the last. Especially the last time she saw Ty happy. And Lex is numb. She goes through the motions, sharing flash-backs that seem so […]


Review: Paperweight – Meg Haston

Review: Paperweight – Meg Haston

Paperweight is a heart-breaking realistic fiction story about a girl who decides the best way to control her unravelling life is by either not eating at all, or eating a whole lot before ‘purging’ it all. My Paperweight review: Stevie isn’t only trapped in her own body, she is completely lost in there, and nothing at all makes sense to her anymore, ever since that fateful evening when she was eating fried chicken on the porch while her dad explained that her mom had left them all behind. Paperweight is a harsh story, about how, when Stevie has no control over her life anymore, the only thing she can control is what she ingests. Not eating makes her feel like […]


Review: Rites of Passage – Joy N. Hensley

Review: Rites of Passage – Joy N. Hensley

*I received a free ARC of Rites of Passage from Harper Teen via Edelweiss in exchange of an honest review* Rites of Passage is a creepy read, with undertones of The Lord of the Flies. My Rites of Passage review: Rites of Passage really shows how much struggle it can be for a woman to be in the army, and even more so because Sam enters a high-school that’s a preparation for the army later, and most of her superior officers are under the age of twenty, and frankly quite upset about the fact that women are now accepted into this prestigious school that used to be an all-men place. It doesn’t matter to anyone that Sam may have all […]

Posted 5 September, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 16 Comments

Review: Mind Games – Kiersten White

Review: Mind Games – Kiersten White

Mind Games is a great start to Kiersten White’s new series with the same name! Strange powers, dystopian society, two young girls who have to stick together to survive… My Mind Games Review: After their parents’ death, Fia and Annie were first taken in by their aunt, until a school came with a very tempting offer to Annie. Blind, Annie could only see when she had visions, and the first she had was of their parents crashing their car and dying. This is how the mysterious school found out about her, but they are soon even more interested by Fia, who is adamant Annie shouldn’t move in and start her education. The atmosphere was no good, and Fia’s instincts make […]


Review: Boundless (Unearthly #3) – Cynthia Hand

Review: Boundless (Unearthly #3) – Cynthia Hand

Boundless is kind of without bounds, and in some ways it could have been better if it had some boundaries. Clara, Christian and Angela leave for Standford at the very beginning of Boundless, and the readers follow them through information as they arrive. The first night, they are taken out of their rooms by the older students for a run around campus in the dark, and Clara gets to know one of Angela’s roommates, as well as the PHE who’s part of her dorm. She also manages to use just a tiny bit of glory to heal a girl’s broken ankle – without anybody noticing that something is up. Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe […]

Posted 6 February, 2013 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review: Team Human – Justine Larbalestier and Sarah Rees Brennan

Review: Team Human – Justine Larbalestier and Sarah Rees Brennan

Team Human did have a few things going for it, but I didn’t connect that much with the MC, Mel was acting like a spoiled brat for a lot of it, and she thought she was helping her friends, but really, she was looking out for number one. I really liked Cathy, even if we didn’t get to know her all that well, since everything that happened was seen through Mel’s eyes. However, Cathy seemed like a serious, old soul who would rather have lived in the 18th century as a noble than in 2012 being a teenager having to attend high school. I could completely understand her attraction to Francis, and maybe that is what made it so hard […]


Insurgent (Divergent #2) – Veronica Roth

Insurgent (Divergent #2) – Veronica Roth

Insurgent is a great continuation of Divergent. The characters continue to make sense, and we learn more about the society and why it became the way it is. I loved this book, the way Four and Tris had to deal with the aftermath of the huge simulation war, and wondering what was going to happen next was exciting and kept me firmly attached to my kindle for the whole narrative. Their little stay at Amity was strange to say the least, and Tris had to find out the hard way how things were always seemingly so peaceful there. Again, I love how Tris and Four continue to go to each other to feel reassured, even if they are also both […]
