Review: Texas Kissing – Helena Newbury

Posted 2 September, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 8 Comments

*I received a free copy of Texas Kissing from Foster and Black New Adult via Author. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Review: Texas Kissing – Helena NewburyTexas Kissing by Helena Newbury
Published by Foster and Black New Adult on 28 August 2015
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Pages: 366
Format: eARC
Source: Author
3 Stars

Lily - To escape my uncle--one of New York's most dangerous mob bosses--I had to create a whole new life. I became an expert forger, fled to Texas and never let anyone get close to me again. I didn't figure on having my life saved by a huge, muscled cowboy. He's arrogant, stubborn and he's the local why is he interested in a curvy girl like me? And if he annoys me so much...why can't I stop fantasizing about him?

Bull - As soon as I saw her, I knew I had to have her. Lily had curves that didn't quit and too many goddamn secrets. Well, I was going to uncover every inch of her...

Texas Kissing is both sweet and filled with danger, Lily had been hiding from her mafia-boss uncle for two years, and everything was fine until she met Bull, the sexy, tall, muscular cowboy who saved her from a bull…

My Texas Kissing review:

Lily had lived a quiet life in her converted buss for the past two years, hardly ever leaving apart from when she needed to meet with her cartel or armsdealer clients who needed a new passport or three. Texas Kissing has quite a bit of suspense, and it was easy to see why Lily was so careful not to be attached to anyone, even if she felt a little lonely at times. At the beginning of the story, she had a meeting at a rodeo stadium, and when she realized she was at the opposite of where she needed to be, she decided to take a shortcut. Only to end up right in front of an angry bull between two fences, and nowhere to go. Just as she thought the bull would spear her, the biggest man she had ever put eyes on wrestled the bull away from her and then proceeded to let her know she could pay him back by having a drink with him later on.

While there were a lot of serious undertones in Texas Kissing, there was a lot of humor and lightness, too. It did take me a while to connect with Lily, even if I enjoyed her from the beginning of the story. A curvy young woman, very capable at falsification and hacking, she was secure when it came to her work, but very insecure when it came to interacting with a hunky cowboy who had girls literally throwing themselves at him. I also enjoyed that there are chapters in both Lily and Bull’s point of view, as it was good to see what each of them were thinking in different situations. There were a few chapters from one of the mafia goon’s point of view as well, and those were chilling! The hatred he had for Lily was so strong, it was easy to see why she had fled from New York to live hidden and alone.

Written in first person point of view and in past tense, Texas Kissing is quite evenly paced, and though the romance between Bull and Lily was a little hurried, they were very hot together, and I think they both needed someone special in their lives to make it worth living. Especially Lily, who hadn’t really lived at all lately. And it made me chuckle that Bull had to work so hard to get Lily’s attention, because she just didn’t think anything good could come from spending time with him.

Some of my favorite Texas Kissing quotes:

 Why a bus? Because it’s always ready to move. My name is Lily, and I’m on the run.

She seemed to be checking out my body, which I was used to, but it wasn’t accompanied by any of the normal flirting or smiles. I felt like I was trying to play tennis with myself.

I debated whether to take my gun but eventually decided it was inappropriate for a date. So I took a Taser instead.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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8 responses to “Review: Texas Kissing – Helena Newbury

  1. I’m glad Newbury infused humor into this one, Lexxie, as it seems like Lily’s story is pretty ‘heavy’. I’m really curious about Texas Kissing because of Lily, honestly. You said it was hard to connect with her – maybe it was because of her lack of real contact with people…her inability to connect? I love that the hero’s name is Bull. 😛 Great review, my dear.
    I read your exchange with Braine…I’m not sure there are more cowboys in Tennessee than Texas but you definitely didn’t get to see any in downtown Dallas. But if we’d traveled a mere half an hour in any direction, you’d have seen some. 🙂 **BIG HUGS**

    Bookworm Brandee recently posted: Review ~ On My Knees ~ J Kenner #COYER, #ShelfLove
    • Yeah, Lily’s story is definitely heavy. And you are absolutely right, Brandee, I do think I had a hard time connecting with Lily because of her lack of contact. LOL Bull was awesome, I think you’d like him a lot…
      And while I was in Dallas, I didn’t exactly leave the hotel very much, which can also be a reason why I didn’t see many cowboys 😉 *BIG HUGS*

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