Review ~ Seducing His Secret Wife ~ Robin Covington

Posted 31 March, 2021 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 4 Comments

*I received a free copy of Seducing His Secret Wife from Harlequin Desire via Author. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Review ~ Seducing His Secret Wife ~ Robin CovingtonSeducing His Secret Wife by Robin Covington
Series: Redhawk Reunion #2
Published by Harlequin Desire on February 1, 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Pages: 224
Format: eARC
Source: Author
3.5 Stars

A wife is the last thing he wants…

And the one thing he needs.

Justin Ling knows a steamy Vegas tryst with his best friend’s little sister is reckless. And an impromptu wedding? Disastrous! But when they return home, passion prevents him from calling it quits with Sarina Redhawk. To keep his investors and family off his back, the tech entrepreneur must keep their marriage secret. Will his arrangement with the strong-willed beauty backfire?

Adult - (un)Conventional Bookviews Contemporary - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Seducing His Secret Wife is the second installment in RCovington’s Redhawk Reunion series and it’s a worthy addition. I knew it’d take quite the woman to capture Justin’s attention. Hooboy did the sparks fly! And then we find out who *she* really is. Watching the romance bloom between Justin and Sarina was heartwarming and fun. These two are broken in their own ways and it was something to see as they proved to each other that they were enough just as they are. I only wish I’d gotten to see even more page time between them.

Sarina has experienced abandonment most of her life. Being separated from her parents and split from her brothers was only the beginning. Foster care and then military life served to reinforce the impermanence of family. So she’s honed her running skills, never allowing anyone close enough that they could eventually leave her. It’s why she’s having difficulty reuniting with her brothers. And it’s why she’s giving her husband such a hard time.

Justin has never been enough. Not ambitious or driven or smart enough. Despite co-founding a billion dollar company, he still feels lacking. Especially in his parents’ eyes. He also has a penchant for engaging in risky behavior which is why he was in Vegas the night he met his wife.

Despite the drunken, quickie wedding, Justin and Sarina spend time together, getting better acquainted and exploring the connection they both immediately felt. I wish we’d had more on-page time seeing them build the foundation of their relationship. However, it did feel genuine – they found in each other a person who validated them and their strengths. They were enough for each other. The additional page time would have, for me, kept the story from feeling rushed.

I’m enjoying this series and assume we’ll get one more seeing as the last of the Redhawk siblings must get his story. I’m very keen on getting Roan’s story.


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Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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4 responses to “Review ~ Seducing His Secret Wife ~ Robin Covington

  1. Maureen Bakker

    This definitely sounds like a good read. And the characters sound really interesting to get to know.

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