Review: One Second – Dannika Dark

Posted 8 April, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 22 Comments

*I received a free copy of One Second from via Enchantress Design and Promo. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Review: One Second – Dannika DarkOne Second by Dannika Dark
Series: Seven #7
on 5 April 2016
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Suspense, Mystery, Romance, Urban Fantasy
Format: eARC
5 Stars

Love. Family. Brotherhood.
Lexi has faced personal struggles, but nothing has prepared her for the most perilous battle of her life. Shifters are on the brink of war as Northerners target Colorado in an attempt to infiltrate the borders. Texas winds up on the hit list, and the Weston pack prepares to fight for their land… and for their lives.
Austin’s courage is put to the test when rogues want to seize his land and slaughter his pack. But that’s not all he’s facing as two shocking revelations turn their lives upside down. His love for Lexi is unwavering, but their future is uncertain.
Will the local packs set aside their differences to fight together, or will this be the end of peace among Shifters? Stand witness to the epic conclusion of the Seven series.

Adult - (un)Conventional Bookviews UF - (un)Conventional Bookviews

One Second was a beautiful, tense and very fast-paced and dangerous ending to the Seven Series.

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews

A lot of smaller plot-points from the prior books in the Seven series came together in One Second, and for most of the time, the action was tense and made me feel an undercurrent of danger for my favorite shifters. Lexi was very unsure of herself at the beginning, and it all had to do with her wanting a baby, but being afraid of having to live through another miscarriage. When Austin showed her that he was all in, however, she was ready to give it her all.

Things started out nicely enough with Austin and Lexi renting a cabin in Colorado, Reno and April, as well as Ivy and Lorenzo in neighbouring cabins. Quickly, though, they were summoned to a meeting in which they learned about Norther rogues on the warpath. It seemed that these Northerners were on their way to Texas, and that a huge war was on the horizon.

One of the things I love about this series is the Weston pack! So open-minded, both when it comes to other kinds of shifters than wolves, and other breeds, as well as pack-members sexuality. They really are one big family, and they are loyal to the core! They would all die for each other, and that’s a great advantage when it comes to fighting an enemy who has taken individuals into a somewhat organized army, but where there is no common goal.

The story in One Second unfolds several years after Two Minutes, children have grown into strong teenagers, and the adult relationships have evolved as well. Lexi and Austin have matured, too, however, their love, teasing and sexiness is still as strong as ever. I always enjoy reading about couples that stay together when they get their happily ever after at the beginning of a series. Dealing with other kinds of problems than ‘does he like me?’ and cementing their love and commitment by fighting outside forces always makes me swoon.

Of course, there are fights in One Second! With the war, and some very dubious outsiders in the mix, some of the fights are very dirty. There were many OMG moments for me, where I cried as characters I have loved over the span of the series got the bad part in a battle, and were left reduced.

If you’re a fan of shifters and other paranormal creatures, One Second is a must read! Some characters from the Mageri series were in the outskirts of the storyline here, and I just loved how Dark brought her two somewhat separate universes together. I cannot wait to see what she’ll come up with next!

Written mostly in first person point of view and from Lexi’s perspective, there are some third person point of view seen through Austin’s eyes as well. The story unfolds in past tense, and the dialogues truly make the characters’ personalities shine.

Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

The couples faced each other, with Reno and Lorenzo on my left. Lorenzo and Austin had been talking about the size of their land, which in Shifter speak was the equivalent of comparing penis sizes. Apparently, Lorenzo had a bigger penis, so Austin was thinking about expanding his own girth. 

No matter how many years we’d been together, Austin always seduced me as if we’d never been intimate before. He looked at me with all that newness and desire as if he were seeing, tasting, and feeling me for the first time. He had a predatory look that made him appear wild and dangerous, one that sent shills across my skin.

I used to curse all the bad things that had happened to me in life, thinking they were punishments. I didn’t realize that each tragedy and stroke of bad luck was simply a stepping-stone to the life I was meant to live, toward the people I would cherish forever. 

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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22 responses to “Review: One Second – Dannika Dark

  1. wow book 7? that’s a lot! I remember seeing this author everywhere but I didn’t realize that she had some many books to discover. I really need to try one of her books!

  2. It’s killing me to wait for this in audio, Lexxie. And you just made it kill a little harder. 😉 I too love the pack dynamics in the Weston pack and I really like that Lexi and Austin are the focus for this last book, but that we get to see everyone else as well. It sounds like I’m going to be tied in knots with the action and suspense…I probably shouldn’t listen while driving with this one. 😉 I’m happy the ending was a worthy one for the series – even if I hate saying goodbye to these characters.
    Happy Friday, my friend! **BIG HUGS**

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