Review: On the Hunt – Alexandra Ivy et al

Posted 5 October, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 9 Comments

*I received a free copy of On the Hunt from Zebra via Netgalley. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review: On the Hunt – Alexandra Ivy et alOn the Hunt Published by Zebra on 25 August 2015
Pages: 384
Format: eARC
Source: Netgalley
3.5 Stars

Four of today’s most intriguing paranormal authors entice readers deep into the shadows, where vampires, immortals, and other supernatural creatures heat up the night...

ON THE HUNT by Alexandra Ivy
Mika Tanner has loved Bailey Morrell, a beautiful Healer, since childhood. But his duty as a Sentinel, a supernatural guardian of an ancient race, clashed with her rebellious spirit. Now a dangerous new anarchist group not only threatens life as they know it—but any chance of their being together again...

SCORPIUS RISING by Rebecca Zanetti
With a deadly disease spreading like wildfire across the country, microbiologist Nora Medina needs to focus all her energy on stopping the pandemic. Playing with dynamite—in the form of her way-too-hot ex—is the last thing she should be doing. ​But forced to work with Deacan McDougall against unexpected enemies with the seconds ticking by, she knows the explosion is coming...

PHANTOM EMBRACE by Dianne Duvall
Immortal Yuri Sokolov was born with the ability to see spirits, yet he's never seen one as lovely as Cat Seddon, the woman who haunts his home and his dreams. But amid their star-crossed love, a new danger may have Yuri facing a different kind of eternity.

STAKE OUT by Hannah Jayne
Vampire fashion designer Nina LaShay has a lot on her plate—just two days until fashion week and the model who was flirting with her photographer boyfriend is now a corpse in her studio. But when dead turns into undead and dangerous, Nina must find out who’s responsible…before the beautiful baby vamp takes too many bites out of the Big Apple.

On the Hunt is an anthology with fantasy stories from four different authors’ series. The first story made me satisfied and happy to discover a new-to-me author!

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews

On the Hunt – this was my introduction to Alexandra Ivy, and I am hungry for more from her The Sentinels series. There is magic and mayhem, and sentinels who hunt down those who don’t abide by the rules. I found the female lead character, a witch, to be very interesting, because she wanted to live on the outskirt of society in order to help heal those who couldn’t always show themselves everywhere. The story was intriguing, even if it was not the beginning of the series, and I enjoyed both the world building and the character development.

Scorpius Rising – I am still shaking my head at myself for not having read this as soon as I received this ARC! I have read the first two books in Zanetti’s The Scorpius Syndrome and really loved them! However, with Scorpius Rising, I got the very beginning of the Scorpius outbreak, and a back-story to several of the characters I’ve come to know and love in Mercury Striking and Shadow Falling. A thrilling, dark and realistic world, with a sickness that is scary because it sounds like something that could actually happen. Zanetti crowns it all with amazing characters who are both smart and strong willed, and ready to fight the fight not only for their lives but for the future of humanity.

Phantom Embrace – I had never read anything by Dianne Duval before, and I’m sorry to say I didn’t enjoy her story as much as the others. The writing was more stilted, and especially the female lead character annoyed me – she was very woe is me, and her inner dialogues made me roll my eyes. Now, this is quite far into a series, and I might have enjoyed this more if I knew more about the world as I didn’t really get everything that was going on between the immortals and the vampires, and how the guardians were supposed to keep the world safe.

Stake Out – I hadn’t read any books by Hannah Jayne before, either, and I’m not sure if it’s because I completely fell off the wagon with Phantom Embrace or something else, but I didn’t manage to finish Stake Out. Again, this may very well work perfectly for fans of Jayne and her series, I just wasn’t into anything to do with this story or the characters, so I quit reading after only ten-ish pages.

Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

It was difficult to decide what was more aggravating. The swarm of bugs that attacked without warning. The goopy mud that clung to her shoes. Or the air that was so thick with humidity that breathing was an Olympic sport.

Any sense of right and wrong that had been instilled in them by their parents had packed its bags and headed for the door.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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9 responses to “Review: On the Hunt – Alexandra Ivy et al

  1. Yay! Glad you loved Scorpius Rising. It really does help to see how it all started and to understand some of the ongoing characters better.

    I love Alexandra Ivy books.

    Reading this was my first exposure to the other two authors and I was so-so on them, too.

  2. At least you liked 50%, Lex. 😉 I’m happy you enjoyed Ivy’s story. I’ve read one or two from that series – it’s only list for series catch up because I really liked her writing. And I’m happy you enjoyed getting more back story in Zanetti’s series. (should I read this before starting the series?) I haven’t read anything from Duvall or Jayne but I actually do have some of their work – I just haven’t gotten to it yet. If I get to either of them sooner than later, maybe we can compare notes. 😉
    Happy Wednesday, wifey! I hope you enjoy your day. I am looking forward to hearing about your first day in detention. 😉 <3 *BIG HUGS* <3

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