Review: Mr. Mysterious – J.A. Huss

Posted 14 October, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 20 Comments

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review: Mr. Mysterious – J.A. HussMr. Mysterious by J. A. Huss
Series: Mister #4
on 12 October 2016
5 Stars

Paxton Vance isn’t as cryptic as he thinks. That broody nature and tough-guy exterior aren’t fooling me one bit.

I know everything about him. I listen in on his most personal phone calls. I read his mail before he does. I even know what his mother got him for Christmas last year.

You’re the man of my dreams, Paxton Vance. You just don’t know it yet.

But don’t worry, I’ll remind you. I’m here to give you everything you need, before you know you need it.

So don’t get defensive because I take a challenge seriously. You have to open up to someone, and that someone is me.

Mr. Mysterious did bring some answers, but it brought ever more questions as well!

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews

The Mister series becomes faster paced with a plot that thickens more with each installment! I loved Mr. Mysterious, both because I was curious about Pax, and because Cindy was such a hoot! That girl actually narrates parts of her actions as they happen 🙂 and she had me laughing out loud. Her flirting with Pax was outrageous, but I think it was needed in order to really capture his attention. The overall plot moved forward very nicely here, but I still feel like I have more questions than answers. And that is definitely right up Ms. Huss’s usual alley – to keep us all guessing up until the very last sentence.

Mr. Mysterious had a lot on his mind, and it didn’t help that there was something about Cindy that was tugging at his memories. She was so much fun to be around he even decided to forego his usual thorough background check, and that just made her little slip-ups even more fun to read about. For a part of the story, Cindy and Pax were just getting to know each other better… mostly in a carnal way, and there was little interactions with the outside world. Once those interactions started, they didn’t stop, though! And I love that even when the characters discovered some things, because they are so suspicious about each other, they never truly shared 100% what they thought was going on. And the readers are partly kept in the dark as well – to keep us on our toes and wanting more!

Written in first person, past tense, and from different characters’ perspectives, the flow is easy, the pace quite fast, and there are so many amazing dialogues I have pages and pages of highlights I could share. I’m going to let you have the pleasure of reading Mr. Mysterious for yourself, though. Even if I will entice you with a few of my favorite quotes 😉

Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

“Oliver is going to show up at Pax’s house – wherever the fuck that might be – with a goddamned shotgun. Oliver’s father will be there, too. And since you’ve never met Spencer Shrike, I’ll just tell you right now, you do not fuck with that guy. He comes off all sweet and charming, but don’t let him fool you. Mr. Shrike knows his way around a gun.”

“You cannot date Oliver’s sister,” I say, snapping out of it. “No. No. This is not happening. If you even looked at my sister -”
“You don’t have a sister,” Five says.
“Camille counts,” I say, defensive. “I’d fucking kill him if he even looked at Camille. You need to break this off, Pax. Like now. You can’t date a guy’s sister. It’s like the number on Bro Rule. Howd’ you like it if Oliver was dating your sister?”
“He doesn’t have a sister,” Five says.


Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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20 responses to “Review: Mr. Mysterious – J.A. Huss

  1. Berls

    I can’t believe she’s already to Mr. #4!!! How does she write at such a pace? I can’t even try to keep up! Ever since you started reviewing this series I’ve wanted to pick it up though, guess I’d better get on it, as (no surprise) it continues to sound fantastic.

    Happy Friday!! Hope detention is going well still and you’re getting lots of dissertation writing done 🙂 {Hugs}

    • Yeah, I wish I could write that fast, too, Berls. She does plot for a long time, though, and then boom she’ll just write, write, write.
      Detention was good, and I’m also getting more hours of teaching these days. Plus I’m writing for my dissertation – everything is looking up!

  2. It sounds like this series has an overarching plot as well, even with a different couple in each book. Which sounds nice. Cindy sounds like such a fun character to read about. I haven’t read a JA Huss book in a long time as I didn’t enjoy the last ones I read as much, but I might give one of her newer books a try once to see what I think of them.It seems there are some secrets and mystery in this one, which makes me curious about what’s going on. Great review Lexxie!

  3. I’m reading Mysterious right now, Lex, and I’m already highly entertained by Cindy! Oh my goodness!! I will keep in mind that not all my questions are going to be answered and that there will be more questions but that’s par for the course with Huss, yeah? I’m so happy you’re with me on this wild ride called the Misters!
    Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend, wife! I miss you!! <3 *BIG HUGS*

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