Review: Meet Me in the Dark – J.A. Huss

Posted 15 April, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 5 Comments

*I received a free copy of Meet Me in the Dark from Selfpublished via Author. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review: Meet Me in the Dark – J.A. HussMeet Me in the Dark by J. A. Huss
Published by Selfpublished on 15 April 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Suspense
Format: eARC
Source: Author
5 Stars

Eight years ago, Merric Case—AKA Merc, freelance assassin—was sent to rescue a sixteen year old girl from a Wyoming-based militia group on Christmas Eve. A new life, new friends, and a whole lot of new money came out of that job. But a choice had to be made that night, and the girl he should’ve saved was left behind.

Sydney Channing was collateral damage in more ways than one when the rescue she expected turned into an eight-year nightmare filled with lies, sexual servitude, and mind manipulation. Case’s last threat gave her hope that one day he’d be back—even if it was just to kill her.

And now Merc is back. But he’s not here to save Sydney. His job is to pick through her damaged psyche and find the truth using whatever means necessary. Sex, drugs, lies, and love. Those are his weapons of choice. And when Merric Case takes aim—he never misses the target.

Dark is only the beginning when it comes to Meet me in the Dark! Merc is even more twisted that I thought he was, and Sydney is so confused, broken and out of it she amazed me when she was able to show me she truly did have a backbone after all.

My Meet Me in the Dark review:

Book hangover V2.0 is what Meet Me in the Dark has given me! There are just so many things happening, and the twists and turns and psychological war Merc has going with Sydney is so above anything I’ve ever read I’m still reeling. And my feels, my poor, poor feels! From disgust to happiness, fear to elation, hope to desolation – yeah, my feelings have been all over the place with this story, and I have a hunch it’s going to take a while for it all to settle down in my head and heart once more.

I truly don’t know how Huss does it! She takes these extremely complex characters, and she is able to make me loathe them one minute, and love them the next… Merc is no different! He’s kind of an ass, and at the same time, it was hard to not believe he was being genuine when he showed Sydney his softer, nicer side. Meet Me in the Dark features mostly Merc and Sydney, and they each have their chapters to let the readers know what they are thinking and feeling… I think. Even in their own chapters, I couldn’t help but think unreliable narrator, Lexxie! But I fell for them more often than not, because they are that well written.

Meet Me in the Dark takes place several years after the last Dirty, Dark and Deadly story, and is set in the same universe. Characters from that series are mentioned in passing, but I don’t think they are necessary in order to get the most out of the story here, even if it did thrill me to see them appear even if only in conversations. Sydney has been a part of the Company since she was born, and at the time when she decides to leave everything behind the night before she’s getting married, she has no idea what is real and what’s only in her head. She’s been used over and over, and brainwash is as usual for her as having coffee with her breakfast is for me!

As the story unfolded, it was easy to see that neither Merc nor Sydney knew the whole story about the other, and that made the suspense almost unbearable. From the literal dark in the beginning, where Merc kept Sydney in a room so dark it was easier for her to move about when she closed her eyes, to the ending, where the light was harsh, Meet Me in the Dark is a very dark tale, but it is also slightly addictive, like all Ms. Huss stories seem to be for me. Written in alternating points of views, in first person present tense, I really felt like I was in the middle of this dark and twisted story next to Merc and Sydney.

Some of my favorite Meet Me in the Dark quotes:

I don’t know who the bad guys are here. Hell, I’m not even sure there are any other people in this word but bad guys. But I’m pretty sure Garrett is the worst of them all.

But I don’t care. The only thing worse than getting away is not getting away. Either way, my life as I once knew it is over. And if this is the end, I’d rather meet the assassins out here in the dark than be kept as Garrett’s plaything at the next camp.

A boot stomps down on my back, pressing hard against my spine. “Don’t fucking move.”
But I do move. I turn my head and look up at the face of a killer. Not the killer I know, but it doesn’t matter. I’ll take anyone at this point.

I am not other people. I am Merc and there are three things you should know about me.
Number one. You might be bigger, but I will last longer.
Number two. If you fuck me, I fuck everything you ever loved.
And number three. I never lose. My victory is only delayed.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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5 responses to “Review: Meet Me in the Dark – J.A. Huss

  1. Wonderful, wonderful review, Lexxie! I’m giggling since Naomi and I are the first 2 to comment. Yes, Merc and Sydney are probably *the* most complex characters Huss has written to date. And the suspense…my goodness the suspense. I didn’t know which end was up most of the time. I liked your description of it being a psychological war between them. It certainly was. And the end was just a ‘wow’, wasn’t it? Oh, and I loved getting a little peek at Sasha. That she’s all grown up and dishing out advice. Although I guess she did that when she was younger as well. But back to Merc and Sydney…they’re just one more reason I’ll follow Huss to the ends of the Earth. *sigh*

    Happy Wednesday, my friend! I think we’re down to 26 days?? Enjoy your day and we’ll chat very soon!

    Bookworm Brandee recently posted: Review ~ Meet Me In The Dark ~ JA Huss
    • LOL my fellow Hussies are the first ones to come forward, eh? 😉 The suspense was killing me, and it was impossible to even try to figure out what was going on, never mind trying to guess what would happen next…
      Sasha just might be my favorite Huss character ever! I so wish we’ll get a whole series about her 🙂
      Happy Wednesday to you, too! 26 days is correct! *happy dances*

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