FF #2

Posted 6 July, 2012 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Feature and Follow / 0 Comments

This is a meme by Parajunkee’s FF #104 and Alison Can Read’s FF #104

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Today’s question is : Jumping Genres : Ever pick up a book form a genre you don’t usually like and LOVED it? Tell us about it and why you picked it in the first place.

My answer would be the last book I reviewed, it’s called Her Surprise Sister and it’s a Christian romance. I usually don’t like these because I don’t like it when characters bring up praying or God or Jesus in almost every single phrase they speak.  However, in this book, the religious theme was very subtle, and the book was cute and well written. The reason why I picked it up was because I loved the premise of twin sisters who didn’t know about each other, then, one day they ran into each other and almost thought they were looking into a mirror.

If you leave a comment here, please let me know if you’re a new or an old follower, so that I can follow all new ones back πŸ™‚

Have a wonderful Friday and an even better weekend!

Let the fun begin πŸ˜‰

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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0 responses to “FF #2

  1. I actually had no idea it would be Christian romance either when I picked it – but it was actually quite good anyway :)Thanks for stopping by.

  2. I hadn't heard of it either, Jessica πŸ˜€ but now, I'm kind of glad I do.Thanks for stopping by – have a great weekend yourself!

  3. Yeah, I do too, Louise, but it was pretty good, I might even read the other book(s) in the series just to find out what happens next.Have a great weekend!

  4. πŸ™‚ it's nice when those recommendations persuade us to go outside of our comfort zone and we realize it was good, though, isn't it?Have a great weekend.

  5. I didn't think of the Christian Fiction(I guess it isn't really its own genre, just stories where the characters come through on their faith?). I don't read it, in fact I stay as far away from it as possible. That's great that you are willing to branch out!New FollowerBeth ^_^http://sweetbooksnstuff.blogspot.com/

  6. Thanks for stopping by, I'm following back.Great answer, I don't think I've ever read any Christian Fiction. As a person who isn't religious, I avoid that genre completely. I have read books like The Shack, though, but I'm not sure if that's a memoir, fiction, or what.

  7. I'm not sure if I have ever read a truly 'christian' novel. I mean, borderline inspirational? Yeah, probably. But that's about it. Maybe I should give those novels a try one day. Patricia // My Hop

  8. Thanks for checking out my post and so I am now following back!! I've never read any Christian books. I don't know how I'd react to it. Though maybe I'll have to give one a try, just because :)Angela

  9. Here to follow you back!I don't like overly religious books either. Wow, didn't think of that one. Great answer.Alisa

  10. That's usually what I do as well, I have to admit. This one though had a premise I really liked, and I didn't know it was Christian when I started it. As it was so subtle, it didn't bother me at all, and I liked the story anyway.Thanks for stopping by πŸ™‚

  11. When I went back and read more about the book after having finished, it said inspirational romance, and I think that might be why the religious theme was so subtle.

  12. It probably is more 'inspirational' than Christian, and it was nice, but very different from my normal romance / PNR or erotica *grins*

  13. Yeah, just because! This one was nice, not overly religious. Let me know if / when you do read one, I'd love to know what your take would be.

  14. I don't think I've read any Christian books as I'm not much of a believer but it sounds interesting nonetheless.New follower, and thanks for stopping by my blog!Happy Reading!Austine @ The Red Reader

  15. I'm not much of believer myself, but the religious theme was very subtle in this one.Thanks for coming over to comment and follow back πŸ™‚

  16. Interesting! I follow you right back :)I've made a copy of my reaction on my blog about your question:Lexxie, if you read Carrie Ryan her books, it's not about eating brains :p they do want to eat your flesh though, haha. Perhaps you should try one! There is also the new one from Courtney Summers – This is not a test. I've been told that you don't get to know the zombies, but you do have the tension of them. Perhaps that's a good first try? And after that something with the real zombies in it?

  17. You know? My mom is in love with Christian Romance and I've never understood why. Great choice!! Thanks for stopping by!Elle@ Love Big Read Big

  18. LOL, thanks for that visual, Mel πŸ˜€ I will try out a zombie book – one day, promise!Thanks for stopping by to comment and follow.

  19. I wouldn't exactly say I'm in love with it, but this one book was worth reading. I probably won't read Christian Romance every week, or even every month though, but I am glad I found this one.Thanks for stopping by today, Elle.

  20. I read a Christian book once, and like you I wasn't too keen the character bringing up God and Jesus in every phrase. So, I can understand her hesitance of reading another one.AlexBreakfast At Bookland

  21. I've only read one book that was a Christian book and I don't think I'll be trying this again anytime soon. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm following you back πŸ™‚

  22. yeah, and I really prefer PNR, romance, chick lit, dystopian or UF – so there are still lots of books for me to read :)Thanks for stopping by, Alex, have a great weekend!

  23. Ya I probably wouldn't pick up this book if I heard it was christian lit, but after reading what it's about I'm kind of interested. I guess you can't judge a book by it's genre lol. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  24. I might read the next in that series, but apart from that, I feel more comfy with other genres :)Thanks for stopping by to comment and follow back, Daniela.have a great weekend!

  25. Exactly! But that still doesn't mean I'll go too far from the genres I usually am sure to enjoy.Thanks for stopping by today :)Have a great weekend!

  26. New follower! Sounds like a good book – kind of reminds me of that show Sister, Sister with Tia and Tamara – do you remember that? Where they didn't know the other existed until they ran into each other as teenagers. Anyway, Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  27. I don't really read religious books but my latest read, Angel Dust by Sarah Mussi, was an angel book and had some different look-outs of God and Heaven. New follower!! Thanks so much for following me! πŸ˜€

  28. You know, I have similar view on Christian Romance, but I have a friend who writes it and posts her work on her blog. I've been surprised by how much I've enjoyed her stories although it's not something I would normally ever pick up on my own!

  29. thanks for stopping by my FF earlier, (i also am old follower,) I was curious of your answer too. I would never even have picked up that book,I am the same, cant have the praying and stuff all the time. AND if it don't have some kind of paranormal/supernatural element to it, i wont read, it, lol, I need the high imaginations of the un-natural. I get normal everyday, need something to suck me into that is not in my world. lol. Glad you enjoyed it though. πŸ™‚

  30. I don't usually read Christian Romance either, but this does sound like an interesting book. I'll have to check into it. Thanks for stopping by my FF and following. Followed you back. πŸ™‚

  31. Thanks for stopping by My Follow Friday Post!You know, I didn't even think about Christian reads, but I'm the same way — I don't typically seek them out. I do remember one in particular — Wrangler In Petticoats by Mary Connelly — was really good all things considered. I remember being surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Thanks for the follow — Following back on GFC and Linky πŸ™‚ JessRomanceaholic.com

  32. Not a fan of religion in any books – don't like being sermonized. Glad you enjoyed it though and following back via Linky.

  33. Actually, I don't think I know that show πŸ™‚ But it's the kind of thing that I like to read about – missing family members make for some big mystery :)Thanks for stopping by πŸ™‚

  34. I don't know Angel Dust – but some books about angels are really interesting and captivating. I might just have to check that out.Thanks for stopping by.

  35. That's one of the things I really like about picking up books that are outside of my normal 'comfort' zone. If I like it, it's great, and if I don't, at least I tried :)Thanks for stopping by πŸ™‚

  36. Thanks for stopping by to comment and follow, Christina. I'm on my way over to your blog now :)Have a great weekend.

  37. Thanks for coming over to comment and follow back :)I see that I surprise a lot of bloggers today *grins* I like that!

  38. Oh, that's exactly it! I don't like being sermonized either – which is why I usually stay away from this genre.Thanks for stopping by to comment and follow back πŸ™‚

  39. I'm a Roman Catholic but I have never read Christian books. But I'll go and check it out since you said it's a good read. :)Followed back via GFC. Have a great day!

  40. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I recently read a Christian romance, too. It was for a reading challenge- a romance or erotica book. I don't read erotica and I don't like smut, really. So, I assumed that a Christian romance was the best bet. I read one of Deeanne Gist's historical Christian romances- it was really good. She's kind of my go to author when I have to read a romance for a challenge. None of her books are preachy- to me at least. She's even had a character that started off as one of those holier than thou types and through the book transformed.

  41. I haven't read any Christian books for a couple of years, so it was interesting to see you bring it up! The most religious book I've read lately was Bumped. :P-CharlotteNew GFC follower, thanks for stopping by my blog!

  42. I haven't read any Christian books for a couple of years, so it was interesting to see you bring it up! The most religious book I've read lately was Bumped. :P-CharlotteNew GFC follower, thanks for stopping by my blog!

  43. I avoid "religious" books too, because I don't like being preached at while I read, but maybe I'll have to reconsider if the religion part is subtle in some of them….Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following yours now and I look forward to your reviews. I love the one for Fifty Shames of Earl Grey. That made me almost spit my drink on my computer! : )Tammy @ Into the Mystic

  44. I avoid "religious" books too, because I don't like being preached at while I read, but maybe I'll have to reconsider if the religion part is subtle in some of them….Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following yours now and I look forward to your reviews. I love the one for Fifty Shames of Earl Grey. That made me almost spit my drink on my computer! : )Tammy @ Into the Mystic

  45. I'm not saying religious will be among my favorites from now on, but I will definitely not be as afraid of those books anymore.I'm glad I could make you laugh, and that you saved your computer πŸ˜‰ Have a fun Sunday.

  46. I'm not saying religious will be among my favorites from now on, but I will definitely not be as afraid of those books anymore.I'm glad I could make you laugh, and that you saved your computer πŸ˜‰ Have a fun Sunday.

  47. I try to not read such religious books because the subject is so personal for me. Thank you for stopping by my blog and for following! Followed back πŸ™‚

  48. I agree that religion is very personal, and that might be partly why I don't usually like to read those kinds.Thanks for coming over to comment and follow back πŸ™‚

  49. I agree that religion is very personal, and that might be partly why I don't usually like to read those kinds.Thanks for coming over to comment and follow back πŸ™‚

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