Bought Bagged and Wrap-up #164

Posted 17 December, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Memes, Stacking the Shelves, Wrap-up Posts / 41 Comments

Bought, Bagged and Wrapping it Up is where I share my new books, as well as what happened here at (un)Conventional Bookviews and elsewhere in the blogoshpere. I’m linking up with the usual suspects, AKA Team Tynga’s Reviews, Talk Supe and Caffeinated Reviewer.

STS / BB&B - (un)Conventional bookviews

STS #164 – Bought Borrowed & Bagged #114

Stacking The Shelves, hosted by Tynga’s Reviews is all about the latest additions to your library – virtual or actual, with books that are  bought, borrowed, won or ARCs  you will be reading soon. Bought Borrowed and Bagged is a homage to to Barron’s Books and Baubles from KMM’ Fever series, and is hosted by Braine over at Talk Supe. Without further ado, here’s what I bought, borrowed or bagged this past week:

ARCs Recieved - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Bought Borrowed and Bagged Stacking the Shelves

The Captain's Bluestocking Mistress - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Bought BaggedEverything Belongs to Us cover - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Thank you, Intrepid Reads, Random House and Netgalley.



Snowballs in Hell audiocover - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Bought Bagged and wrap-upLevitate audiocover - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Bought Bagged Wrap-up

Thank you so much, Tantor Media!

Purchased - (un)Conventional Bookviews bought borrowed and bagged stacking the shelves

Into the Blue cover - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Bought Borrowed

It’s all Sophia’s fault… check out her re-read feature for this one!

Bought Borrowed and Wrap-up - (un)Conventional Bookviews

This is my Christmas present from me to myself 🙂 Signed books by KA Tucker 🙂 They are going to look SO good on my shelves!!

The Sunday Post - (un)Conventional Bookviews

The Sunday Post #113 – Wrapping it Up

Kim @ The Caffeinated Reviewer, is our hostess with the mostest for the weekly Sunday Post where I’m wrapping things up. It is the perfect opportunity to share what happened here on my own blog, as well as some of the happenings elsewhere in the Blogosphere.


I had a pretty good week once more! I had lunch with a fellow KA Tucker fan who also lives in Geneva! We both couldn’t believe we didn’t know each other until Tucker asked me at the book fest in the south of France in October if I knew Amélie 😀 Of course, I contacted her via private message on Facebook as soon as I got back home, now, we’ve met for real. We had a great lunch, and look forward to meeting up again in the new year.

My youngest daughter plays in the school orchestra. It’s during school hours, and she plays the cello. They had their Christmas concert on Tuesday and it was so nice to see the progress they’ve made since the end of last year!

More thesis progress, too. I met with my professor yesterday, and I think I’ll be able to type up a rough draft possibly next week. It would be nice to have that out of the way before the holidays, for sure. Plus, there is that pesky detail of her telling me that if I want to do my defence in February, she actually needs a draft before the holidays 😀

I’ve caught a bug (or two) as well, so I’m really tired, which is why I haven’t visited much this past week, and why I have so few posts scheduled for next week 🙁

This Week’s Freddy in Action:
Freddy lounging on the couch.
♥ Freddy ♥

This Week's Posts - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Sunday post wrap-up

This Week's Reviews - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Sunday post wrap-up


Elsewhere Blogosphere - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Sunday post wrap-up

Brandee @ Bookworm Brandee chats about Kindle freebies and how to do a selection of sorts before adding them to our e-readers.

The COYER blackout challenge starts this weekend! Are you signed up? It’s not too late 😉

Did you get some good books last week? What have you been up to this past week? Thanks for stopping by, I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend, and that next week will be filled with awesome!

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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41 responses to “Bought Bagged and Wrap-up #164

  1. Ha! I’d say sorry for tempting you to join in the fun of reading Chanel’s Wild Aces series, but it’s too good to miss. 🙂

    Oh wow! I want to reach through my computer and pet your KA Tucker stack of books. Love her writing. Neat that you got to meet up with a fellow fan.

    Bet you were so proud to hear your daughter play in her concert and woohoo on being ready to write up your thesis draft.

    Feel better, Lexxie!

    • Of course I understand completely, it’s a case of sorry / not sorry, right? It sounded too good to miss, which is why I couldn’t resist 🙂
      I love Tucker’s writing, too! And having those books in physical format is definitely a treat!!

  2. Ha look at that stack of signed books! Pretty awesome… Sorry to hear you caught something, hopefully it goes away quick! Hope it’s a good week for you, and good luck with the thesis writing! Freddy looks chilled as usual… 🙂

    Greg recently posted: Bookcover Spotlight #79
  3. Hope you feel better soon…I prescribe Freddy cuddles! Nice Christmas present to yourself…I splashed out a bit on Game of Thrones stuff the last few weeks so I understand the joys of retail therapy! I hope you get some chill out time over the holidays to enjoy with your furry friend!

    • Thanks, Chuckles. Freddy is hardly leaving my side… I hope I’ll feel much better, too, it sucks to not be in top form 🙁
      Game of Thrones stuff, eh? I hope you’ll enjoy it! Chill out time is planned – but that means I really have to finish my draft next week, or that won’t happen.

  4. Hope you feel better soon too! Very nice Christmas present to yourself! Signed books are ALWAYS a good idea!! LOL! Hope you enjoy all the new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  5. Wow Lexxie you’re as busy as ever with family stuff as well as your thesis. And how lovely to get to meet another passionate reader.

    Sorry though to hear you’ve been unwell and I hope you feel better soon! x

    Deborah recently posted: Weekly check-in
    • I know! So exciting 🙂 It was so much fun to have lunch together, and we want to see about starting a book club too, even if we might just have two members (more wine for each of us, that way).
      I did get a lot of books, and I’m happy about that. Thanks for stopping by, Anna.

  6. What a craptastic time to get sick, especially waiting to write your thesis!! I’m grumbling and muttering for you in case you’re resting because obviously your body wants you to. Sucks how the body works like that.

    Your Tucker books are sooooo beautiful!!! I LOVE signed books and how a entire series looks up on a shelf. You really can’t help but pet them as you go by. That is so cool Tucker let you know about the other fan over there, too!!!!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family… xoxoxoxo

  7. I hope you have your fingers all stretched and ready for some serious typing this week. I’ll be cheering you on, wifey! <3 You made quite a haul this week and I hope you'll love them all. I think I may have gotten Langlais' in audio as well. 😉 Hopefully this weekend has allowed you some extra time to rest and recover from your "bugs". We've decorated and baked most of the weekend. It's been fun!
    **BIG HUGS & LOVE**

    Bookworm Brandee recently posted: #BookishResolutions 2017 ~ Signup/Goal Post
  8. I love Chanel Cleeton’s International School series and I need to read her Wild Aces. I also had a chance to meet KA Tucker and your pile of her books is amazing. My husband and kids are sick and now I think I may have caught their cold. I hope you feel better soon. Have a great week and holiday!

    Kathy recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #112
  9. Yay for all that wonderfully signed stack of Tucker books! Can you believe I actually haven’t read and don’t own a novel by her yet D: I hope to fix that soon. And it’s so amazing that you met up with the fellow reader fan in Geneva! When it comes to bookworms, it’s so nice to be able to connect in such a way.

    Olivia Roach recently posted: Alchemists of Loom [Book Review & Giveaway]

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