Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ The Boss Who Stole Christmas ~ Jana Aston

Posted 13 November, 2019 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 7 Comments

*I received a free copy of The Boss Who Stole Christmas from Selfpublished via Author. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ The Boss Who Stole Christmas ~ Jana AstonThe Boss Who Stole Christmas by Jana Aston
Series: Reindeer Falls #1
Published by Selfpublished on November 7, 2019
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Format: eARC
Source: Author
4.5 Stars

Dear Santa,

Please bring me a new boss for Christmas. Mine is the worst. The worst, hidden in a six foot tall package of male perfection. It’d be easier if he looked like an old Scrooge, wouldn’t it?

Nick Saint-Croix doesn’t look like an old scrooge. He’s hot as-

Um, never mind. Just bring me a new boss. Please.

Holly Winter

Adult - (un)Conventional Bookviews Contemporary - (un)Conventional Bookviews Humour - (un)Conventional Bookviews

The Boss Who Stole Christmas was a sweet read despite it having an enemies-to-lovers trope. I liked how Holly discovered her true feelings for Nick and I’m excited for her sisters’ stories.

I was so happy with this story, wifey! I expected a sweet, hot, funny, feel-good romance, and that’s exactly what I got. And it’s also exactly what I needed!

Being inside Holly’s head at that first meeting was fun! It was kinda obvious more was going on than she was admitting to herself but her nicknames for Nick and her descriptions of him had me giggling. And I could see where Holly might think Nick was being hard on her but I also thought she’d misconstrued his intention. What was your initial impression of Holly and Nick?

I loved my initial meeting with Holly and Nick! She was so sure of herself – about him being a grinch. And I loved that she thought he was not there to stay. The Boss Who Stole Christmas stole my heart! Holly was a quirky and sweet heroine, and I love her.

Holly’s love of all things Christmas and her craftiness made me smile. We’ve all met someone like her, right? I found her love for the holiday endearing. What were your feelings about her advent calendars and listening to Christmas music in July?

Yup, we’ve definitely met someone like her. I could not listen to Christmas music in July, but we both know a certain blogger who probably does 😉 And I love her for it! Christmas is everything nice, family times, presents, happiness, love, good food, and sappy Christmas music, and Holly has that all through the year.

I enjoyed the dynamics and interactions between Holly and her sisters. It conveyed their close-knit bond as well as giving me more giggles. What did you think?

I loved her sisters, and I loved how the switched up who they ganged up on. Because it’s just something I think all siblings do when they love each other dearly. Teasing is par for the course. And the honesty Ginger gave Holly towards the end was just what she needed, too. 

The business trip to Germany was the perfect setup, right? Christmastime in Nuremberg, the Christmas market…so romantic! It all aided Nick in showing a side of himself to Holly she’d been avoiding. Do you think Nick used the trip to his advantage in a good way? 😉

It was so perfect. I think Nick used the trip to his advantage in a good way. And it also showed that he paid very close attention to Holly and things she loved. I swooned when they were walking around the little stalls at the market, and at how he carried all her bags.

The ending was adorable. Sweet without being saccharine. Did you appreciate how Holly came around and showed Nick her feelings?

You said that perfectly, wifey! It was so sweet, and I loved how she mustered the courage needed to lay it all out for him. And her present was awesome 😉 I think I might need one of those calendars myself! I even gave it 5 stars, because it was exactly the story I needed when I read it.


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Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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7 responses to “Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ The Boss Who Stole Christmas ~ Jana Aston

  1. I loved that they (Nick Saint-Croix and Holly) both loved Christmas and Holly’s middle and last name Mistletoe Winter? lol Taking a trip to Germany was essentially exciting and having sex in a Church was really funny. Idk, I didn’t feel Nick Saint-Croix was as grinchy as Holly said he was, in fact I didn’t feel much for his character. Holly was cute though.

  2. Lorna

    First I saw Brandee’s review in Amazon and then came looking here. I love Jana Aston and I’ve read all her books. These are even on KU. Loved your reviews! I’ll be reading these novellas sometime soon I am sure.

  3. Berls

    Sounds like a perfect book for the season! And I know a certain blogger who definitely seems to match your heroine’s love of XMAS lol ;p

    Adding another one to my list! Happy reading ladies xoxo

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