Icon Tag: Humour

Audio Review ~ White Trash Zombie Apocalypse ~ Diana Rowland

Audio Review ~ White Trash Zombie Apocalypse ~ Diana Rowland

And the plot thickens…(suspenseful music playing)…White Trash Zombie Apocalypse finds our plucky heroine, Angel, up to her frizzy, only partially bleached hair in the nefarious goings-on within the zombie underworld. Will she be able to determine why real zombies and fake zombies are roaming the streets of her town? Will she and her boyfriend(?) Marcus find themselves on the same page regarding their relationship? Will Angel figure out the reason behind a coworker’s intense hatred of her? And will she pass that dreaded GED exam? Okay! So I’m enjoying the heck out of this series. Angel is such a pleasure with her foul mouth, smartass and whip-smart personality. She’s matured so much since becoming a zombie and is living…er zombie-fied […]


Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Dumb F*ck ~ T. Torrest

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Dumb F*ck ~ T. Torrest

Good golly but Dumb F*ck was all kinds of fun! With 90’s references, Scooby-Doo vibes, and equal parts silly and HOT, Dumb F*ck delivered everything I expect from T. Torrest. Well, everything except the serious. T. Torrest dubbed this an eroticomedy and I like that description. Dumb F*ck is the perfect way to kick off your summer reading! I laughed my head off so many times! It did take me a while to read, but that’s mostly because I was not motivated to read at all for a while. So busy with work, exams, year-end reports and everything else. Eroticomedy is the perfect word for Dumb F*ck, though. Sage was an interesting bird. She was super smart (valedictorian) and something […]


Release Day Promo ~ Dumb F*ck ~ T. Torrest

Release Day Promo ~ Dumb F*ck ~ T. Torrest

  Linda and I wish T. Torrest the happiest of Release Days for her latest eroticomedy, Dumb F*ck. We had the honor of reading an ARC and our chat review will post SOON. (I’ve been out-of-town moving one of my kids so didn’t have time to get the post ready) Here are a few teasers for your pleasure. 😉         Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe Join 6,926 other subscribers


Review ~ Well Played ~ Jen DeLuca

Review ~ Well Played ~ Jen DeLuca

I was super excited for Well Played since it was Stacey’s book. I felt connected to her in some way that I didn’t feel with Emily (Well Met). While I did enjoy Well Played, it wasn’t all I’d been hoping for. What Worked: Plot/Trope I enjoyed this twist on Cyrano. JDLuca did a brilliant job in developing this romance via emails and texts. Seeing Stacey and D be vulnerable with one another using the safety of written communication was…well, sweet. Characters Stacey, for the most part, delivered on her perky, fun personality. And it was nice getting to know D in this way, especially since we knew nothing about him. Family Dynamics Stacey’s close relationship with her parents – especially […]

Posted 20 February, 2023 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 6 Comments

Review ~ Sugarcoated ~ Erin Nicholas

Review ~ Sugarcoated ~ Erin Nicholas

Sugarcoated served as my gateway to all things ENicholas and it was a treat. 😉 Her writing style made for easy reading and her characters were engaging. I’m eager to read more from this series. I buddy read Sugarcoated with my friend, Sophia Rose. 😀 What Worked: Plot/Trope As a brother’s best friend/little sister rom-com, I delighted in the setup. Aiden is Zoe’s older brother’s best friend and they grew up together in a small town. When Zoe decides she wants to punch her V-card, she can’t think of anyone she’d be more comfortable with than Aiden. Aiden has other ideas though so he turns her down until he can put his plans in order and deploy them. Unfortunately, part […]

Posted 6 September, 2022 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 3 Comments

Review ~ Runed ~ Kendall Grey

Review ~ Runed ~ Kendall Grey

Runed was, in a word, ZANY. Another word? FUN! This was the book chosen for reading on the way home from Book Bonanza. My friend, Denise, did some wacky calculation to pick it but I’m so happy we gave it a go. There was lots of laughing. 🙂 Loki – yes, that Loki – awakes buried in snow and ice. His first concern is getting out of said snow and ice. Next order of business? Dealing with the fact he is now a she. Since there seems to be nothing he, er, she can do about the body she now inhabits, she must focus on finding her runes. Yes, those runes that provide intuition, among other things. Most importantly, immortality. […]


Review ~ Book Boyfriend ~ Claire Kingsley

Review ~ Book Boyfriend ~ Claire Kingsley

The premise of Book Boyfriend resonated with me. Finding a boyfriend in real life that equally as fabulous, if not more so, as those we find in books? Yes, please! Amiright? I was so happy that Book Boyfriend delivered on its promise. Mia is the quintessential bookworm. Someone I’d be friends with due to our love of perusing bookshops for hours, discussing books, and, of course, arguing over book boyfriends. 😉 She’s a closet book blogger, with not a small amount of success and has forged many online friendships with readers and authors. These friendships, one in particular, are lifelines when she wants to discuss things like books or bad dates because her family doesn’t really get her. Alex left […]


Can You Read a Series in a Month? Review ~ Banking the Billionaire ~ Max Monroe

Can You Read a Series in a Month? Review ~ Banking the Billionaire ~ Max Monroe

Hot diggity! Banking the Billionaire delivered on the story I was keen to get on Cassie and added in the delight of the unexpectedness of Thatch. I got snark, pranks, holy hotness, and character growth! That’s a whole lot of goodness. 😉 It wasn’t without its issues but I enjoyed this installment more because of the emotional growth. What Worked Characters Okay, so Cassie was the one I was most excited to get better acquainted with. I mean, she’s a woman who is strong, smart, talented, and sexually empowered. I had no idea she was such a prankster. The stunts she pulls trying to one up Thatch were hilarious. Getting to meet her family and understand her on a deeper […]


Can You Read a Series in a Month? Review ~ Tapping the Billionaire ~ Max Monroe

Can You Read a Series in a Month? Review ~ Tapping the Billionaire ~ Max Monroe

I’d never read Max Monroe before but I owned a copy of Tapping the Billionaire. When Berls recommended this series for this challenge because Max Monroe are signing at Book Bonanza AND it also ticked the box for Bookish Bounty, I decided it was a win-win situation. Lucky for me, it was a good read for the most part. The setup is that Georgia works at Kline’s company but they’ve never looked at each other as anything other than boss-employee. However, one evening Kline finds Georgia being adorable at the exact moment he’s blocking his mom’s attempt at setting him up on a date. He tells his mom he has a date and then sets out to get Georgia to […]


ARC Review: Shenanigans – Sarina Bowen

ARC Review: Shenanigans – Sarina Bowen

Shenanigans has all the ingredients I love in a good romance! Humor, friendship, hockey, hotness and a dash of side characters to hate on. To say I loved Shenanigans is a huge understatement! Neil and Charli were such great characters to get to know. From their accidental Vegas wedding to everything they did to not only stay married, but try to work it out as a business thing rather than anything real with feelings involved. Between the friendships in both of their hockey teams, and the way they had to fight their families to get to the finish line – it all just made so much sense to me. I really loathed Neil’s uncle, because his shenanigans were just mean-spirited […]
