Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Rock F*ck Club #5 ~ Michelle Mankin

Posted 26 November, 2019 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 2 Comments

*I received a free copy of Rock F*ck Club #5 from Selfpublished via Author. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Rock F*ck Club #5 ~ Michelle MankinRock F*ck Club #5 by Michelle Mankin
Series: Rock F*ck Club #5
Published by Selfpublished on November 14, 2019
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Pages: 450
Format: eARC
Source: Author
5 Stars

I’m all for girl power and sh*t.
Guys are a disaster.
Trust me. I know.
My name is Josephine Poet. I’m the drummer in an all-girl band.
My rule is f*ck a guy only once, then move onto the next one.
The Rock F*ck Club reality show is no different than my real life. Only there are cameras rolling, and they’re offering me a ton of cash. The money and the publicity is just what Joey’s Band needs. A means to an end for a bad girl who knows how to rock, but isn’t looking for anything good.
But what happens when wrong and right collide?
It’s naughty versus nice in Rock F*ck Club Season Three.
What could go wrong?

Adult - (un)Conventional Bookviews Contemporary - (un)Conventional Bookviews Hot, hot, hot - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Holy WOW! I don’t even know where to start with Rock F*ck Club #5. I was so very eager for Gale’s story and I’m ecstatic I got it. Before this one, I would have said #3 was my fav. But now I’m all about Gale and Jo!!

I agree – Gale and Jo were my favorites! And I just loved how dark Jo’s past was, but she still managed to move forward and try to find something she could be happy doing. While also honoring her past.

Let’s start with Jo. MMankin kept her mysterious. We knew and/or learned enough about her to understand she was fiercely loyal to those she loves. We also knew she was a fighter, a survivor, and a resilient young woman. But there was that something she wouldn’t share. I adored her anyway! Okay – your turn to tell me how much you loved Jo. 😉

Her past was definitely mysterious. And I loved that we only learned things little by little, kind of like what Gale did. And I found Jo’s brand of girl power to be very strong! She managed to get her point across and stay true to herself throughout the whole story in Rock F*ck Club – she held her own with all kinds of important people just because she had that inner strength.

Gale. Sigh. That reminds me – Gale LeSigh. LOL So we know he’s been through some heavy stuff. Losing his wife and baby – I can’t fathom. That’s why I knew it meant something profound when he sought out Jo. Gale is one hot rocker for sure but he’s also intelligent, compassionate, and his loyalty to those he loves rivals Jo’s. I was swooning right along with Jo as he fought to win her trust and her heart. Did you find Gale as swoon-worthy as I did?

Definitely Gale Le Sigh. *sighs* He has been through so much, but he was in a much better place at the beginning of the novel than Jo was. And he had come to a place where he realized he had the right to be happy, and to feel love once more without betraying his past life with his wife and baby. 

The banter between these two was witty snark. I adored their back-and-forth. They both write music and lyrics for their bands and both sing. You know that in my opinion lyrics are everything. So to have these two pouring their souls into songs and then discussing English literature? They’re my dream couple. I’m sure you agree, right?

Oh my gosh! The lyrics Jo wrote! I want to tattoo them on me. And of course lyrics are important! They’re definitely a dream couple. What is more sexy than sharing quotes and lyrics, and moonlight? Nothing I can think of right now. *sighs again*

Gale and Jo have some shared experiences in common. Jo’s always handled things by keeping people out. Gale wormed his way into her head and under her skin with his patience and compassion. I liked that they could support each other in such important ways. And I applaud MMankin’s ability to evoke all the emotions they felt through her beautiful prose. Your thoughts?

I actually appreciated that Jo wanted to keep everyone away from her. Because it felt very realistic to me in every way. Gale and his quiet way really did work past her defenses, though, and I was feeling all the feels. Mankin has grown so much as an author since I first started reading her! I mean, I’ve always loved her prose, but it keeps getting better. And more complex, too, just like Jo and Gale. 

RFC has taken a backseat in our chat so far. I admired Jo’s reasoning for agreeing to do this show. But maybe she was a bit naive going in? I say that mostly because she thought she could keep emotion out of the equation and sex doesn’t work that way, in my opinion. I liked the angle she took though in fulfilling her contract. Her second hookup was off the charts hot! And her final one was so perfect. I admire how MMankin goes about making sure these girls meet their obligations but stay true to themselves and the RFC mantra – their body, their choice. How did you feel about Jo’s season?

I think Jo thought it would be easier than it ended up being. Now, she had the advantage of having Raven and Marsha in her corner, so she definitely had more back-up than they had. Plus, I loved how Jo was just as sneaky as the TV producer. She outwitted everyone and ended up being able to work RFC to her own advantage even more than her predecessors did. I loved Jo’s season. Because she was so assertive and knew what she was ready (or not ready) to do.

I have to point out one more time how much I appreciated the English literature references. Even Jo’s bandmates had changed their last names with nods to great literature. Wuthering Heights isn’t my favorite – too dreary 😉 – but it’s high on the list. Kudos to MMankin for those details.

LOL strangely enough, Wuthering Heights isn’t my favorite either… But I do enjoy it for what it is. I adored the last names, and how Jo was Poet. It was clearly symbolic for her, to choose a name that had something to do with who and what she was.

There’s so much I loved about Gale and Jo’s story, I could honestly wax poetic for a long while. I feel like MMankin outdid herself with Rock F*ck Club #5. The characters are all engaging, the romance so poignant, and the shocking events…it was all a visceral experience. And I can’t wait to see what happens in the next season.

Let’s wax poetic, wifey! Mankin did outdo herself with Rock F*ck Club #5. The characters are strong, but still very relatable. They are stars, but just like us anyway. And is there going to be a next season?? I’m elated to know that – I thought it was the last one!

Another thing I loved was the little nods to Mankin’s other rockstar series 😉 And I want to know more about at least two of them!


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Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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