Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Pierced ~ J.A. Huss & Johnathan McClain #2018NewRelease

To say I was anxious for Pierced, Pierce and Myrtle’s story, would be an understatement. I wanted to know more about them both but mostly I wanted to watch and laugh as Pierce tried to dig himself out of the mess he’d created with Myrtle. And while he definitely buried himself deeper before he managed to dig himself out, I rather enjoyed the process and seeing Myrtle get Pierced. 😉 LOL, Pierce made me laugh so hard. Especially with the way he tried to apologize, and ehem, ‘lower’ himself so that he’d have another chance with Myrtle. And I loved how their friends knew better than them what was going on with their relationship 😀 Pierce. Wow. I kept asking […]