Weekend Wrap-up #341 – Long Weekend

Posted 15 May, 2021 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Memes, Wrap-up Posts / 12 Comments

Weekend Wrap-up is where I share my new books, as well as what happened here at (un)Conventional Bookworms and elsewhere in the blogoshpere. I’m linking up with the usual suspects, AKA Reading Reality and Caffeinated Reviewer.

STS #341

Stacking The Shelves, hosted by Reading Reality is all about the latest additions to my library – virtual or actual, with books that are  bought, borrowed, won or ARCs  I will (probably) be reading soon. Without further ado, here’s what I added to my bloated shelves this past week:

Living at 40 cover - (un)Conventional Bookworms - Weekend Wrap-up. There's a couple on the cover, they're in the water on a beach, embracing, and the man is tilting the woman backwards a bit for their kiss. It looks romantic (but also a bit uncomfortable).A Fate of Wrath & Flame cover - (un)Conventional Bookworms - Weekend Wrap-up : Black background on the over, with a golden rose bush that has light pink roses on it. It appears as if the moon is illuminating the rosetree. The tile of the book and the author's name is in white centered on the cover above the rosetree.

Wings cover - (un)Conventional Bookworms - Weekend Wrap-up. The cover is of a girl with long hair, she's wearing a black haltertop and jeans, she's in front of a wood and water, her arms are downwards and out to the sides. There's a light above her, and it reflects on the water behind her. The background can be trees, but it could also be dark wings.Cinderella is Dead cover - (un)Conventional Bookworms - Weekend Wrap-up. In the center of the cover, there's a dark-haired girl with a blue fancy dress. The Background is in bluish colors as well, but a lit darker than the girl's dress. She looks a little unsure of herself, and that made me curious to read her story.These Violent Delights cover - (un)Conventional Bookworms - Weekend Wrap-up - Black background with a chalice and two red roses in the center, the book title is one word on each line over the image in white.

The Sunday Post #270 – Weekend Wrap-up

Kim @ The Caffeinated Reviewer, is our hostess with the mostest for the weekly Sunday Post where I’m wrapping things up. It is the perfect opportunity to share what happened here on my own blog, as well as some of the happenings elsewhere in the Blogosphere.

This was a short week, as Thursday is a bank holiday here. Husband and I had planned to drive down to Spain, but the weather there is supposed to be awful the whole weekend, so we decided to stay home instead. On Wednesday evening, we went out on a date, and it was so nice to go out for a nice meal just the two of us. Restaurants haven’t been open for long here, so it made it even more special.

The husband and I ventured to IKEA on Friday to get new couches for the living room, and it looks very nice, the couches are blue-grey in color, and so very comfy!

This Week’s Puppies in Action:

We went for a walk with the dogs in the field when it wasn’t raining, but the sky was still pretty menacing.

(un)Conventional Bookworms - Weekend Wrap-up:Freddy and Hercules walking in a field on a walking path between trees and a corn field. In the background, the sky is menacing with dark grey clouds, but still a speck of sunshine, and there's a mountain to the left of the picture.
Freddy and Hercules walking in a field. <3

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Did you get some good books last week? What have you been up to this past week? Thanks for stopping by, I hope you’re enjoying your weekend, and that next week will be filled with awesome!



Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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12 responses to “Weekend Wrap-up #341 – Long Weekend

  1. agreatreviewer

    OOh nice new reads! I still need to read These Violent Delights! I got that in a Fairy Loot box last year and thought it sounded interesting, so I do want to give it a read at some point! Hope you enjoy all the new reads!

    It sounds like we’re about to get the weather you just had. A look at our weather for the next week is showing nothing but rain! There’s some thunderstorm cloud icons but I’m hoping they won’t be bad storms. Usually my storm anxiety lessens in May but things have been so backwards here lately with weather. April was mostly dry…though there was a snow shower in there somewhere and now it seems May is going to be extra wet!

    My StS wil be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    • Thanks Jessica! I’ve had These Violent Delights on my wishlist for quite a while, and thought I should just get it now – finally. I hope we’ll both enjoy it. If you’re up for a buddy read at some point, let me know and we can read it together and chat about it.

      Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Sophia Rose

    Yay for a holiday and a chance to go out. Maybe the weather will be good in Spain during your next holiday. New furniture always perks up a room and glad the couches are comfy. The dogs look like they enjoy adventuring under the ominous skies.

    Have a good week, Linda!

  3. Mareli Thalwitzer

    We also planned on taking a long weekend as I didn’t have school on Friday, but we ended up going shopping instead. It was good! We haven’t been in the shops for over a year!

    These violent delights is on my TBR as well and I hope it’s going to be a good read!

    Have a good week and good luck!

    Elza Reads

  4. Yay to the long weekend *smile* Restaurants are open here too after almost seven months. And it feels just great. Happy reading and thanks for the dog picture!

  5. OMG I love the sky in the picture, those pups are just so cute. I love furniture shopping, I am crazy like that. I just love picking out new things.

    I have Violent Delights on my shelf. I hope you love it!

    Have a great week, Linda! Happy Reading!

  6. I am glad you were able to venture out for dog walks, a nice meal and to get some new sofas! ? With the continuing horrible weather here in the UK, I mainly stayed in: reading Anna of Kleve: The Queen of Secrets by Alison Weir and watching the BBC crime drama Wallander. Take care and happy reading in the coming week. ?

  7. Lisa Mandina

    These Violent Delights was so good! I actually featured it in a Top 10 Tuesday this week. That K.A. Tucker book has a beautiful cover! Hope you have a great week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  8. Maureen Bakker

    Sounds like you’ve had a great week. And how lovely that you where able to go on a date together. Hopefully restaurants will open up next week over here.. It’s been way to long!
    Have a great week and happy reading.

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