Weekend Wrap-up #278 – Lenny Kravitz in Concert

Posted 18 May, 2019 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Memes, Wrap-up Posts / 38 Comments

Weekend Wrap-up is where I share my new books, as well as what happened here at (un)Conventional Bookworms and elsewhere in the blogoshpere. I’m linking up with the usual suspects, AKA Team Tynga’s Reviews and Caffeinated Reviewer.

STS #278

Stacking The Shelves, hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality is all about the latest additions to my library – virtual or actual, with books that are  bought, borrowed, won or ARCs  I will (probably) be reading soon. Without further ado, here’s what I added to my bloated shelves this past week, and I feel like I’ve been very good!

A Five-Minute Life cover - (un)Conventional Bookworms - Weekend Wrap-upF*ck Marriage cover - (un)Conventional Bookworms - Weekend Wrap-up

Aurora Rising audiocover - (un)Conventional Bookworms - Weekend Wrap-up

The Sunday Post #228 – Weekend Wrap-up

Kim @ The Caffeinated Reviewer, is our hostess with the mostest for the weekly Sunday Post where I’m wrapping things up. It is the perfect opportunity to share what happened here on my own blog, as well as some of the happenings elsewhere in the Blogosphere.

This week was very windy – even I could almost fly away (see what I did there?). On Tuesday night, Mr. Lex and I went to see Lenny Kravitz in concert, and it was truly awesome. He played a lot of ‘old’ hits, and we were in the groove for over two and a half hours while he was singing for us 🙂

Lenny Kravitz - (un)Conventional Bookworms - Weekend Wrap-up

This Week’s Puppies in Action:

Puppies exploring the yard - (un)Conventional Bookworms - Weekend Wrap-up
Hercules and Freddy exploring 🙂

Lilyn G. has NOT written a review over on Sci-Fi and Scary

Booksnest has an awesome post about Bookblogging Myths.

Gayathri @ Elgee Writes talks about 10 Weird Things All Bookworms Do, and you should definitely check it out.

Did you get some good books last week? What have you been up to this past week? Thanks for stopping by, I hope you’re enjoying your weekend, and that next week will be filled with awesome!



Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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38 responses to “Weekend Wrap-up #278 – Lenny Kravitz in Concert

  1. The cover for a five minute life is SO pretty!! Fuck mariage is kind of interesting me there… makes me wonder what that is about.

    Love love love to see the pups in action xx and hopefully you’ve enjoyed the concert to the fullest! i still haven’t gotten the chance to see much anyone in concert yet ?

    • That book, though… I always get so very emotional when I read something by Emma Scott, and this was no exception!
      The concert was awesome! Lenny is definitely good on scene – he even went out into the crowd, danced through everywhere and went up to the seated section and danced with some people up there 😀

  2. I’m very envious that you saw Lenny Kravitz in concert this week! I’m so pleased that you had such a good time.
    I’m really drawn to A Five Minute Life as the cover is so pretty! I hope you enjoy reading it. 🙂

    • I love going to concerts, and my husband I prefer doing that for a date, rather than ‘just’ going to a restaurant or to see a movie 🙂
      I already read A Five Minute Life, and it was so good! Have a great weekend Hayley!

  3. Wow! Lenny still looks great. I really appreciate his career longevity. I am on the waitlist at the library for the Aurora Rising audiobook. I heard how amazing the Illuminae Files audiobooks were, and really want to listen vs. read AR.

  4. I didn’t even know Lenny Kravitz is still around, Fly Away was a favourite when I was younger.I think I’ll be adding F*ck marriage to my wishlist,

    Have a great reading week

    • Lenny is still going strong! And he actually did play Fly Away on Tuesday – it was partly why I loved it so much – he played a lot of his older hits, even while including songs from his new album, too.
      F*ck Marriage was good, I hope you’ll get your hands on it soon.

  5. Gayathri Lakshminarayanan

    Fuck marriage makes me intrigued. It has been a while since I attended concerts, and you make me yearn one. I hope you have a great week ahead.

  6. Glad you had such fun enjoying the concert – it’s a lovely trip down memory lane listening to songs from the past… Hope the wind dies down during the coming week – I hate it when it’s dry and windy, it means I have to break out the watering can…

  7. Beware Of The Reader

    Lexxie it must have been fantastic going to his concert! I bet the hall was packed 😉

    • We were rather close, but not all the way in the front. It was great, though, because we had enough room to dance a little 🙂
      Her books are not for everyone, that’s for sure. They are pretty dark, and the characters can be quite unlikeable…
      Miss you too, Michelle! xoxo

  8. Now I’ve got fly away blasting around my head! Lol! 5 minute life, fuck marriage and Aurora rising have been popping up a bit recently and I’m looking forward to reading your reviews.

  9. Tanya @ Rantings of a Reading Addict

    Fuck Marriage is definitely intriguing! So glad you had a good time at the concert! It sounds like a lot of fun! Have a great week!

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