Weekend Wrap-up #235 – Warm, busy, and tiring

Posted 28 April, 2018 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Memes, Wrap-up Posts / 86 Comments

Weekend Wrap-up is where I share my new books, as well as what happened here at (un)Conventional Bookviews and elsewhere in the blogoshpere. I’m linking up with the usual suspects, AKA Team Tynga’s Reviews and Caffeinated Reviewer.

STS / BB&B - (un)Conventional bookviews

STS #235

Stacking The Shelves, hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality is all about the latest additions to my library – virtual or actual, with books that are  bought, borrowed, won or ARCs  I will (probably) be reading soon. Without further ado, here’s what I added to my bloated shelves this past week:

ARCs Recieved - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Bought Borrowed and Bagged Stacking the Shelves

I was pretty good this week, only one ARC:

Thank you, Gallery Books and Edelweiss!

Purchased - (un)Conventional Bookviews bought borrowed and bagged stacking the shelves

I’ve already read Leah on the Offbeat, and I absolutely loved it!

Inferno is the last book in The Talon Saga, so I might not read it straight away. I don’t want it to be over 🙁

The Sunday Post - (un)Conventional Bookviews

The Sunday Post #185 – Weekend Wrap-up

Kim @ The Caffeinated Reviewer, is our hostess with the mostest for the weekly Sunday Post where I’m wrapping things up. It is the perfect opportunity to share what happened here on my own blog, as well as some of the happenings elsewhere in the Blogosphere.


This was a very busy week at work! Long days, lots of grading to do. And, also dealing with students who are already starting to stress over their end of year exams that start at the very beginning of June. One of my classes asked me for smaller tests every week until then – so I had to prepare those to be ready for next week.
On Wednesday afternoon (when there is no classes in Geneva!) I stayed to help with the sign-up for new students. Those who are finishing middle school have different choices in schools, and also once they’ve decided on what kind of school they want to attend, they have choices there as well. It was really nice to do this – meeting the young and hopeful, who were also a bit overwhelmed.

This Week’s Puppies in Action:

Puppy Power-nap - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Weekend Wrap-up
Power-napping is their superpower!
Happy Hercules - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Weekend Wrap-up
Hercules looks so happy here, don’t you think?
freddy is attentive - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Weekend Wrap-up
Freddy was paying close attention to our conversation 😀

This Week's Posts - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Sunday post wrap-up

This Week's Reviews - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Sunday post wrap-up


Elsewhere Blogosphere - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Sunday post wrap-up

Aimee @ Aimee Always has a great discussion post about POC rep in books!

Did you get some good books last week? What have you been up to this past week? Thanks for stopping by, I hope you’re enjoying your weekend, and that next week will be filled with awesome!

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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86 responses to “Weekend Wrap-up #235 – Warm, busy, and tiring

  1. OOh nice!! I know what you mean about Inferno! Honestly if it weren’t for the few review books I wanted to get read so my Netgalley rating doesn’t suffer too much (LOL!, I would have started that one asap! Thinking I will read it after my current read and then one more review book because I can’t wait any longer! Lol!!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. I actually talked to my niece the other day about school and she was getting nervous and worked up over her upcoming exams. I think the smaller tests more frequently is a great idea. I wish my teachers had done that towards the end of the year.

  3. That does sound like a busy week, but so good of you to help the kids transition for their new schools.

    I’m really curious about JR Ward’s new firefighters.

    Ah, the dogs look so relaxed sleeping on their pillow. 🙂

  4. Making tests is the worst. The end of the year is always grueling. I just snagged Leah from the library yesterday and plan on reading it this weekend. I’ve started, but just. Happy reading! Hope this week is easier. 🙂

  5. Its interesting how differently our students respond to upcoming exams and tests. My students want me to give them less work so they are able to relax. They don’t really think about preparing….Its frustrating at times! Enjoy the new JR Ward book. I saw it on Edelweiss and was intrigued!

  6. Glad to hear Leah on the Offbeat was good. 🙂 And Consumed- cool cover.

    What a wonderful (and nerve wracking?) time for the students, I imagine, having to make those choices! Ah to be young again ha ha! Choices choices… 🙂

    Great puppy pics as always!

    • I really enjoyed Leah, Greg 🙂
      Yeah, it’s definitely nerve wracking for both students and their parents, I think. And at the same time, 15 is so young to make those kinds of decisions, too.
      Ha! I’m rather happy not to be that young, frankly.

  7. So..there are generally no classes on Wednesday afternoon in Geneva? That’s unusual. Is there a reason for it?

    Oh that JR Ward book! I hope you’ll love it. I saw the announcement a couple of weeks ago and decided I need to have that one! I’m waiting for it to pop up on Netgalley. I’m not very lucky on Edelweiss unless the publishers are Avon or Harper Collins.

    Have a wonderful week with your pups and books and students!

    • It’s just how the school schedules has always been. The younger kids don’t have school at all on Wednesdays, so they have a little break in the middle of the week. I think in some ways, it’s good – lots of sports and other extra-curricular activities take place on Wednesday afternoons. However, it also makes the other days longer, as everybody in high school has at least 32 hours of classes each week.
      I’m lucky, I’m auto-approved with Gallery books on Edelweiss, which is how I was able to snag that JR Ward book 🙂 I hope you’ll be able to get your hands on it soon, Astrid!
      Have a wonderful week yourself.

      • Gotcha! Still, sounds pretty good. I feel like I’m so much more productive if there is a holiday in the middle of the week.

        Ah right! Yeah…that’s what I have with Berkley and Forever on Netgalley. 😀 It’s neat!

  8. Those masters of power-napping are adorable!

    I remember that stress when I was in school, but it’s nice to have someone like you to help them.

    I heard great things about Leah on the Offbeat and you liked it too! I might have to get it too.

    Have a nice week!

  9. Wait, I just realized 😀 Geneva… I am doing some ads in Geneva! If you see any Complexions ballet ads on Facebook or YouTube, or Brit Floyd, I launched those 😀
    Anyway! Congrats on only getting one ARC 🙂 I am completely out of the loop… on vacation, but there’s this awful fridge here that won’t let me sleep so I am more tired than ever xD

    Evelina @ AvalinahsBooks recently posted: [Weekly wrap-up] Sunday post #57
  10. I recall grading and converting raw scores into standardised scores using tables – and am very grateful they no longer feature in my teaching life! All the best in the runup to the exams. I love the pics of the dogs – they look adorable, especially when they are asleep. If you could see your way to sending some of your warm weather over here – I’d be very grateful. Have a less stressful week, Lexxie:)

  11. What do you mean “what kind of school?” Are we talking sciences vs. creative arts type schools? Or perhaps secular vs. religious? Middle school isn’t such a huge transition here in the US, though high school sometimes can be, depending on how much money you want to spend.

    • We have different kinds of high schools here. One is to prepare students to go to university, so it’s aimed at science and languages, plus history, geography and other subject. Then, we have high schools that are aimed more towards commercial activities, where they learn accounting, languages, how to talk to clients on the phone, writing commercial letters (in different languages) etc. In a commercial high school, students can also opt for going to school part time, and having an apprenticeship part time. Then, we have high school that’s more about health and social science, preparing those who want to become a nurse, a midwife, work with small children, in homes for old people etc. This gives those leaving middle school a lot of choices – and it’s fairly difficult to switch from one to the other once they have started. Also, education is free here – uni costs around $1000 per year, to cover administration fees, photocopies and the like.

  12. Yes, I totally get putting off reading the last book in a series just so it can last longer. 🙂 My kids have one month of school left and starting to stress about exams. I’m assuming it’s just as stressful for teachers with all the deadlines! Enjoy your new book Consumed and have a great reading week!

  13. I hadn’t heard of Consumed and I added it to my TBR. I need to get caught up on her books and also the Talon series. It’s great how you changed your plan to help your student’s with smaller tests. I hope you have a great week!

  14. I’m so glad you already read and enjoyed Leah, I haven’t got the chance to get it just yet, but I can’t wait. The entire blogging community is already raving about that title, makes me impatient (but also a bit nervous) to get around to reading it 🙂
    I really get putting off the last book in a series, sometimes we just don’t want it to end… I hope you’ll end up enjoying that last book a whole lot though 🙂
    Have an amazing week! 🙂

    • I just couldn’t wait – as I had it on pre-order, it just felt right to read it straight away! I hope the hype won’t ruin it for you.
      Yeah, last books in series I love are always difficult for me. I still have the last Morganville Vampires to read…

  15. I’m glad to hear you loved Leah on the Offbeat. I would still really like to re-read Simon before getting into Leah, but we’ll see if that happens. haha


  16. Puppy naps are so adorable though it did take me a minute to figure out how they were situated. All the grading papers sounds stressful as does making some of the school decisions. Hope you get some time to relax this week and enjoy your reading!

  17. i can’t wait to read Leah on the Offbeat. I was super unsure at first but honestly the closer it gets to UK release date the more that I’m sure I’ll get a copy because I GOTTA SUPPORT THOSE QUEER FAT GIRLS

  18. Berls

    I want to sit down sometime (in person or virtually) and have a real chat about how your school system works. With me planning to create my own charter school I need to see how other systems work and I knew y’all had at least one afternoon a week with no kids but I’d like to know more about how that… and EVERYTHING works. I know it’s better than here lol!

    Sounds like you had a productive week 🙂 Miss you!! {{HUGS}}}

  19. RO

    Hey There! Hope all is well. I totally agree with power napping anytime of the day.(lol) That’s a new book I haven’t heard of by JR Ward. Where in the heck have I been? (lol) Happy week! Hugs…RO

  20. Eve

    I’ve been seeing the Inferno a lot this week. I hope you like it. I still need to pick up my copy of Leah on the Offbeat.

  21. I haven’t read a Kagawa in a long time. I need to try her again. Sounds like I need to get a copy of Leah. The end of the school year is in sight, that means craziness abounds. Hopefully it settles down for you soon. Love the doggy pictures!

  22. The pups look pretty chilled out and happy! I have sympathy with your students. I got really stressed around the exams every year! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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